• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2012


I'm totally sophisticated and smart. You see that cute kid in the picture? He represents my very soul... and my expert use with Google Images. I AM SMART DAMMIT

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(2nd POV)
From an accident 3 years ago, a blind teenager was transferred to another school, in hopes that he can just be treated as a normal kid again, and won't have to deal with bullies. What he doesn't know about the school is about the many crazy things that goes on inside. Or about the town, for that matter.
Chances of surviving? I wouldn't really bet on it.
Although this one girl in this town might make it worth the pain.
{Experimental story #1. Let's see how many dislikes I will get for this.}
Note: Humanized Ponies. Takes place in Ponyville, Equestria. High School and stuff. Deal with it haters.

Chapters (7)

--Second Person Story featuring You and Fluttershy--

--Alright, this is the first time I have ever written a second-person story, so make sure to tear me apart in the comments. Seriously. I don’t want sugarcoated stuff. If it is bad, let me know and tell me how bad it is. If it’s good, make sure to let me know, as I have plans for a few more stories like this, with each of the mane six, and perhaps one or two background ponies. Maybe even Celestia or Luna. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Now, on to the extremely vague and cliched description as I am never good at writing these!--

You are a pegasus, and love flying through dangerous spots. But what if one of those spots is too dangerous? One night while flying, you crash and are seriously injured. You could’ve died, if a gentle yellow pegasus hadn’t of been nearby at the time. She offers to take you in. While living with her, you need to adjust to all the nature that is suddenly all around you; You have lived in apartment buildings all your life. And now you are feeling something weird about her. What is it?

Chapters (9)

When coming home from a visit with Zecora, Twilight finds a puppy in the middle of the storm. Feeling sorry for the poor thing, she decides to take him home. With creepy things happening in Ponyville, this young pup must do everything in his power to protect his new home!

Chapters (1)

You are an ex-Wonderbolt. You are about twenty-four years old. The only reason you left the famous flying group is because you couldn't handle the attention you got, everywhere you went. You like to just have a small group to hang out with, and that's that. The fame of the Wonderbolts overloaded your senses, seeing as you were always getting attention, no matter where you went. So you have moved to Ponyville, where the Wonderbolts aren't as worshipped. But, what if there is one mare who does? What will happen? Why is she so willing to get close if she just met you? Are tacos better than burritos? Will I ever answer that last question? Read on!

--Just FYI this takes place about three months after FlutterYou. It isn't compulsory to read FlutterYou, but it might help. Like with FlutterYou, make sure to tear me apart for the stuff that isn't good. I can take it. I hate stuff being sugarcoated. If something is sh*t, don't hesitate to tell me so.--

Chapters (7)

2nd person fic

You are a pony that has found a job working on the one and only Sweet Apple Acres. You have been happily working on the fields and playing what you play best, the guitar. You always love those classic songs, pop, and even country, anything to do with acoustics. One day you work the hardest you will ever work, the Apple family reunion, the apple family makes you work till you drop, but you don't mind one sort bit, you gaze upon looking at every family member of the Apple family, but one mare spots you and she goes wild when it comes to strings.

This story contains anthropomorphised ponies (aka humanized ponies)

cover art belongs to atryl on deviantart

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to The Land Before Us

What the story is about

The story it's self is based on events after MLP FIM season 2, the story takes place in Equestria and on our Earth ( well an earth with no knowledge of MLP FIM ). 2nd fic person view of the college student in a normal day until Twilight's failed teleporting spell leaves her stuck in another world. At least until she finds a new kind of magic from the human world, but nothing in their lives will every be the same...

* Notes
This is the first story in the "Maybe" series, think of each story as a chapter to a larger plot the description doesn't do the plot justice, because each story is a small part of the real story it's better just to read it and let the plot get thicker as you progress.

Chapters (5)

During a blissfully rare calm in the hectic storm of Ponyville life, a disturbance in the Everfree Forest goes undetected. After receiving a summons from the Princess, Twilight and her friends are led into a curious task, one that they find themselves ill-prepared to handle - managing their stallion double! As each of the girls meets their very own carbon-copy-colt, they learn that dealing with themselves can be much more frustrating than they first thought.

Annoyingly, irritatingly, intoxicatingly frustrating.


Chapters (14)

My name is Artemis, I was sworn in as Princess Celestia's personal guard quite some time ago. I've watched her for so many years and silently stood by her side during all the recent ups and downs of her reign. Now I'm going to tell her how I feel. I know it would never work, we're just too different. But sometimes, there are things in a stallion's life he just has to do, and things he has to get off his chest.

What happens tonight will be anypony's guess, but one thing is for certain... it will be a night to remember.

Part one of the "To Love" trilogy. > Part two can be found here<
Teen for slight language and very mild suggestive themes.

Edited by Darastrix.
Pre-read by Azu and NATOstrike.

Chapters (1)

After ending up in Equestria, DJ Anonymous finds himself becoming friends with his Equestrian counterpart, the one and only Vinyl Scratch. After demonstrating human music, Anon is signed up to a label by the producer Tech Beat. He soon finds fame and fortune, and Vinyl is always by his side.

But when an incident at a gig leads to Vinyl making a startling revelation, Anon starts to struggle with his own feelings. And it'll take a little bit of divine intervention, as well as a ton of other advice, to make him realise what he really wants. It's just a shame Fate has other plans for him.


This needs a rewrite.

Oh look, Geo is jumping on the AiE bandwagon!

I've always wanted to do an AiE, but I never really had a good idea. To Friend Is Human started out as an AiE, but I decided it would be better as a self-insert prose story. This idea came to me while I was listening to music and browsing the AiE threads on /mlp/. I figured that it would make a good story, so I wrote it.

Rated Teen for language and eventual sexual themes and violence.

The OC Tech Beat belongs to Listener (aka Listener), and is used with his permission.

Anon thinks in this colour.
Anon's brain thinks in this colour.
Vinyl thinks in this colour.
Vinyl's brain thinks in this colour.

Cover Image by Catfood.

Chapters (14)

When Twilight was young, she used to sit on the balcony and look down at the statues in the royal garden. At the strange creatures of fur and armour and feathers and horns, and just...wonder on them.
And out of all of them, out of the unique draconequus and the rare Cyclops and the terrifying Invention Monkey, one particular statue always caught her eye.
Four...blocky, for lack of a better word, knights. Frozen in perfect formation, their heads hidden deep within the confines of their helmets. Each one stuck in the same pose, for as long as she'd known them.
And beneath them, engraved into the stone they were a part of, was a simple message.
"Wake us when something fun happens or Celestia stops being a bitch, whichever comes first."

Now with tropes page, all thanks to Eyeshield. Good work, buddy.

Chapters (7)