• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2012


I'm totally sophisticated and smart. You see that cute kid in the picture? He represents my very soul... and my expert use with Google Images. I AM SMART DAMMIT

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Things go smoothly at the start of the first semester,
Until of course, when you meet this strange girl from Cloudsdale and sets motion to a series of events that will change your life forever (until you die, of course). Will this change be for better? Or for worse?

~A second-person story.

WARNING: There will be some suggestive themes in most of the chapters. MOST of the chapters.

Chapters (10)

Two best friends, Anon and Mous land in Equestria after they are swallowed up along with their apartment. The two try to live their lives in relative peace as they learn to make friends and family with the colorful equines, in spite of all the obstacles fate throws their way. Along the way they strive to keep to the universal law they hold so true: Friendship is Magic, but Bro-ness is 5ever.

-Authors note:This fic has lots of Youtube links to songs to set the mood for certain scenes, if any of the links are broken, just drop a comment below and let me know where it is, thanks. -Mandroid.

Chapters (102)

Anonymous is Princess Celestia's royal bodyguard, serving to protect her at any and all instances. While always close to the Princess, events may conspire to test his convictions as threats both old and new rise to attempt to swallow Equestria.

-My second AiE fic, put in loving prose for all you FiMfictioners.

Chapters (23)

You are a human, Anonymous, that has lived in Equestria for two years. After a Hearth's Warming Eve spent together, Anonymous goes through a revolutionary phase when he realizes that Rainbow Dash, his closest friend in this world, has been harboring feelings for him that he never even noticed. How did he never notice? Why him, and not a stallion? Is he some kind of xenophiliac deep down?

Rated for language, along with various sexual-themed exploits. But no sex. Because sex with pastel-colored horses shouldn't be posted on websites that are meant to be browsed by anyone who can click a check box on a dropdown list used by anyone browsing a website. Or at least made to be more secure than that. Because really, who would want to read something like that?

This story has been modified from its original version. It has been formatted to fit the prose-reading mind.

Audioplay (Complete!)

Links to Commando Pony's reading:
Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-8

UPDATE! The original version of this story was recently added to the /mlp/ collaboration of "Tales To Fap Too - Volume #3". You can purchase the paperback version here (all proceeds go to charity):
Link to paperback version
Again, it is the unedited version, so you'll be reading it in full 4chan greentext format. Also, you'll get spoilers. Spoilers everywhere.

Chapters (12)

[2nd person fic staring you and Vinyl Scratch]
As a pony who is not a fan of the club scene you can rarely be caught near one, but one night you decide to go to one. There you see some famous DJs, you even get to meet the very famous Vinyl Scratch. After meeting at a show Vinyl Scratch offers you a position singing for her. Only problem is, you haven't sang for years. When a series of events leaves Vinyl alone, you come to her aid.

A side note:
-There is music embedded into this story. Click the blue text to play music, stop the music when you get to the red text. Take a little pause if you have to before stopping the music. Also on the first song, skip to 37 seconds in for the song to start.
-This is my first attempt at writing in this style, so I apologize in advance for the horrors of writing you're about to witness.

Chapters (7)

You're a stallion in your mid twenties, and your life never really started after you got out of school. You live with your overbearing mother, rarely venturing outside while the sun shines bright. Your social life is absolutely nonexistent aside from lectures from mom; not to mention you've also become quite the slob. And the more it all goes on, the less you seem to care.

One day, your mother tells you that you're going to be moving to a small country town, further inland even than Detrot. As antisocial as you are, this is just bound to go wrong.

You can feel it.

[This is most likely going to be a 'choose your own waifu' kind of deal. Just something I've been meaning to try.]

Chapters (4)

When Fluttershy crawls into a cave in order to save a small rat, Angel runs off looking for somepony to help her. As luck would have it, a simple earth pony happens to be walking nearby. And that earth pony would be you.

Cover image by Kooner01

Chapters (6)

You're a letter-sorting unicorn who works at the same post office as Ditzy Doo. Sure, you're both good buddies, but a small part of you wonders if you could be something more. One day, Ditzy gives you a gift...

Chapters (6)

As an Earth Pony ruin explorer, keen for riches and looking after yourself, you come across an old, ruined castle in the Everfree Forest. But instead of treasure, you find something much more dangerous, and much more wonderful. (Set mere hours after Nightmare Moon's defeat)

Chapters (5)

It's opening night for Ink Well's musical and he's not sure what to make of all of the attention. Between the gifts and the pampering of the producer, the easygoing pegasus simply doesn't know how to handle all of the attention. But when a mysterious pony saves him from assassination, he finds space is far larger than he ever could have expected, and that time has a nasty way of playing tricks on you. This is a sequel to Newsworthy.

Chapters (10)