• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


Owner, founder and CEO of Randomocity Enterprises(tm).

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After committing a series of crimes that he may or may not have actually done, Bob is turned into a statue, sentenced to fours days of endless nightmares...

If you can call watching ponies doing weird, gross, adorable, and uncalled for things to each other nightmarish.

Which Bob does...


Contains inappropriate jokes, statue humor, science, fo-dangales, and polly-winks.

A fic in which I'm surprised that no ones ever done :/

Chapters (5)

The Third Street Saints have fought many different types of enemies:street gangs, international syndicates, terrorists, even aliens, but when the Boss is transported to Equestria, they will face an entirely new challenge:
Walking on four hooves.
The Boss will join up with the Mane Six to take down the gangs that have taken over Equestria, and return the crown to Princess Celestia.

The Boss in this will be addressed in "They" because the Boss is what YOU want them to look like.

Chapters (3)

White mark has been on his own for as long as he could remember. There wasn't a pony in Equestria that had cared for him at all. His parents abandoned him when he was old enough to work, he had always been bullied since he was little, and he never really had a home to call home. But, little did he know, all this was about to change.

Chapters (12)

A human baby, weak and fragile, is found by queen Gaia, the ruler of Equestria.Together with king Solaris, the two adopt you as their son.
Join our little prince in his times of joy and in his times of strife. With friends by his side and his little sisters, our prince will understand that friendship is magic. For he is, after all, the elder brother.

Insipred loosley onThe monster of Canterlot and (very loosley on...) The love of the sun (can't add a link because it's against FimFiction rules, go figure)
A little something I wanted to share, hope you enjoy...

Chapters (17)

Being brought out of prison is one thing. But to be brought out after 1000 years and to find your body has aged 10 years but your mind hasn't is a completely different thing.

Such a thing happened to a boy shrouded in a dark forgotten past who at just eight years old was trapped inside the Crystal Heart for a reason he doesn't remember.

Armed with a shard of the Crystal Heart in place of his own and an underaged mind will he be able to find out why he was brought back into reality, why he was trapped in the first place and what's changed about his body and the world around him.

Featured: 19/06/2014 (We did it guys :D )

Chapters (8)

So I was relaxing in my room, replaying my oldest, yet still loved trilogy adventure: Baldur's Gate.
I'd passed the first book and was working on the second, and had just changed my Thief main character into an Assassin and input all the changes on the character screen, when, well, it happened.
Nobody told me my laptop was an interdimensional portal, and I suspect that normally, it wasn't. I also suspect that normally, it would have no power to change me into my main character either.
Who I was before is unimportant now. Who I am now is Marketh Shadeblade.
And I will do what I have to in order to survive, or more importantly, carve out a little niche for myself here in pastel pony land.
There might be one or two small problems with that, but it's nothing I won't be able to handle. Right?

Chapters (30)

A man wakes up in a hospital surrounded by ponies, and learns that he arrived the previous night after carrying a princess to their doors. The princess was terribly injured, and he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

The strangest thing of all? The ponies are more concerned than he is about everything!

...Everything except the Talons of Shadow, of course...

NOTICE: If you do not tell me why you downvoted my story, I have to assume it is the concept you dislike, and not a mistake on my part. If I do not know how to write better, I have no choice but to assume that my writing is not the problem.

Please leave feedback in the comments. Keep notes as you read, if you need to. I love to write, but I need feedback to improve. I need to know I can be good at this, and the only way to be good is to find out where I'm going wrong. Hate comments will be ignored, of course. I expect constructive criticism, not mindless ranting.

Also, if you feel I should have a specific tag, please feel free to suggest it. I am also taking suggestions on groups to submit the story to, if anyone has any ideas.

Chapters (7)

Charis is an earth pony philosopher with no cutie mark who has a desire to see the world through a perspective other than her own. She keeps pestering Discord to become his student, much to Discord's annoyance. Every day she asks, and every day, he says "no."

Until one day, he changes his mind and takes on a magic-less earth pony as his protege. Now that he has relented, the draconequus is delighted with his student, realising something has been missing in his life.

Discord, now reformed, now has the Princesses watching him, waiting for him to corrupt the innocent earth pony filly.

Eventually, he does something far worse.

Edit: Featured! 6/11/14

Chapters (4)

Coverart by http://xn-dragon.deviantart.com
Trigger Warning: The word "Anonymous"

Some three centuries after Twilight Sparkle's coronation, something stranger than anything in Equestria's history appears in the very heart of Equestria itself. A human, lost, confused, and alone, finds himself warily welcomed by the rulers of this strange land.
After trading information about himself for information about the world he'll soon call home, he leaves from Canterlot to the quaint and quiet town of Ponyville, where he eventually meets a lonely bat-pony by the name of Speck.

A rewrite of the original ( http://pastebin.com/u/NukePone ) with additional content, restructuring, and fixes.
Featured from 09Jun14 to 12Jun14
Repeat feature nearly every time a new chapter is posted.

Chapters (25)

Midnight Storm has had a hard life. She's wandered from city to city for the past three years, and they've all eventually run her out after they've found out what she is. Against her better judgement, she's placed her last hopes on the small town of Ponyville.

The residents here are nice enough, but when they find out what she really is, will they accept her, or drive her out like all the others? And when Celestia finds out about her, what plans does the Princess of the Sun have in store for the mare?

Cover image by Valkyrie-girl

Story now included in The Goodfic Bin

Chapters (20)