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Derpy has been summoned to Canterlot by Princess Celestia. She has been fitted with the ceremonial armour of the Royal Guard, and has been brought to a courthouse. The princess has asked her to speak of an event in her past that she has no memory of. An event that changed her life and altered her personality. She just has to keep reminding herself that "most days are pretty good."

Chapters (4)

It's not terribly easy being a pear selling pony in an apple loving town....Forelle is a pear pushing pony from Roam, here to help her family out and find her way in the world. This is what happens to her in the course of an average day.

Forelle created by Egophillaic

(Oh neat the update made the featured bar, thanks everypony!)


Chapters (4)

The planet destroyed. The flood gone and the covenant obliterated.
All because of one man, Sergeant J. Forge. The man who literally stared death in the face to save those aboard the 'Spirit of Fire'.
But what if the detonation of the slipspace drive tore a larger than intended hole in the fabric of space, essentially creating a portal to another world.
What if Forge hadn't perished on that day, but awoke to find himself in a completely new and foreign world ?

Chapters (8)

A sociological experiment gone horribly right leaves Twilight on the verge of the hardest decision of her life.

Now has a sequel, Variables

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Hey, everyone. OtterMatt here. Just for the record, I’m not coming back to FimFic. Not ever. I’m sorry to say it, but my life has moved on, as it were, and writing just isn’t a part of it anymore. That being said, I love these stories of mine very much. There’s a lot of myself that I put into them, and at least a couple people have told me that these stories meant a lot to them as well. So, for those people, and for anyone else who enjoys my work in the future, I’m charging my friend Spabble here with curating my completed stories. Thank you all for the love, the faves, and the support as I grew and learned. Keep doing what you love, and the best of luck to you all.

Chapters (2)

Princess Luna and Derpy Hooves are best of friends and share a love of gaming. They play, they own, and they dominate in the online gaming world. They're just freakin' awesome alright? Gaming is what brought these two together as friends but as time goes on (and Princess Celestia's antics) will this love of gaming bring them something more than they expected? Will they become More than Gamers?

Wrote this while I was blasted and drunk so if you hate it... I don't blame you at all. It's going to be a chapter fic so yeah, deal with it.

Based off the Ask Princess Molestia tumblr but a bit more tame... I think?

Rated T for alcohol, minor language, and a whole lot of sexual themes and what not. C'mon, if it's based off a Princess Molestia tumblr and you really don't expect sexual shit, then you need to be sent to the moon.

Chapters (22)

After Scootaloo was able to get some frustration off her chest, Cheerilee thinks there is something more going on. While trying to offer advice about Scootaloo's current problem, she finds that Scootaloo's life isn't as happy as she probably thought.

Chapters (6)

Inspired by the story image, RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse and Trinary's "Rainbooms and Royalty", I give you my take on the alternate universe concept. Namely, a universe where Spike is the pony and Twilight is his dragon assistant.

The thousandth Summer Sun Celebration is approaching. With it will come the return of Nightmare Moon. Celestia has no student to call upon to save Equestria, and is doing all she can to make the last day of peace meaningful for her people.

Meanwhile, Spike "Purple Prose" Flail is a reporter for the Canterlot Sun. He finds himself being shipped down to the boonies with his longtime friend and assistant, Twilight, to cover the biggest festival Equestria has seen in a millennium!

But even with a visit from the princess, there's no way someplace as boring as Ponyville could ever be newsworthy. Right?

A/N: Credit for cover image goes to dzetaWMDunion on Deviantart art.

Story would also include character tags for Thunderlane and Cheerilee if not for the character tag limit.

Now has a TVTropes page!

Chapters (20)

[Featured on EqD and FiM Fiction] Chrysalis is brought to Canterlot to stand trial for her failed invasion. Thinking her fate is sealed, she is determined to be defiant to the very end. Loosely based on March to the Scaffold, the 4th movement of the musical piece Symphonie Fantastique by Hector Berlioz.
All links to the music pieces are in the Author Notes.
Dramatic reading of the entire story by Illya Leonov
Dramatic reading of Chapter 1 by xPsychoShyx
Picture is by Huussii

Chapters (19)

Season 1: November 28, 2012 through January 1, 2013
Season 2: February 24, 2013- February 23, 2014
Season 3: To be announced sometime in 2014. (well before Half-Life 3)

credits go out to Marik_Azemus for the amazing cover he drew for the first season of the story and SuperBigMac for all the help he's given with writing this intricate idea. I'd also like to thank my friends and you the fans for all the amazing support!

Henry was like any average person, content, happy, and always looking for the brighter side of things... Until a traumatic event tears him apart from the very core, changing every facet of who he was and could have been. Years passed and his condition never truly improved, even when he moved out of his parents home, a place with nothing but dark memories and empty promises. Despite that, he's tried his hardest to stay strong as he works towards his major in Music Arts, regardless of the disadvantage his condition creates for him.

A fellow musician renowned for her many concert performances literally stumbles into his life and begins to show a different side of what it means to live. Can she help pull him from the shell he created around himself and teach him to be true to himself or will the weight of the world be too much for him to bear?

Chapters (14)

When a magician is stripped of clothes, status and pride, she is forced to wander a path of uncertainty, blindly searching for answers and purpose. Trapped in the dirty and tattered maze of her own exile, when can one no longer call herself Great and Powerful?

Chapters (1)