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Echo is a high ranking changeling officer. The Canterlot invasion was going perfectly, and her battalion had personally defeated the Elements of Harmony. Suddenly, she finds herself far flung from Canterlot, crashing into the Everfree forest. Now she is faced with a difficult reality - her hive, the only family she's ever known, no longer exists, and she must adapt to life as a pony. What she finds out about herself, though, will surprise her.

Rated Teen for occasional suggestiveness and language, tagged gore for brief violence, particularly in later chapters.

Dark because later chapters get pretty ... well, dark.


Addendum 5/29/2018

This story is now, as of this addendum, five years old. It is getting more attention as I put out new chapters on the sequel.

I recognize that this story has problems, and that some of them by their nature carry over to the sequel; please remember that when I started writing this, I was not yet even old enough to legally drink in the US. A lot has happened and a lot has changed, and there are many things about this story I regret including, but which it is now too late to change. Some of those things I have simply done my best to ignore and make irrelevant, but some of them are errors from a 19 year old me that will haunt me until the sequel is finished.

In short, please be gentle.

Chapters (11)

Pretty poor story at this time. Giving it the revision it desperately needs.

Luna's homecoming was not all she had hoped.

Though none challenged the goddess' right to rule, the princess has found herself in an era she does not understand with scarcely a loyal ward or devoted courtier to which she may turn. With affairs of state alien, her prestige and image tarnished by years of absence and her prior turn to tyranny, the deity of the night finds herself alone, wearing her cobwebbed and mothballed crown.

An immortal force of nature she may be, but her heart of hearts still bleeds with the pain of desolation. And the heart only suffers so long before it demands desperate action...

Chapters (0)

The many planes and universes of the cosmos is a wondrous thing, but also not fully understood by many. So when a cowardly Kobold bard somehow finds himself thrown from his material plane, he comes face-to-face with a certain trapped god of chaos. Making a deal with the promise of being returned home, he is then sent to equestria to finish it.

Unfortunately for him, he knows little of the ramifications when it comes to invading another world. As he travels though this new land, he will find that ponies and parties will be the least of his problems. He soon discovers himself hunted down by a being of order to stop the chaos he may cause before it gets out-of-hand. With only his wit, knack of running from danger, and trusty lute, will he succeed in triumph? Or fail miserably?

Either way, he's about to make a giant fool of himself.

Chapters (14)

After the malfunction of an ancient transportation device, the Captain of a spacefaring warship finds himself alone on a planet full of unusual and impossible creatures. His curiosity eventually leads to the discovery of age-old mysteries, and perhaps age-old enemies...

...But what do they have to do with a few special objects on this planet?

Set in the universes of MLP and the Homeworld series, follow Captain Soban as he tries to reunite with his people and solve the once-thought-solved puzzle of the Progenitors, while keeping himself sane in a world that spits in the face of physics.

Chapters (17)

Revised as of 06/06/2013
Felix Jackson died saving a little girl from a train. Fortunately, it wasn't his time to go and Death was just about to send him back. But Felix pulls a fast one and tricks Death into sending him to Equestria. And Death is none to pleased about this. It's tough enough to avoid death on earth; but when you're the only human in a world of miniature technicolor ponies, hiding becomes all but impossible.

Revision editing done by HoovesMcCoy, AuthorGenesis, and Anonymous

Pre-reading done by Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, and munomana.

Chapters (8)

What do you do when the world itself seems to conspire against you, where no matter how hard you try; you are constantly pushed back down? Do you stand against it as a lone light in the dark? Or do you too fall into the abyss and join the masses? This is the story of my life, or I should say this was the story of my life before it was taken from my cruel and heartless world and put into one that was just as cruel and heartless but with new rules and a new body. My attempt at a story in the Chess Game of the Gods ‘verse that seems to be expanding daily. Picture is not mine (three cheers to Google for the artistically inept)

Chapters (9)

Sign up to defend equestria as the ponies of the 368th Night Fighter Wing take to the skies in armored jet fighters called strikers to defend the realm against all comers!

Flight Officers Flare and Zephyr are the newest pilots of the Equestrian Aerospace Defense Force and take their duty to the crowns and country quite seriously, especially after being hand picked for Princess Luna's personal fighter squadron, the 368th Night Fighter Wing. With a border dispute with the Northern Griffon Kingdom heating up looks like our heroes might be getting a lot more action then they bargined for!

This is an action-adventure fic, dark tag is because for Equestria anything with a war or dying is pretty dark to my mind. Ponies are fighting and individuals will die, it is however no more graphic then say... the movie Top Gun. There will also be adult language (cussing, lots and lots of cussing) through out the story.

Squadron Patch provided by Explosion-Man of deviantart. (cover image)

Chapters (19)

Ryan O'Connor was a young man with a long career in medicine ahead of him. Was being the operative word, as Ryan has been dead for a long time, only brought back a monstrous bio-weapon that he helped create. Now on his third life, he finds himself in a world he never expected to end up in. How is he still alive, and more importantly, why is he surrounded by ponies?
[Prototype]-MLP Crossover

(Please excuse continuity issues, the story is currently undergoing a rewrite.)

Chapters (20)

An old friend long thought dead by five of the mane 6 and Celestia has returned. Including some old enemies of Equestria and Celestia herself, that threaten the very existence of Equestria and ponies everwhere.
But Celestia has a deep secret that even Luna does not know.
And it includes someone they all love and know.

This my first fic...so...yeah
Added note...my grammar isn't the best

Chapters (9)

Tau Niem is an alien - a Danarian to be specific, an extraterrestrial progenitor of the Human race. Once an honored diplomat for the Third Interstellar Federation of Danarian Clans, he was 'dismissed' from service. Without any attachment to his former life, he took to hopping through time with the aid of a prototype time-machine that may, or may not, exactly be legal...or even ethical. Somehow, he fell asleep one night in his past - our present - and awoke somewhere else...somewhere with a lot of ponies.

AN: The Names of Chapters are the written in Danarian (as best as they can be, using the Latin-alphabet). First the number of the chapter, then the title, followed by its meaning in English.
AN II: Tau Niem, Danarians, et cetera are property of myself. MLP and all characters thereof, are property of Hasbro.

This is a non-profit work, made under the fair-use doctrine.

(Proof-read by Rainen D'Avernathy, Ruby Goldberg & The Republican Brony)

(Constructive criticism is appreciated!)

Chapters (17)