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Rainbow Dash's dad, Blue Streak, has been lonely and sad ever since Firefly passed away. Rainbow has tried her best to cheer him up, but to no avail. On her latest visit, she finds out that her dad has been seeing someone and is now happier than ever. She couldn't be happier for him, until she found out who it was.

Editing and idea provided by: Bronystories.
Writing (mostly) done by me. Special thanks to him for being awesome.

Chapters (10)

Between the events of The Return of Harmony and Keep Calm and Flutter On, the daughter of a once-famous Equestrian Alchemist is discovered in the basement of her father's home, still alive and still young. Twilight must unravel the mystery as to what her father was up to, and why he imprisoned his only daughter.

Chapters (26)

Twilight decides to go out for a friendly night of drinking with her two friends, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, to relieve the stress of planning her brother's wedding and defending Canterlot against the changeling invasion, but not all is as it seems.

A letter arrives in the middle of the night, informing the unicorn that one of her two friends has been replaced by a changeling.

Chapters (1)

Ponies these days are nuzzling younger than ever. Talk to your foals about the dangers of unprotected tummy rubs.

A Los Pegasus charity commission for Pav Feira. He... he gave me the prompt. I had no choice. Forgive me.

Chapters (1)

Equestria has been home to numerous popular television shows in the past; Hay's Anatomy, Doctor Whooves, Star Trot. All of these shows have had massive successes, and fandoms of varying size and reputation. However, there was one show in particular that sparked the hearts of millions of ponies, spawning an unlikely following of mares of all ages... a show primarily meant for little colts.

Lyra was just an ordinary mare before she found the show. Now, she's an ordinary mare with an obsession for humans, like thousands upon thousands of other human fans. So when a summoning spell goes wrong, what will Lyra do when she finds a human in her kitchen? How will the rest of the fandom react to his existence, akin to how humans would react if a pony showed up in their world? Being a pony fan himself, how does Anon interact with the situation? How do the two fandoms combine with one-another and ultimately affecting the other's physical realm?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Miller

In the underworld of Equestria, where lowlifes lurk and crime runs rampant, one pony is whispered about with fear and hate. Not many know where he came from or why he (accidentally) left a trail of destruction through the criminal ranks. In fact, Vinyl and Octavia were his only confidants. Now the mysterious visitor is back, and he's, well... not a he anymore.

Edits by Treilacl

Chapters (26)

Lyra Heartstrings: local lyrist of Ponyville and all around nice pony. But despite that being her special talent, no one acknowledges her for it. Instead, they remember her for something far weirder, that Lyra wants forgotten.

Chapters (1)


Truth or myth? Ancient lost civilization or just an old pony's tale?

No pony has ever seen one, and most haven't even heard of them. But Lyra knows that these wonderful creatures are more than just old legends, and she's going to find out... and possibly drive her roommate insane in the process.

Chapters (31)

In a dark place named Tartarus, a subterranean hellscape between worlds, humans and ponies are paired together at random to survive a gauntlet of horrible monstrocities while the future of their realms hang in the balance.

Now, are you buying that? Good. Cuz I'm friggin' tired of having to explain it all on top of dragging this annoying-ass unicorn around the effing corridors of purgatory along with me. You'd think the damn, burning yahoos who run this place would give us rest stops to drown ourselves in beer or something. Friggin' A.

Oh, and some ponies and humans spill blood together and stuff. I dunno. Stop playing BattleDuty: Future Football and read this, or whatever. Like I give a crap...

Chapters (10)