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Two best friends, Anon and Mous land in Equestria after they are swallowed up along with their apartment. The two try to live their lives in relative peace as they learn to make friends and family with the colorful equines, in spite of all the obstacles fate throws their way. Along the way they strive to keep to the universal law they hold so true: Friendship is Magic, but Bro-ness is 5ever.

-Authors note:This fic has lots of Youtube links to songs to set the mood for certain scenes, if any of the links are broken, just drop a comment below and let me know where it is, thanks. -Mandroid.

Chapters (102)

After accidentally using a spell to summon a human she's been talking to online, Luna discovers that happiness comes from unexpected sources.

To those of you tracking this story, I'm back! That's right, Lunar Love is off of it's hiatus period. Expect more within the month!

Chapters (5)

Amidst the Destruction and the Chaos, The Blood and Tears, the Hatred and Loss, A Legionary finds a glimmer of hope, happiness and redemption in Ponyville...

But the Question is...

How Long can he stay in this happy and peaceful place?

Chapters (11)

(The Redone Version) (EFH has it's own TV Tropes page! Thanks to redandready45! )

A human has been teleported to Equestria after a lightning bolt struck him. The ponies of Ponyville had never seen anything like him before. Full of fear and uncertainty, all of Ponyville, except for the Mane 6 and Spike, avoided him. The human, with the help of the Mane 6, must earn Ponyville's friendship before a way back home is found.

Rated Teen for some language and mild peril.

Chapters (18)

Arthas Menethil, Crown Prince of Lordaeron and Knight of the Silver Hand, was the son of King Terenas Menethil II and heir to the throne. He was trained as a paladin by Uther the Lightbringer, and had a romantic relationship with the kind sorceress Jaina Proudmoore.
Despite his promising beginnings, Arthas became one of the most powerful and evil beings Azeroth would ever know. Taking up the cursed runeblade Frostmourne, he became a death knight, led the Scourge in destroying Lordaeron, and merged with the Lich King. Ruling as the dominant personality of the Lich King for years afterwards, Arthas was defeated in combat by adventurers of the Alliance and the Horde and banished from the world of Azeroth forever.. but to where?

*For those of you who are WoW fans, this is a story where Bolvar Is never crowned the next Lich King and the Helm of Domination is sent to Equestria along with the fragments of Frostmourne.*

*Being Rewritten*

Chapters (0)

This is the story of two friends who are drastically different, yet the same in... in some way. I don't know. Anyways, this is the story of two stallions as they emerge from their broken pasts (like all OCs) and come to Ponyville, finding wacky adventure, new friends, and... well, stuff. They confuse anyone they meet with their bickering, then amaze them with their cooperation when it comes down to it.


A collab between my friend RLYoshi and I.
RLYoshi: "Hey, my FIMFiction one-year anniversary is coming up soon."
Mobius: "Hey, mine too. I only joined a couple weeks before you, so..."
RLYoshi: "We should do something to celebrate."
Mobius: "Make a crossover chapter for one of our stories?"
RLYoshi: "Nah..."
Mobius: "Make a whole new story involving our ponysonas?"
We'll do our best to update it often, yet there are no guarantees, except for the fact that there will be updates within two weeks of each other.

Chapters (5)

A dungeon deep and dungeon old, a tale of prophecy fortold.
A sword that will come forth one day, to keep the darkness at bay.
To protect the ones who wield, the sword first must have to yield.
First must come the sworn allegiance.
A pact of blood called to honor.
Powers of harmony collide.
and a time of war fulfilled.

Written by-Venful

Tell me truthfully what you think of the story and where I messed up. I Accept all comments weither it be good or bad. so just tell me truthfully what you think...
P.S- Tell me whatever tags I might be missing, I would like my story to be accurate at least in description. And the story is set somewhere along the lines of the end of season 2 and the begining of season three. I won't do all the episodes for season 3 but I WILL use some along the story.

Chapters (5)

"My name is Kevin, and I'm twenty-two years old. Walking home one night, some ^($&er called The Creator sucked me into some sugar-bowl hellhole called Equestria, full of talking magical *#$^ing ponies. I mean, what the hell man. I must be ^&$^ing cooky."

If cursing, glaring stereotypes, and total disrespect for anything and/or anyone in the name of mockery offends you, this aint the story for you.

Chapters (9)

A Khajiit, a Dunmer and a Redguard walk into an Ayleid ruin. Then they end up in Equestria.
Can they cope? Will they survive? And how will they manage around the inhabitants?

A TES/MLP:FiM crossover.

Chapters (3)

0515 GMT Sunday morning. "Ugh, why did I get picked for this?" Standing around a aeroplane with "special materials" on board is not my idea of fun. It's going to be boring. No attempts to steal it, no protesters. Damn, I was hoping for the 50 year old lawyer to jump the fence. That would've been worth it!

A few hours later and the "special" stuff is being loaded up when there was a solid thud behind me and then a bright flash before I was blown away by the pressure wave. My first thought was "I'm dead". For all intents and purposes, I might as well be. My new mission? Find a way home.

Rated teen for lot's of swearing. The dark tag is there for the first few chapters, and some more may appear later on. And if someone knows the artist for the new cover, can you let me know.

Chapters (31)