Favourites 842 stories
  • Favourites 842 stories - 2972 unread chapters
    Created by oneyou
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 85,689,447
Estimated Reading: 34 weeks



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.my name is charon, ferrypony of the underworld.
.it is my task to carry the souls of the dead into the darkness beyond.
.this is a necessary burden, one that i took up at the cost of my own spiritual tranquility.
.and i will not sleep, nor will i taste the soothing kiss of oblivion, until the last pony is ferried.

Chapters (7)

Months of torment without end. Months of going to school, fearing each torturous moment. Rarity, broken and afraid, finds solace in a small clearing in a forest near her school. Her bullies do not come for her there.

Until one day they do.

They make their intentions of beating her up quite plain, and when the leader went to attack her... What she did; she didn't mean for it to happen that way, but it happened.

In the main timeline, she killed all three of her tormentors and went on to become a deadly serial killer. Here, one of them escapes, and Rarity is caught right away...

An alternate universe of The Secret Life of Rarity

Cover art link

Want a print copy? You can get one here!

Chapters (20)

"Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power." -Descartes

Fluttershy and Discord have become very good friends lately.

Now if only she could convince him that she's not in his imagination...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Broken Blossom

Joyous Blossom, the unicorn daughter of Sweetie Belle, is spared from death by Princess Celestia, and is instead given therapy to deal with her problems. What they don't know is that she is far beyond therapy, and she becomes more dangerous than anypony thought possible.

Now it is a race to prevent her from becoming her aunt, a task that is no easy feat. For Blossom is literally built to be the deadliest serial killer that Equestria has ever known.

Spin-off story to Broken Blossom which is a threequel to The Secret Life of Rarity

Cover art by the amazing Viofriedsebe

Chapters (22)

The Great and Powerful Trixie joins the battle to save Ponyville!

So why did she wake up in a waiting room?

Contents by: Gravekeeper & Wanderer D

Chapters (1)

Since their first day being Power Ponies, Spike's marefriends have returned to Canterlot's House of Enchanted Comics for more adventures. One afternoon, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are enjoying a supertastic escapade as Radiance, Mistress Marevelous, and Zapp. The number one written rule of these enchanted comics is simple: the fantasy will not end until the narrative plays itself out. One problem, though. For this particular "adventure" to end, it's written that Mistress Marevelous and Zapp must kiss. Passionately.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy lives a normal pony life: Simple needs, good friends, an established reality around her... and so, she starts her day as usual. Until Discord visits. But she has stuff to do.

Warning: Read at your own risk. When I say Random, I mean Random.

Chapters (7)

The star system Omega Centauri was just another oddity on a map to scientists in the not too distant future. However when they found the star was orbiting an earth-sized, earth-like planet instead of a black hole as its motion had suggested, a mission was scrambled to investigate this most unusual of celestial behaviors.

Hamstrung by politics, and nearly crippled before it began, the 'Lone Ranger' mission was reduced to just one crew member and left to his own devices.

These are the logs of Arrow 18 and its lone commander. This information is classified TOP SECRET by the Global Space Agency.

Do NOT tell the princess.

Chapters (16)

Twilight sends Spike shopping at the market. He returns with a strange furry fruit. Overcome with curiosity, Twilight tries it.
The original Twilight Eats a Peach story. Accept no substitutes!

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle loves peaches. How far will she go for one? Can anything stop her?

Warning: Random.

Chapters (1)