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Rainbow Dash turns thirty, and it's just like any week, month, year, or decade of her life.

Chapters (1)

I love to steal. The thrill of the theft, the shivers that go down my spine when I pilfer someone's valuable or rare object... it's an adrenaline rush.

Back on Earth, my job was damn difficult. Laser tripwires, security cameras, alarm systems, and armed guards were just some of the things I had to deal with on an almost-daily basis if I wanted to make ends meet. Here in Equestria, though... it's almost as if they want me to steal from them. It's a cakewalk. Even with Fence taking a portion of the value when he sells my stolen goods, I'm still practically rolling in bits.

Surely nothing bad could come of this at all... right?

Chapters (4)

Luna's disposition worsens after Twilight Sparkle once again outdoes the Princess by fighting back another evil foe. Princess Luna wishes to speak with somepony, and finds that a therapist is her only possible choice.

Cover photo by Leyanor.
Featured on Equestria Daily (somehow) on 12/19/2012.

Chapters (14)

The creak of metal echoed as a hellish choir in the room. Lyra sobbed, clutching the little communication device to her barrel, as though it were her life itself. "Please..." She whispered. "Anypony, I think-I think it's getting closer." ...A sickly, raspy breathing crested the doorway on the other side of her hiding spot. "Help..."


There is an organization which protects mankind, but remains shrouded entirely in secrecy. It is known as 'The Foundation'. They are unscrupulous and methodical, sacrificing as many lives as need be for the greater good. It can't be helped, the supernatural and meta-physical will always be a threat to humanity.

But not all of their specimen and objects are dangerous. They are varied, some help, some kill. Some are delicious. Some, are deadly.

And some are...well... Cute

Hello everypoooony! I'd like to thank all the awesome bros that helped with this collab, MrPockets as a writer and editor! MerlosTheMad as a writer! And finally Flying Wingnut as our last collaborator and chief editor. Hope you enjoy the beginning of our haunting tale... *ENGAGE SINISTER LAUGHTER*

Chapters (3)

Tartarus. A burning plane of existence made to punish the damned and evil. And ruling over this pit of hellfire is Hades, Lord of the Dead and God of the Underworld. And while torturing souls and abusing his two minions Pain and Panic are always good fun, he's grown bored. With his plans to rule Olympus and destroy Hercules down the tube, he needs a new aspiration in his un-life. And since he needs to buy some groceries, Ponyville seems like the perfect place to go shopping. And maybe make an ally or two for his newest plan to take over Olympus. If he doesn't burn them all to a crisp and steal their souls first.

Chapters (8)

That's right, the Joker, otherwise known as the Clown Prince of Crime, the Harlequin of Hate, and the White Duke of Death, is now in Equestria. Will this unpredictable, murderous psychopath learn the true magic of friendship and abandon his old malicious ways? Or will his arrival kick off an unstoppable crime spree to shape Equestria into his own image? Like I said, the Joker is unpredictable.

Special thanks to my awesome prereaders X19, LDSocrates and The Alpha, who are the best of the best! Read their stuff or just thank them for reading my unedited monstrosity before I release it to you guys!

Now on TV Tropes because of the greatness that is Shadow Sora94. Give him some thanks!

Chapters (14)

The Helicoprion, a long-lived genus of shark-like cartilaginous fish that went extinct millions of years ago. This predator certainly was a strange one, seeing how its lower jaw was basically a mix of a fruit roll-up and chainsaw. I make a living studying fossils, and this guy certainly takes the cake for the number one in the weird factor. So imagine my surprise when I inexplicably turn up in Equestria of all places. As a Helicoprion. Guess it's just one of those days.

You can thank Csquared08 for the idea for this story. And I will get that seal of approval, one way or the other. Also to my kickass editor, Linkerman! Thanks for all the help, dude!

Chapters (5)

Equestria is growing, and magical savant Twilight Sparkle is disgusted by the crime and corruption this change has brought. Her life is changed forever when she discovers the Death Note, a notebook with inexplicable and deadly powers. She uses this book to pass judgement on those she deems unworthy of life, aiming to create a perfect world free of crime. But when the two Princesses put their best pony on the case, a mysterious detective known only as L, a psychological game of cat and mouse erupts between the two.
Comments contain spoilers. Artwork by blu-red, opening by Anon3mous. Now with its own TV Tropes page.

Chapters (36)

Twilight Sparkle finds her long lost brother and wants him to reconcile with the family. Only that maybe it was probably for the better that they haven't.

*cover-art by Morfonious*

Chapters (29)

Older Chapters now being edited by DerpyDash2131
When Canterlot has to be evacuated for a week Twilight offers her parents a place to stay.
Trouble is, while Twilight is a grown up, independent pony who has saved the world (At least three times) Her parents still treat her like she's a filly.
Her father is going through a mid-life crisis.
And her mother is trying to set her up with every single stallion in Equestria.

This is going to be a LONG week.

Chapters (10)