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Under the quiet of night, there's nowhere for Luna to hide from the things which haunt her.

Cover art: Luna by Equestria-Prevails.

Special thanks to Cornflak, someone who looks beyond the words.

Chapters (1)

Trixie Lulamoon, the personal student of Princess Luna, has finally, through a combination of reasoning, pleading, and whining, managed to convince the princess to invest some real responsibility in her, and give her a chance to show off everything she's been learning while under the alicorn's wing. Luna has appointed Trixie to be the official representative of her Night Court to the town of Ponyville, which this year will be hosting the Longest Night Celebration. Trixie is additionally tasked with overseeing the preparations for that festival.

At first, things seem to be going less than swimmingly. The catering is way too many kinds of apples, the weather patrol is far behind, the musical maestro is nowhere to be found, and the decorations could use significant toning down. To top it all off, Trixie can't help but feel that this was less an appointment to a position of real responsibility, and more an informal exile from the Night Court. Still, things could be worse: a mad alicorn goddess of fire and hate could escape from her millennial imprisonment on the sun and try and conquer Equestria.

But what are the chances of that?

A prequel to Boast Busted
Part of the Lunaverse
Now has a TVTropes Page!

Chapters (18)

Cowering behind a makeshift barricade, Twilight must work together with Applejack to defeat the unknown enemy. The trench-style warfare is hard, both on body and soul. Will she manage to overcome her fears, and somehow breach the enemy's defenses?

Random, short one-shot. Emphasis on random.

Chapters (1)

When one of Fluttershy's dear animal companions wanders into the Everfree, she sets out to bring him home safely - but what she finds at the center of the forest is something she didn't expect, and something that ushers in a change to her world that makes each day darker than the last.

Chapters (4)

Cody Lofton is a 17 year old teenage boy living in the large city of Indianapolis, Indiana where he lives pretty much a normal life of a teenage boy. However, some strange phenomenon happens with the skies turning from sky blue to bright pink. What makes it even more strange is that he discovers a teenage girl lying unconscious in his own yard. What he does next would change his whole life from there on....

Part of the PonyFall Collaboration

AN: Just got Featured! You guys are so awesome!! :D

Chapters (9)

Everyone has an imaginary friend growing up: a stuffed animal, a companion to guard us when the monsters come knocking and the like. We know them and love them; they mean everything to us. But have we ever stopped to ask what we mean to them?

Chapters (1)

Young Iron Will tries out his fledgling workshop on a certain difficult (and sulky) griffon.

Chapters (1)

Twilight doesn’t believe in curses but all that changes when her estranged uncle leaves in her possession the ancient slab of Akhal-Teke Ramses the Late. All seems normal until late that night when a ghostly figure demands the tablet’s return or suffer its curse.

Chapters (1)

War is war. There is no in-between. In the midst of chaos and death, sometimes incredible stories surface in the military community. And sometimes, the story becomes the reality.

Corporal Ben Wolfe of the 13th Army Expeditionary Unit shouldn't be alive, but he is. He's alive because of his daughter. He's alive because of Rainbow Dash. He's alive because of the pony in his pocket.

But a plastic toy won't save you forever. A plastic pony can't go back to your family to tell them your fate. Who, then, will be with Wolfe when the end comes?

The pony in his pocket?

Featured on Equestria Daily! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/story-pony-in-my-pocket.html

Cover by totallynotabrony: http://totallynotabronyfim.deviantart.com/art/The-Pony-in-my-Pocket-cover-art-332699355

Chapters (3)

Flight 19, one of the many disappearances over the Bermuda Triangle. But maybe they didn't just disappear? Maybe they went somewhere else? The Bermuda Triangle is a very strange place, full of unknowns and horrible tales. This is the tale of Flight 19.

Note: This is a collaberation between GoldenArbiter and myself. We will add the main cast as we progress through the story. Thank you everyone and please, enjoy. Cover Art by the very talented Athanix.

Note the second; By GA. We have also Added Dave Morris to the cast of writers, and he has added much already. So yah, it's okay, when it's in a three way.

Chapters (12)