• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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Author Note: This is something new I wanted to try. Contains 10% human, 90% ponies, and 100% fun-filled, cuddlelicious goodness. Not suitable for those allergic to cuddles. Please consult your physician before reading.

A young university student suddenly finds himself thrown from his homework studies into a land filled with more colour than Gears Of War, talking ponies with ridiculously huge eyes, and topped with so many cuddles that it makes Care Bears look like Michael Myers.

And for some reason, all of them come to the conclusion that he must be smothered in cookies and cream-delicious cuddles.

For some, it's heaven; for Jamie, it's his own little plane of hell that makes even Satan feel torment.

Inspired by Forced Pony Cuddles

Yay! Thank you guys so much for getting this fic in the featured box! You all deserve huge amounts of cuddles. And you're gonna enjoy it!

Chapters (20)

Death. When one is faced with the idea of it, it both terrifies and allures us. But in the case of one Grape Vine a corrupted lawyer who meets her end she meets death and has been chosen for some reason to take up the mantle of the grim reaper. See through the eyes and feelings of her as she deals with both her new job and what its means to be death.

Chapters (16)

Ratchet and Clank have tracked a distress signal to an unknown planet. Ratchet, who can't wait to discover what lies on the planet's surface, finds that things are not what he expected. Now he along with his best friend Clank must do their best to make a good impressions on these 'candy colored horses' while preventing their world from becoming consumed. Just a normal day in the life of a hero.

Rated T for fantasy violence and basically what you expect from a Ratchet and Clank game. Oh and Ratchet and Clank will not be turning into ponies. Characters will be added as needed.

Chapters (7)

Anon may be the smallest standing in all of Equestria, but he is the largest when if comes to having fun. Always getting himself and ponies around him into shenanigans. Anon likes to take thing up to 11, and many of the ponies let him. Join us as we sit back and watch Anon do things that no human has done before.

This fic contains very large ponies.

Chapters (2)

An inventor with an odd specialty in gears and cogs teleports himself to Equestria many years after Earth is ravaged by death and decay from a nuclear armageddon. He then proceeds to muddle things up with his fancy mathematics and twisted morals.

Chapters (10)

Name's Storm. It's my title, my alias, and my identity.

I've been fighting for centuries now. Thousands of them, in fact. Traveling from dimension to dimension, trying my best to maintain proper balance. Not too much Law, not too much Chaos. Not too much Good, not too much Evil. At the same time, I am different. I have something that's unimaginable. Something that strikes inspiration in allies, fear in enemies, and horror in Gods themselves. A piece of interstellar technology I so aptly named the 'Universal Editor', a device that enables me to 'edit' the Strands of Existence, which then allows me nearly impossible feats.

After a close-encounter and failure to perform my self-imposed duty, I escape with only a flesh wound (or seven). Only to fall right into a realm packed with mythological beings, heavy emphasis on peaceful environments, and colorful technologically-inept equines that constantly try to become closer to me. Let's see how far my remaining sanity will plummet after this...


Rated Teen (Good amount of swearing, minor descriptive gore, and plenty of violence)
Story began: January 26th, 2012 (Posted on the 27th)
Editors: ShadowHorizons (Editor-In-Chief), SovietBacon
Cover Art (using Photoshop) made by: SovietBacon (artist of original picture [found thanks to EdwardJ] is this guy.)

Chapters (14)

Anon likes his life to be simple. He wakes up, goes to work and sometimes gets himself a good book to read while he is home. It's a routine that he likes to follow, it makes him feel like he has a bit of normality with his life in Equestria. The fact that having Celestia come crashing into his home as part of his routine should prove that his life is anything but normal.

(Thanks to PeerImagination for editing!)

Chapters (16)

When Ghost decides he actually wants to attend school with Applebloom, what new discoveries will he make about ponykind? What struggles will he face as a Changeling hidden among ponies? He will need to learn how to survive among others his age, along with making new friends along the way.

This is a side story to 64 vs. The Underground. While 64 is over in Gryphon Kingdom, Ghost is still in Ponyville living with the Apple Family.

Chapters (25)

A failed experiment.

Not exactly new for Twilight. But when the outcome brings forth its own science, the likes of which her nation hadn't even yet dared to hope for, the ponies of Equestria slowly realize that they're in for the adventure of a lifetime.

The problem is, they might just not be ready for the revolutions that technological advancement always brings.

And they're about to get hundreds of years of human science and advancements all at once.


As a forewarning, updates will likely be erratic. I have every intention of finishing this story, it's just that my life has been rather crazy lately as I'm sure many of you can imagine.

Also, if you are going to leave a thumbs down, please leave a comment detailing why. Thumbs downs don't tell me much, and I can't make the story better until people tell me what's wrong with it.
Thank you for your time.

WARNING: There may be spoilers in the comments. Read at your own peril.

Covert Art brought to you by the amazing powers of photoshop with an artist's permission.

Chapters (1)

Imagine being one of the most powerful and most acclaimed martial organisations in the known world. Imagine knowing that five hundred people like you turned an army of twenty six thousand, taking only a few losses and destroying the enemy utterly.

Imagine going each day to the God who gave you such a privilege, and swearing to serve Him anew each day. Imagine knowing that each day, you are living the life you have been called to.

Imagine knowing that by fell treachery, torture, and lies, your order was now under threat by those whom it had aided in the past, and that now you were hunted for that help.

This is the tale of Johann von Saxony, and the struggle that this places on his life.


Due to an unfortunate lack of time and attention, this story has been placed on hiatus. I cannot currently devote the time required to rewrite it and continue it as it deserves. I will continue it, have no fear - but not now.


Due to being asked multiple times to update it and in the end flipping a coin, I have recommenced the continuation of the story. The end will be reached sooooonishly. (like about 100 000 words or so)

Chapters (17)