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PLEASE NOTE. The story you are about to read is currently undergoing reformatting, proofreading, spellchecks, and improvements. If you see anything that is spelled incorrectly or does not make sense, please send me a message!

This story is based on an ongoing roleplay and is being adapted into a fanfic.

Enter Norman Bach, who's ordered life begins to be turned upside down after a trip to the hospital ends in an encounter with a strange looking creature claiming to be a pony from another world. Is he going crazy, or is she really what she seems?

Orginal Concept: lunabrony
Fanfic Adaption by: lunabrony
Originally Written By: lunabrony and PL

Anyone who wants to talk/RP ponies with me can contact me on AIM at brisingrkonungr

Chapters (22)

Conjuration is a lost art in Equestria. Celestia is bored, and decides to learn some summoning spells. She summons an otherworldy creature, but will it be anything like what she expects? A non adventurous HiE. Mostly just learning about interactions. I'm just gonna roll with it, and add tags an ratings as the story unfolds.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Cheating Death

Equestria is a land filled with many amazing myths, legends, ponies, creatures, and monsters. But what happens when something new is thrown into the mix?

After the events of 'Cheating Death', Felix awakes to find he had survived his excursion into Equestria. Now a much different man then when he first set out, Felix decides to go and explore the Equestrian countryside. Change isn't the only thing that followed Felix though, as Death, or Harvey Stir in this universe, has been made his guardian until the ramifications of his actions can be fully calculated by the celestial bureaucracy. Harvey Stir keeps a close eye on him, hoping that Felix won't cause any major problems.

Such as, being involved in a bank robbery, starting random musical numbers, getting captured by a murderous cult, setting fire to a nest of changelings, or inadvertently releasing a dark god of destruction from ages long past...

...Not that any of that would happen... right?

Special thanks to: Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, munomana, and Alamais.

Chapters (2)

"Reconditus Lunar Dominus. You stand accused of high treason, conspiracy against the very foundations of our kingdom and several attempted invasions that have resulted in the destruction of countless innocent lives. How do you plead?"

I still remember that moment. My accusations were the last thing I ever heard before coming to this... abomination of a land. Of course I plead guilty. They did catch me in the act, and denying it would help little. They sentenced me to execution by vorpal blade- a fate given to only the most troublesome creatures. Fortunately I had a failsafe- a powerful spell I had invented for just this occasion, though it's exact formula was experimental at best. I should have predicted I'd end up in some pastel playground.

Edit! :
For those new readers out there, I am currently going through and heavily editing this entire fanfiction after a near eternity of hiatus. I will be trying to post what chapters I've finished on a weekly basis, but some are longer than others. To my older readers who are returning, I am sorry for the inconvenience but I want to put my absolute best work forward and be absolutely certain of where I am in the story- I hope you'll keep reading and enjoy it even more once the newer chapters roll out!

Until then, look for me in the author's notes, or shoot me a message!

Chapters (5)

Now how do I start? I know, dinosaurs! I have a very intense fascination about them, even more so for a certain predator that seemed to beat the Tyrannosaurus and the Gigantosaurus in size and ferocity. The Spinosaurus. With a very odd sail and a snout like a crocodile, who wouldn't want to examine them? I did, and after treating a mother and her whiny son quite roughly, the equivalent of a holy punishment lands me in Equestria in the middle of an apple orchard belonging to everyone's favorite cowpony and as a Spinosaurus.

So how will they deal with something quite terrifying? And how will I deal with being a theropod that I know very little of?

I got this fairly ridiculous idea after this guy posted about the Helicoprion shark. Thank him, don't thank the German.

Chapters (7)

A new being appears in Equestria only one problem he wakes up in bed with Princess Luna, with no idea how he got there. How will everypony react to him? What will princess Celestia do to the first human to enter their world? Will he be banished when they find out his dark secret? Only time will tell.

This is my first fic so please be patient with me, also comments are appreciated.

Thank you

Chapters (13)

We've all made some very strange or regrettable choices in our lives. For me, most of mine were forgotten the next day, but this one simple choice had now burdened me with the task of overthrowing a Princess. I'm not from this world, I was once from Earth, living my life as best I could, and now because of someone named Discord, I'm in a place know as Equestria. My entire life is now at risk. If I do this job that the God of Chaos has tasked me with, I can live, if not, I die. I'm not going to like what I'm about to do, but I'm more afraid of dying by the hand of my own personal nightmare.

Authors notes: I am looking for anyone who could do a cover image for this. PM me if you want to contribute artwork for my story.

Chapters (31)

"Imagine if you would, a perfect world, free of all of life's little sins and sufferings. Now imagine that you're living in this world now, totally free of any obligation or consequence of the reality you left behind. Would you take the chance to enter this perfect world? Click yes, or no, at the bottom of this page. Rules and restrictions do apply, only citizens within the boundaries of earth are eligible."

Disclaimer: Written long before 'Keep Calm and Flutter On' aired.

Warning! Shameless self-insert OC story ahead! Proceed at your own risk!

Does contain some language and violence from time to time~

I know there are some grammatical errors, but they will be fixed chapter by chapter once the story is completed.

Chapters (33)

Have you ever been in that situation where your life just completely turns around, throws you into Equestria, and turns you into a Windigo? ...okay, that may be getting a little too specific.

I'm Arrell - well, that's what I'm called now. I used to be a human, and now I'm a Windigo. What am I doing? Well, aside from enjoying cold places, breaking the fourth wall, and occasionally getting involved with ass-kickings, not a whole lot. It's surprising how mellow life can be when you're in the body of a creature normally seen as demonic...of course, it's become a lot less mellow now that these articles have started showing up. Strange objects from other dimensions possessing unique and dangerous properties, and I have to retrieve them.

...all in all, could be better, could be worse.

[Chess Game of the Gods story. Sequel here.]

Chapters (56)

A new man arrives in Ponyville in an unusual fasion. He fell from the sky, but he doesn't have wings so how did he get in the sky in the first place? And how does he survive the fall with barely a scratch. Six young women attempt to help this stranger. And all he wants to do is run. Run away from his past and the pain it holds. And maybe now he can.

In this new world he can start over, begin to trust people once more. He can finally stop running and find peace. Perhaps even find love. Or so he thought. Turns out he's not the only visitor to enter the world from across the very plane of reality itself. Now he's forced into a war he never chose.

Why was he sent to a different world? What is this war? And who was it that sent him?

He's caught in a war never intend for him. Or was it?


Author's note: This will be a rather humanized story, characters from My Little Pony will still have horns and wings. I will also be switching from our protagonist's first person view to a third person view of someone else. Also the crossovering won't happen until a couple of chapters later, but I can assure you that when it does happen, it will be big! There will also be a mild amount of swearing and gore. Nothing too descriptive though.

Edited by BronieMan305

Chapters (5)