• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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Click this to read about the hiatus.

We’ve all had nightmares, but do any of us actually know where they come from?

What if, one day, you woke up as the embodiment of nightmares themselves?

In an alley one night, Joseph gets fatally injured after saving a woman from her terrifying nightmares.

He wakes up somehow, but he quickly finds out that he isn’t in his own body. Instead, he wakes up in the body of one of Equestria's most infamous villains.

Joseph must adapt to a world completely alien to him, as well as adjusting to his new body while trying to figure out what, or who he is.

Featured 13/08 & 14/08/14
Update Feature: 4/10/15, 01/06/16, 17/8/16, 4/12/16, 30/1/17

'Sex' tag added for strong cases of innuendo.
'Dark' tag because this fic deals with morose themes.

Edited and proofread by:
Blue Blaze {COMET}
The Abyss
Twisted Code
Waffle God
Arcane Spirit
Updated as people help. Includes one-time favours and single chapters.

A/N: Tags will be updated as necessary. Constructive criticism and ego stroking are both welcome. Set both in a world where MLP doesn't exist, and after the events of first two episodes of season one. A show-accurate period of events is not likely.

Chapters (23)

Dead Quiet is a necromancer, not a take over the world necromancer. Not a destroy all ponies and have zombies as the master race necromancer. And certainly not bring dead heros back to life and use them as undead knights to over throw everything. No, Dead Quiet is just another pony trying to live her uneventful life. But destiny has a way of making lives very eventful.

Intended as a short 1 chapter story but I kinda got in a relationship with it while proof-reading it.

Chapters (8)


"My lady once wrote in her very personal and very secret diary that I have problems appreciating personal space. I beg to differ on that sentiment." - A Butler commenting on Professional Discretion -

I'm a Butler. My friends, the imaginary ones at least, call me Butler. My job, looking after my lady, can be...challenging at times, but rewarding. Lately the job's become a little more difficult, especially after my lady's sister returned from the moon and the parliament decided to try and pass an entire bill just to be able to legally get rid of me. But managing the chaos is part of the job description, even if it means I must secretly become my lady's knight captain of her personal bodyguards in order to keep my job. Though even I could never have anticipated having to train knights cunningly disguised as maids to stay one step ahead of the nobles. Ah, the things I do for my princess.

Featured 9 - 12 August 2014. Many many thanks to everyone who kindly made this possible! You guys have doubled the fun!

Now featuring the editing talents of our resident editor Dumbgamer99. Be sure to thank him by checking out his page and giving him a follow!

Butler tag kindly made by undead003. Many thanks! (You'll find it actually works if you click on it.)

Cover Art: This picture totally contains ninjas. You just can't see them, cause they're that good.

Chapters (10)

Hector Salvator is not your average human. He was smart, talented with computers, handsome and charming, very well built, and successful. He had the life he has always wanted and worked his butt off to get there. He had the girl of his dreams, a well paid and respected job, a nice car, a wonderful house, an angelic girlfriend who cooks and cleans for him. Everything was perfect till one winter night on his way back home. Now all he has left is his book bag, the clothes on his back, and a strange scar on his forehead he can't remember ever having. To make matters worse, something has left his mind, and he just can't figure out what exactly he has forgotten.

So yes, your everyday, simple human in equestria story. I've done my research and found a small way to make things a little different from the rest of the other ones, I might find more ways but for now here it is. The picture for this sucks but I promise I will find a new one. You have my word. If you are new to my stories then know that things aren't always what they appear to be, and for those who know me, hehehe, have fun. Sex is on there for sexual themes and rare naughty scene, that's it. (P.S Yes Discord is in here but not that much, I didn't know if I should put him there or not, so I did just to be safe)

Chapters (6)

Tom an Average Joe, saves a girl from an attempted rape. But he is fatalily injured and blacks out, only to wake up in a strange place in a body of a horse. A horse known to the locals as Nightmare moon.

Edited by Izanagi

Cover Art done by SwedishRoyalGuard http://www.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Moon-372321197

Chapters (12)

NOTE: It is HIGHLY recommended that you read the original MOA before reading this story.
The original My Overbearing Aunt tells the story of Marcus, a young human living with his adoptive aunt, Princess Celestia. Now, witness the untold events of the story from the perspectives of its female characters.

How did Celestia get to the human world?

How was Luna coping with the diet her advisor put her on?

How did Octavia and Rarity get along as roommates?

Why was Honey Pot so fixated on Marcus?

All these questions and more will be answered in this parallel to MOA.

Like the original, this story is an HiE/Anthro story.

This story will start with a prologue for each character, and then follow the original storyline alternating between the different characters. This story will mainly feature events that didn't happen in the original, so it is highly recommended that you read MOA before you begin to read this story.

Chapters (12)

Discord finds himself in need of a friend. He also knows the perfect dimension to find one. A dimension like no other, one with more Chaos and Disharmony. A dimension filled with chaotic "things" called humans. Lucky for Discord the only other thing that knows of this dimension wore a hat with jingle bells, and Discord hasn't seen that that guy in eight-teen years! Alas, when Discord goes to this dimension in search of a friend, he returns with something better... He returns with a son.

Featured on 2/3/2015 at 6:36! Thank you! :D

Chapters (9)

Trixie steals the deed to the Golden Oaks Library. She quickly finds out this doesn't mean what she thinks it means.

Inspired by this blog post by MythrilMoth.

Trixie vector create by Silentmatten

Chapters (1)

Anonymous just wants to find a way home. That's too bad, because the ponies of Equestria (the mares, especially) have found out that he tastes very good. Whenever a pony tastes him, they're overcome with a desire to try and eat him. It's rather annoying for him, especially when he's only five centimeters tall.

Contains soft vore.

Does not contain clop or any of the other things commonly associated with vore. The sex tag is for context and conversation topics only. Character tags will be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (9)

{Rated Teen for swearing} {Anthropomorphic} {Labeled "Dark" due to mild racism/derogatory slurs, as well as some emotionally upsetting moments in time} {OC x Octavia shipfic.}

It's tough being different. The suspicious glances, the unusual stares, the rumours based off of gossip and not cold, hard facts. All of it stemming from how you look, or act.

Midnight Oil: while being very different, he seemed to be content with this status in mind. He was proud of his intellect, magic prowess, his line of work as a scribe for the Princesses, and his heritage as a unicorn Sarosian—A "bat pony", in a sense—living in Canterlot.

Octavia Philharmonica: A drop-dead beauty, extremely talented with the cello, well-known, and highly respected. She's a member of one of the most prestigious families in Canterlot, and utilises that status to elevate to the top.

And upon meeting each other, both hated the other to the ends of the earth.

When the former must serve the latter for two months after he had unknowingly committed a misdemeanor, will the two's hate for one another remain the same, or will tolerance and love claw through abhorrence's black veil?

Opposites such as these two will no doubt attract… and will drive each other absolutely insane.

Whoo, boy. I'm gonna have FUN with this.

This one was inspired by a few things, rather than a newfound love for Octavia - now my favourite background pony. This was partially inspired by the anime Toradora! and the book The Kite Runner. But this was mostly inspired by you guys. You guys are beautiful, and everything you do is great (Except clopping: Celestia frowns upon that shit.)

I also made the cover art. But if anyone has got anything that I think will trump mine, PM me, and I'll let you know.

Chapters (19)