• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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Trees shorter than they should be, buildings smaller than preferred, a world filled with creatures bigger than him, yet others are near microscopic from his perspective.

Trying to find out where he should fit in is hard, because he is not too small, but most definitely bigger than most. Once he connects to the dominant civilization, a whole new world of opportunities is revealed before him.

He will walk as a giant. He will walk with giants. He will walk alone.

Edited by Newbiedoodle, CheesewedgeFTW, Immortan Joe, and Silas

Chapters (10)

While a blizzard rages outside his home. Eighteen year old Zachary Yorkson, sitting in his home, suffers from an act of vandalism, as something breaks through his bedroom window. When he looks for what broke it, he finds a eye carved out of solid ice on the floor. Then everything hits the fan what with Wendigoes, Frozen wastelands, and Ice powers.

You can probably guess what happens from there.

Chapters (9)

Ponies are dangerous. At least, that's what everydragon says. They even stole his brother's egg years ago. So why are these ponies being so nice to him?

Expect elements of Comedy, Adventure, and Sad from time to time.
Sex tag added for somewhat blunt discussions about the birds and the bees.

Featured: 5/25/2014
Reason: Smeg knows. Love you anyway though!

Don't feel like reading this before jumping to the sequel? No worries, this blog post will catch you up to speed in about 2 minutes.

Now with a Spanish Translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-nuevo-dragon-1-11-923167089

Chapters (34)

Mort, also known as the Pale Pony (of Death), has been tasked to take time off from his rigorous duties of reaping souls. Seeking guidance, he is directed towards the town of Ponyville, to learn about the magic of friendship from Twilight Sparkle and her friends. All he needs to do is keep his true nature a secret. That shouldn't be too difficult...right?

Special thanks to Specter-Von-Baren and Pyrite Foolsgold for their help in proofreading and editing this story, as I really needed it. Additional thanks to Pilate, Chuckle5, Unimpressive Vagaries and Admiral Biscuit as well! Couldn't have done it without all their help!

Credit for the title card goes to Siansaar, AKA Carnifex.

For another excellent take on Mort, check out Sip's version!

Chapters (14)

My name’s Marcus. Marcus Cortez. I’m currently a freshman at CUFTA. You don’t know what that means? Well, it stands for “Canterlot University for the Arts.” While it is a little unsettling to go to college in a completely different world from my own, and while being a human in a school full of mostly ponies is a little intimidating, I’m doing fine so far. I don’t have to worry about roommates, since I don’t live in a dorm. I live with my aunt.

Her name is Celestia. Princess Celestia.

You’re probably wondering how a human could be the nephew of a pony, and an alicorn princess, no less. Well, it’s quite the story.

In case you haven't guessed yet this is an anthro story, and my first time writing a story in first person, so we'll see how this goes.

The prologue for this story starts sixteen years prior to the return of Nightmare Moon and the story's main events take place after Season 3 ends.

The cover picture is an original drawing of mine.

Edited by danail24

Chapters (29)

Scarlet Eris. Female Draconequus, chaotic in nature and an over prankster and pain the flank.

"Hey! I am not a pain in the flank!"

However, her pranking days would soon be over as she might have done something that caused her father, Discord, to send her to another dimension and since her powers over chaos is still developing, she has no real way of going back home.

To top it all of, Discord picked a particular creature to balance her rather chaotic nature AND babysit her.

And no one babysits a spirit of chaos.

There will be comedy, shenanigans, hints of romance and not to mention, tons of chaos!

He is in for a wild ride.

"Chaos? Did someone say....CHAOS?!"

Update: Holy sh*t guys! This story got featured! Thanks to all for making it happen!

Update 2: (Estimated time of feature removal: 3rd of May, around 6:30 pm Local Time: Singapore) This story's feature was good enough for me, even for a slight duration. Thanks everypony!

Update 3: (Estimated time of feature and removal: 25th of June, 11:45 pm to 26th of June) Wow! Really? Featured again? U for real guys?

Update 3: (You know the drill) Goddammit guys! Stop giving me these features! (But in all seriousness, really guys?)

Hi guys, it's Kro here for another story, this time round, it's about Eris!. I hope you guys like this story. If you don't, then I'm sorry if this seems like a waste of your time.

The picture is by the lovely JaquelinDreamz of deviant art.

P.S This story was inspired by a story that I read but can't remember the name

Chapters (10)

Hey there. My name is James. And do I have a story for you. Now only, this story is not one of happy endings, good fortune and good times. No. This is a story of a land many thought to be peaceful and very, girly, in a sense. I am talking about Equestria. Only, Equestria is only a country on a big planet, like America is on Earth. And I was lucky enough to get sent there. This planet is at war and it doesn't even know it. And I have been sent there by a women from Target. She sent me here for a reason. I just wish she hadn't set me on fire to get here. I also wish that my job was a bit more clear. Honestly, I really just want to get home. Oh, and I'm no longer human, nor a pony.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Golden Grace, Headless Headaches

Okay, SO, after stopping Omega and saving Equestria from whatever he had planned, along with Measured from certain death, I kinda, sorta, maybe used up a bit too much of my power.
There's no 'maybe' about it, you did.
And Measured, Twilight, and I are going to do some tests to see how bad it is.
Once you stop flinching at the very mention of Twilight's name.
First things first, though. Someone get me away from Cel, she's gone bananas!

Chapters (17)

Big Daddies: The ultimate protector of the metal city of Rapture, guardians to the Little Sisters. For years they patrolled the underwater streets of the distopia, keeping their little ones safe. But with the fall of Rapture and the death of almost all of the Big Daddies, where does one go from there? To the land of Equestria, where peace and Harmony reign. Does this peaceful land need a silent protector? And can the Big Daddy find a place to call home?

A few quickies: Little Sister's word is law. The Big Daddy will also be a bit more like the Alphas, but that will be explained later. You might be a little lost if you haven't read the other stories, but only for a certain character.

Chapters (26)

Doomie has been trying to get out of the hive for a while now. Ever since that 'incident' with the wedding the queen has only one changeling out at a time to collect love. Now it was his turn, and he was going to collect it from the one pony that his queen doesn't want any changeling to go towards, and if that wasn't breaking the rules. He won't even disguise either. He'll just be original and surprise her by shrinking himself. This plan is full proof.

Chapters (3)