• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2012


I'm totally sophisticated and smart. You see that cute kid in the picture? He represents my very soul... and my expert use with Google Images. I AM SMART DAMMIT

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You awoke in an unfamiliar forest, your bed and apartment is gone, as is the city that they had inhabited. Though as you get your bearings in this new and unfamiliar world it seems that more than just your location has changed.

Now, scared and confused in a world that is not your own you must struggle to find a place of belonging and the reason as to why you have ended up in this strange and colorful new setting.

**Note From The Writer, Caelum: So if you haven't guessed already this is my first ever true attempt at writing; and so me being a fan of the second person surprise ponification FanFics decided to write my own. So happy reading to any of you who decide to read my little (hoping to grow bigger) story here. Also big thank you to Howitzer for editing this and giving me advice when i needed it. Also i highly recommend that you check out some of Howitzer's work particularly Rising Sun which in all honesty was one of the stories which kinda gave me the base idea for this one and is an awesome read. also Howitzer is willing to do editing work and is willing to help out aspiring writers

Chapters (8)

Have you ever wanted to have a fun day, but in Equestria? Have you ever wanted to go on a date with Pinkie Pie? Have you ever wanted to help Fluttershy pick flowers? Or help Twilight with her spells? Well, now you can. This fan-fic lets YOU decide what you want to do with your favortie pony!
**To suggest an activity to do with a pony. Comment below. Please, keep it PGish, this fic is for everyone to enjoy, It is only rated Teen because there are some uses of alcohol and some suggestive things.** P.S If you dislike second person fics, then just don't read this! Just please take it somewhere else... ^^

Chapters (2)

While re-shelving books at the library, Twilight discovers a journal she gave to Spike years ago contains stories about the great dragon hero Captain Invincible, who fights for Truth, Justice, and the Equestrian Way, defending the city of Ponytopolis from the diabolical Dr. Spectra and other assorted dangers.

There's just two problems: Spike clearly wanted the stories to be kept private, and Twilight just can't stop reading them.

Featured on Equestria Daily on 3/4/2013

Chapters (9)

[Second Person Perspective]

Struggling to keep your apartment, you had taken an offer of a loan from somepony who, in exchange, asked for some help in a little 'family business' as they described it. If only you knew what this business actually was. This is how you became the whippingcolt for one of the most nefarious groups in Manehattan.

You are scum. You are less than scum. That is what you are reminded of each and every day.

One day, you get left for dead in the woods. You wake up in a little cottage full of animals with your wound cleaned, your vest patched, and a light yellow mare called Fluttershy taking care of you. The first pony who had ever shown you kindness. Without any hesitation, she's willing to provide you with food, warmth, and shelter. It seems too good to be true.

All too soon, your miserable life quickly catches back up to you and threatens to drag Fluttershy down as well. What would you do and how far would you go for the timid pegasus who found you?

Art by Azenge.

Chapters (2)

You keep sayin' somethin' about bein' male and "human" before you showed up in Appleloosa. I'm not sure what you're talkin' about, stranger, but I can certainly tell you're pretty darn mad about what happened. Sit down a spell, will you? Tell me more about this "Trask" feller...

Cover art by Trinityinyang.

Chapters (12)

Running from your past has ended you up in Ponyville. The people there are as friendly as any other place you've been, and you take a quick liking to the place. After purchasing a small apartment, you meet a very beautiful rainbow haired girl and you slowly fall in love with her without knowing it.

Chapters (16)

A story told in the first person, about an unnamed Writer from the city of Manehattan, who travels to Ponyville for the peace and quiet, and to also find inspiration for any possible stories that he could write. Instead of finding inspiration however, he finds himself being tackled by Ponyville's clumsiest mailmare, Derpy Hooves, a pony with disabled vision. After a shaky first encounter, the two begin to bond overtime, and form a close friendship. After a series of circumstances, the Writer feels like he wants to be more than just friends, and everything changes the night he decides to tell her how he feels.

Chapters (15)

Matthew Williams, a citizen of New York City, leads a pretty good life, an alright job, a nice place. Sure, he has dreams and aspirations like the normal humans of the earth, but he was rather content at the moment. That all changes, when six ponies drop right on his head, and soon finds himself in a variety of situations that will spin his life in all different directions.

Rated PG-13 for Language, Violence, Mild Crude Humor, and Some Sexual Content.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to To Love a Goddess

This is Celestia's side of the story from To Love a Goddess, and the decisions she had to make.

Part two of the "To Love" trilogy.
Reading To Love a Goddess before this one is required.

Edited by Darastrix. Pre-read by Azu.

Chapters (1)

You and your family have just moved to a town called 'Ponyville' after deciding Canterlot was not the right place. You said goodbye to your friends and your old town.

Now, all you have to do is make friends and continue on living life.

It's a shame that some of them don't want to stay just friends.

Trigger tags:
(Process of being rewritten)
(Second-Person Perspective)
(Anthropomorphic ponies)
(Multiple endings)

Chapters (2)