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  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)

When Button Mash is forced by his mother to attend a slumber party with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, he is very much against the idea. However, he has no choice but to make this one sacrifice if he wants to get his precious JoyBoy back.

Thankfully for him, it all turns out to be better than he expected... until it comes to the 'Truth' part of 'Truth or Dare.'

As a result of this, Button's greatest secret comes to light — but it's not the one the Crusaders were expecting to hear...

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Joint second entry for UK of Equestria's July Fimfiction Writing Contest, the theme for which was simply 'Slumber Party.'

Comments contain spoilers.

Now with a reading by EnderBlaze!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy loves her son, but it's been rough raising him. There are those who have always seen him as a threat. Who mock and make fun of him. They see him as nothing but an abomination.

It hurts her to know that there are ponies out there who do this to her son. It hurts even worse when one of those ponies was one of her friends.

***Warning: Spoilers in comments***

Adjustments made in the story due to some criticism that I've received. Hopefully it will help it a bit more :)

Pre-Read by: TwilightUCrazy and Bakmah Genesis

Edited by: "mysterious beautiful stranger" and InsanityCorps

Chapters (1)

After Twilight delivers a batch of books to Sweet Apple Acres as a gesture of goodwill, she finds that one member of the Apple Family is not interested in her offerings. Through her efforts to discover why, she inadvertently discovers Big Macintosh's most shameful secret.

Thanks to JBL for the story idea.

Thanks to Holo, Midnight Legend, ajvasquezbrony28, Sir Rustbucket, ValorlordV5, and Sage Runner for editing.

Now with a YouTube reading by Thornquill!

Rated Teen for some thematic elements.

Chapters (1)

She's seen Rainbow Dash do it. How hard could it be?

Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)

Upon accidentally making a promise that she never would have agreed on while in her right mind, Rarity finds herself forced into a pie-to-the-face fundraiser, along with two of her friends.

Will Ponyville's resident fashionista be able to stay sane in the face of messy whipped delights?

Better yet, will she be able to learn something about friendship in the process?

Chapters (1)

He didn't deserve another chance after what he did, but he got one. He got the forgiveness he never expected, from the last pony he ever expected to get it from. In gratitude to her, he writes her a letter, thanking her and her friends for everything.

His mind and heart laid bare both to himself and those who read it. He has the freedom he truly wanted.

But you know what? Just a letter isn't enough. No, he must tell her himself.

Equestria Daily Featured, and proud of it, baby!

Chapters (1)

Who was I...
It doesn't matter. The mind was willing, but the flesh was weak.
And the Kraahkan... it changed me. Told me how to accomplish my goals... turned my weak flesh into strong, hard steel and antidermis.

I am Teridax, the Shadow of Equestria. Or, as the guards of Tartarus know me, Prisoner 0.

And I've served my sentence.

Chapters (20)

Ooooooh, I know how I should start the story! I do I do! It should start with 'once upon a time'! Right?


Awwww, I guess you're right, Cola. Everyone likes it the way it is now!

(Oh, and it's a story about when I was a little filly and my friends were all colored rocks! She said it needs that or else nobody'll know what it's about when they click it -- whatever that means! Cola also wants me to tell you it placed second in the TWG Contest and got on Equestria Daily!

Oh, oh, oh, oh! It even won this! I didn't even know Twilight kept a library of stories about all of us!


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Numbers

Eleven years ago, a young stallion named Filthy Rich became a father.
His daughter was his most prized jewel...
And he swore he would always love her.

One morning that stallion's filly brought a grown mare to tears,
And Filthy Rich was forced to see his Diamond through new eyes.

Now, he must find a way to bring out the sparkling gem only he can see, before Diamond Tiara destroys her classmates... and herself.
If that gem even exists at all.

But raising a child isn't as simple as working out a business deal or solving a financial issue, and Filthy Rich must relearn what it means to be a parent if he ever has a hope of redeeming his daughter.
For the price of an innocent foal's tears is more than even he can afford.

Featured 5/27/14 - 5/28/14

Chapters (3)