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A battle-scarred (human) warrior, in his quest to find inner peace finds himself in Equestria. Now, in the most peaceful realm in existence, how will he keep his human weaknesses from tainting these kind ponies.

This is my first story EVER. And in all honesty its probably awful, feel free to leave painfully honest comments.Also im not entirely sure how to do this whole process so if i do anything wrong please help me.Thank you friends!

Chapters (7)

For every light, there is always a shadow. Imagine if you will, all the monsters that you envision in your dreams and nightmares. Vampires, Lycans, Changelings, Ghosts, Robots. For eons, we have all but considered these beings to not exist. They have always been in the periphery of our minds, always in myth and legend.

But what if I told you that all these things were real?

In a secret world, hidden behind a careful masquerade, guarded faithfully within the tower of Tartarus, these creatures not only exist, but live together in strange harmony with one another.

Welcome to Penumbra, the Shadow of Equestria. Where the sun never shines and the moon glistens in imperishable night. My name is Adam, and I've just become its latest resident.

(This is a sequel to On Light Hooves I Tread 2: Homeward Bound. While reading it is not required, it may help to read that story and the previous one to get a grasp of what's going on. It is also a Crossover with Dungeons: The Dragoning, in a sort.)

Chapters (1)

"What happened?"
"What is going on?"
"Why are we Pokémon?"
"Why are we in Equestria?"

So long story short, a brony and pegasister are sent to Equestria as Pokémon and they don't know how it happened or why. Now they must travel through Equestria to either find their way home, or live out the rest of their lives in a new world in new bodies. And only one of these questions will be answered.

"Where is Fluttershy with the cuddles?"
"Don't look at me like that, I know you want one too."
Probably going to be that one.
Edited by: BronieMan305
Pre-read by: psychicscubadiver
Tank you Koru Konsui for helping me think of a name for this freakin' story.

Chapters (5)

World’s greatest teacher, Royal Protector, Immortal. All of these are titles to a man known simply as J. One night, he and his current student were pulled into Equestria. There, he makes a name for himself, serving under Equestria's royalty. When an entity that's threatened Equestria since its beginning appears, will J protect Equestria or will he fail to uphold his title.

Chapters (6)

Never one to be a believer in the meaning of dreams, I find myself in an, interesting, quandary.
What would you do, if you were able to converse with a deity? Not my first question I would ask myself every morning.
It's even tougher to ask when sitting with said deity. Now, what to discuss?

This is just a collection of thoughts I had one evening as i ponder my real life situations. As a warning, there will be discussions of religion, faith, and societal norms as the underlying theme, and the topics may be heavy and or uncomfortable. However, as a subculture, we are very open-minded. That is what really drew me to the fandom. So here are my ideas of what a sit-down chat with the sun goddess might produce.

Chapters (1)

After a spell goes wrong, a mage named Connor finds himself in the so called peaceful land of Equestria. But not all is as it seems, as the already shaky relationship with the bordering griffin nation comes to a boil and Connor finds himself at the center of it all.

Chapters (7)

With Discord defeated young Jennifer Allen can now find her way in Equestria free of chaotic monsters trying to press her into their service. Now following Princess Luna's advice (certainly not orders) she has to experience and learn how to live as each of the three pony tribes before choosing the one she ultimately wishes to belong to. Add to that normal school work, a burgeoning business, and weekend lessons with a certain Princess of the Night and Jen may just wish she was back on the road fighting monsters all over again.

This' a direct sequel to my first story The Best Babysitter. I do alot of recap in chapter 1 so you don't have to read the first, though it'd probly be best if you did! ^^;

Now with sequel of its own! Galaxia's Equestria

Chapters (20)

A strange creature wakes up in the middle of a strange land. In a thousand other worlds something similar has happened to a thousand other characters. There's just one problem; he's not from Earth. And he's not entirely human.

His home is a primative land ravaged by war, a far cry from the peaceful realm of Equestria. How will he react to a world full of sapient ponies? More importantly, how will they react to him?

Because, if it will take him, Equestria might just be the fresh start he's been looking for.

Takes place between Seasons 2 and 3.

Chapters (8)

Someone has entered Equestria, but it is not your normal human. A mind brimming with intelligence, but also of darkness. He is obsessed with his experiments and in unlocking the true natures behind the world. How will Equestria cope with this insane genius? Will he be of great help to the Princess's, or will he fall to madness?

Don't forget to like, fav and comment if you enjoyed it. I appreciate all feedback

Chapters (5)

Dead end job at some nameless super market, not too many friends, and single. Yet After a random encounter his whole life will become anything but average.

My first HiE fic, I know it's not too good but I'd appreciate any help to improve my sub-par story telling.

Chapters (9)