Favourites 1882 stories
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  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

After discovering a long-lost artifact, Daring Do is suddenly thrust into a world of deadly danger and intrigue in the most hazardous jungle of all: Manehattan. However, she soon finds an ally in a pony clad in purple and going by the moniker Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. Together, the two mares endeavor to uncover the truth behind the artifact and the ponies that want to silence them...forever...

Chapters (16)

When dark creatures begin appearing in Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna summon the bearers of the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot. Before the six ponies can arrive, though, four strange ponies are expelled from a portal that appears in the throne room, and they explain that Equestria is not the only place at risk from these creatures. Thus begins an adventure that will reveal a greater destiny for Ponyville's librarian than she could have ever dreamed of.

Kingdom Hearts/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover. Pairings undisclosed.

Chapters (16)

Time is a fickle thing. It never seems to spend much time with you, nor does it seem to depart when you want it to the most.
This story is about an alicorn who has all the time in the world, but desperately wants to give it all away.
Because forever is a long time...

Inspired by a certain Book of Living Magic and a cat named Screech, and Dreaming with Ponies.
Featured on Equestria Daily.
Proofread by Ex-Nihilos.

Chapters (1)

(Now with Fanart!)

Scootaloo's rather embarrassed by her Mom. Not because she isn't cool, arguably she's both the hottest and the coolest mom in Ponyville. It's not about the fact that her mom serves on the royal court either, though that doesn't help. Maybe it's got more to do with the fact that the reason her mom is almost never seen after sunrise or before sunset, or because before the Mare in the Moon returned to Equestria, she knew her name.

Or, you know, that her mother is a chocoholic, an embarrassing know it all that's actually lived it all, owes personal favors to Princess Luna, and has the unfortunate job description of 'ruler of the land and day'. Sure, having Celestia as your mom is cool and all, but at the same time nopony can know who she really is. Nopony gets to 'know' her, and every moment is guarded against snooping visitors. And yet, there's still hope for a better day to come. Even when all your mom's enemies and rivals finally come home to roost and ruin your day. It can't be all bad, right?

Now with a Trope Page: Scootamom on TVTropes

And Fanart:

Chapters (10)

As the years drew on, Spike's childish heart grew into that of a true adult, longing for the finer things in life; the finest things. He pursues his relationship with Rarity, but all does not go as planned.

Filled with anger and sorrow, Spike and Rarity fall away from one another. In his grief, Spike pursues new interests, and their friendship is in danger of never recovering.

But perhaps the truest words in life are these: you do not know what you had until you have lost it. Jealous and alone, finding no comfort in stallions she once loved, can Rarity reclaim her one chance at true love, before it is too late?

Chapters (13)

Three years after the 'Cupcakes Massacre', Pinkamena Diane Pie is held in the Canterlot Prison for the Mentally Unbalanced. The state declared that ponies like her were beyond treatment or reason... but one doctor took interest into the mare's case and wanted to crack open her psyche in order to better understand her actions. Soon, a mental game of cat and mice takes place; in which you never know when one will be cornered.

~ Sequel: Dysphoria

[Cover image by LavosVsBahamut]

Chapters (5)

Shiny Beam is stuck in a rut. He's lost the fire that once made him a great writer. All is not normal in Ponyville, however, as a strange anomaly thrusts him far, far into the future, where no trace of ponies are left on Equestria... except for one survivor. This long-secluded pony recants the tale of his life and the end of Equestria.

In this barren land, Shiny must find hope. And a way back.

Featured on EQD! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/story-resolution.html

Chapters (1)

The desert is a hard place to grow up when you love nothing more than the rain. Unfortunately, learning to be a pegasus in a town of unicorns and earth ponies is the least of one foal’s concerns. For Stormy Nights, trying to fit in the world isn't just a challenge—it's daily life.

Thanks to Silicas and everyone else who helped preread.

Cover art courtesy of Voodoo-Tiki

Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (3)

After an incident with the heart of Liberty, Niko Bellic finds himself awake in an unusual hospital. He quickly learns that he is no longer in Liberty City. His rough, gravely world is about to be turned upside down.

Chapters (13)

Wishing to celebrate her sister's return to Equestria, Princess Celestia revives a competition long-forgotten to modern ponydom: a race over the kingdom's oldest road. Twilight Sparkle and her friends sign up to participate in what they think will be a fun diversion, but will their individual reasons for running breed cooperation or conflict?

Chapters (4)