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Applejack is known for a lot of things: being honest, being strong, loving her family... apples. But the thing she's most known for is having a really incredible set of eyebrows. It's for this reason that Celestia has seen fit to bestow upon Applejack that highest of honors. She's going to make her a princess... of eyebrows.

It takes less than 24 hours before Ponyville is literally on fire.

You can thank the last Seattle's Angels Podcast this time.

Chapters (1)

They've known each other for a long time, now, so Rainbow Dash thinks its time to share with her friends something cherished and precious: a chance to meet her beloved father. However, what they will learn on that visit will give them much to think about over the years to come.

Written especially for Memorial Day.

Chapters (1)

Maud Pie has an unstoppable passion for rocks and minerals of every sort, but no one else seems to share that same passion. Not even Boulder is as enthusiastic about them as she is.

Follow Maud Pie and her close companion Boulder as they make their first stop on their rock expedition: Appleloosa. The town is in the middle of a gold rush, but everything may not be as it seems. What mysteries will Maud and Boulder uncover?

Probably none!

It's a very boring story, so be happy that it is COMPLETED.

Chapters (5)

It has been twelve years since Twilight Sparkle was shrunk to 1/100 of her original mass to minimize the damage caused by her uncontrollable surges. Twelve years of struggles, challenges and hard work as Princess Celestia’s student, in which the tiny mare found the joy and excitement of facing everyday adventures of a huge world.

One year before Nightmare Moon’s return, Princess Celestia sends her tiny student to learn about pegasus magic from professionals, the Wonderbolts themselves. Much to the princess’s pleasant surprise, Twilight forms strong bonds of friendship during her one month of studies with Soarin' and Spitfire while the Captain of the Wonderbolts, Impressed by Twilight’s talent in magical surgery after the crystal mountain incident, offer her a job as one of the Wonderbolts’ medics.

While Twilight accepts the offer with Celestia’s blessing, provided that it would not last longer than half a year, the other Wonderbolts are not too happy with this idea. Will Twilight manage to win their trust, and what kind of adventures and challenges await her so far away from her home in Canterlot castle? Only time will tell.


This is a sidestory that takes place in "Celestia's Tiny Student" between chapter 20 - "Camping Trip" and chapter 21 - "Birthday Party."

Chapters (26)

After a recent cluster of calamities cursing her farm, Applejack's livelihood stands on the brink of financial ruin. Desperate, she asks Twilight Sparkle for a loan to keep Sweet Apple Acres running.

But when Twilight's unexpected answer inadvertently causes the two mares to butt heads, the stalemate threatens not only Ponyville's food supply but also their friendship.

With the two obstinate mares sticking to their principles come Tartarus or tidal surges, can Pinkie Pie bridge their ideological gap and save Applejack's farm?

Chapters (2)

In a fit of pique, Twilight summons the Cutie Mark Inspector to Ponyville to conduct a cutie mark review of the townsfolk. When it transpires that every pony has been interpreting their cutie marks wrong, Ponyville is thrown into chaos. Has Twilight bitten off more than she can chew?

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has done something unheard of: she's found a changeling right outside Canterlot borders! But much to his surprise, Twilight doesn't kill him or turn him in as the law requires. Instead, she saves his life.
And when life gives you lemons, you will feed.

*Featured 5/19/14—5/21/14! Thank you so much, guys! I love you all! *Proof*
Set before "Twilight's Kingdom". Twilight has been princess approximately six months. Not sure if AU tag is necessary.

My Amazing Helpers!:
Go kill them with your love!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's tenure in Ponyville has been anything but calm. Since the Summer Sun celebration, she's dealt with a variety of foes, from Nightmare Moon to dragons, hydras, Discord, and King Sombra. But when Pinkie Pie asks for help with a small problem, Twilight finds herself pulling out all the stops to deal with the most dastardly (and curious) fiend yet encountered: Sugarcube Corner’s haunted mailbox. Rainbow Dash’s letter from the Wonderbolt Academy is on the line. Failure is not an option.

Chapters (1)

A week after moving into her new castle, Twilight's still sighing. But when she sees Applejack and Granny Smith at the site of the former library tree, she learns that there's still some magic in Equestria she's unfamiliar with. It's an earth pony town, after all, and tall oaks from little acorns grow.

Chapters (1)

Doctor Sparks has never believed in ghosts, and the stories about Canterlot General Hospital being haunted by them didn't discourage him at all from taking on a position there as assistant chief of surgery. But when he awakens one night to a lifeless building filled with inexplicable and horrifying creatures, the doctor is forced to reconsider everything he thought he knew about the hospital, his beliefs, and his own mind. Because at Canterlot General, the past has a way of creeping up on you. Because at Canterlot General, sometimes the present and future do too. Because at Canterlot General, there are things that haunt you, things that hunt you, things you can never truly escape from.

Because at Canterlot General, everything loops.

[Originally written based on the /fic/ Writeoff prompt "Time And Time Again".]

Chapters (7)