Favourites 842 stories
  • Favourites 842 stories - 2972 unread chapters
    Created by oneyou
    - October, 2014
Found 827 stories in 59ms

Total Words: 85,689,447
Estimated Reading: 34 weeks



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Sometimes ruling a kingdom means that you have to get your hooves dirty. When Blueblood starts stirring the nobles to disrupt Celestia's reign, she has to take a step in.

Reading by Scribbler Productions: Deceit

Chapters (1)

The time has come to tell Rarity what he feels and Spike is not entirely sure he's ready. But it's now or never... will she return his feelings? Will she break his heart and brush the pieces under the carpet and send him back an empty husk devoid of hope? He's almost willing to take that chance... okay, maybe not. Better get out of here before she opens the... door...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been absent for longer and longer periods of time, but nopony knows why. Feeling her absence perhaps more than she would like to admit, Applejack decides to find out exactly why her friend seems so distracted and why she seems to be avoiding everypony.

Chapters (1)

There's a lot more going around Fluttershy's cottage than anypony knew. But it might just be time for it to be exposed... or not?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to What if: Rarity from The Three Sisters met with Chrysalis

Choosing whether or not to visit Chrysalis has been bugging Rarity for a week since receiving an invitation to do so. But there seems to be trouble brewing in the Hive and Rarity now has little time to act. Either way, her family's future rests in her hooves.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters

What if... After "The Three Sisters" Rarity managed to find Chrysalis and talk to her?

A definite sequel.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: will contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor and Cadence's spell reveals something completely unexpected as it expels Chrysalis and her changelings out of Canterlot: A secret kept from everypony for several years...

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Many years after sending her beloved protege to Ponyville, unease sits heavily on Princess Celestia's heart as her relationship with Twilight Sparkle seems to have cooled despite all they've accomplished together. On the advice of her sister, Celestia sets out to investigate and resolve the lost connection with her most faithful student. What does it mean to be a Faithful Student...or a Princess of the Sun?

Earned a six-star rating on Equestria Daily and featured on its very own TVTropes page!.

Chapters (11)

Twilight finds a dusty old book full of puns and begins to use them, much to the dismay of her friends, considering her puns are slowing down their travels and they need to be PUNCTUAL.

Chapters (1)

A crossover story between My Little Marriage and Project: Sunflower. The story takes place after Chapter 30 of Project: Sunflower and before Chapter 22 of My Little Marriage. Contains minimal spoilers for both stories. Co-written by Merlos the Mad and Hoopy McGee.
Two completely different worlds, two very different women:

Mary Morris is an ordinary wife and mother who woke up as a pony one strange day. Since then, she's been struggling to retain her sanity and deal with her new body, all while hoping to find a way to change back.

Erin Olsen is part of a project to investigate the newly discovered world of Equestria. Using advanced nanotechnology, she was turned into a pony in order to better fit in with the local population.

After a test of new world-traveling technology goes wrong, these two meet up and have sandwiches.
This story is a collaboration between Hoopy McGee and Merlos the Mad.
Pre-reading, editing and general suggestions given by Ludicrous Lycan and Firebirdbtops
Original art by Conicer and modified (text and Santa hats added) by Merlos the Mad.

Chapters (1)