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This story is a sequel to Exes Meet

Sunset Shimmer is a smart girl; she knows staying in her apartment for weeks is unhealthy and recovering from a breakdown requires rejoining the outside world. However, she has not mustered up the courage to do so, largely because she is unable to trust her newfound "friends". She still wants to see them in hopes of proving herself wrong. Well, now they're all coming over to visit. Lucky her.

This story is part of Sunset's Recovery Arc. It was originally the end, but…

Rated "T" for references to self-harm in certain chapters.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Rarity Visits Sunset Shimmer at 4 a.m.

After hitting her emotional limit and being pulled back from the brink by Rarity, Sunset Shimmer is slowly recovering from her breakdown. She's not back to her new-old self just yet, but she is making progress. Unfortunately, Flash Sentry heard half the story and is on the warpath to give his ex-girlfriend a piece of his mind. Rarity tries to keep him away, but fails. How much damage can one man scorned do? Does he even care?

This story is part of Sunset's Recovery Arc.

Rated "T" for depiction of self-harm, and a couple of naughty words.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Lows And Highs

Sunset Shimmer is still recovering from her mental breakdown. While she is of course grateful to Rarity for helping her to reemerge from her shell, no illness can heal overnight. Also, Sunset has her limits. One of those is being awoken before sunrise. Rarity had promised not to, so why is she in Sunset's apartment at the forbidden time? Surely she has a good reason, right?

This story is part of Sunset's Recovery Arc.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Night Of Faded Sun

It's Spring. A lovely season, to be sure, but no one has seen Sunset Shimmer in over a week. Concerned, Rarity goes to visit Sunset in her dumpy apartment. For better and worse, Sunset explains exactly why she has cut herself off from the world. Rarity must decide how to handle an uncomfortable truth.

The third instalment in Sunset's Recovery Arc.

Rated "Teen" due to frank discussion of suicide, and mild cursing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Highs and Lows

Years of guilt and hatred and jealousy have gotten to Sunset Shimmer. She simply cannot take it anymore. She wants to find some way, any way, to alleviate or redirect her anguish, regardless of whether it's constructive or not.

The second instalment of Sunset's Recovery Arc.

Rated "T" for detailed description of self-harm and some cursing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sasha

It's cold outside. Snow is falling. Sunset Shimmer is only vaguely aware of this, pacing or dancing or something in the middle of a park. But she's dressed as if it were not below freezing. Concerned, Rarity takes the girl in. What follows is Sunset's unsuccessful attempt to explain her addled mind. We think.

This story marks the true beginning of Sunset's Recovery Arc.

Chapters (1)

Just one week out from her demonic transformation and subsequent rainbow friendship blast to the face, Sunset Shimmer needs a new leather jacket, as her old one (seen here) was destroyed. Reluctantly, she goes to the closest clothier to her home: the infamously uptight Carousel Boutique. Making matters tougher, she must deal face to face with a girl she badly hurt. Can friendship take root even after three years of hatred and distrust?

This is the prequel story for Sunset's Recovery Arc.

Jacket art generously provided by Bootsy Slickmane.

Chapters (1)

BonBon and Lyra always have considered each other the best friends that they would ever have. However, when Lyra starts dating somepony else, this brings up feelings BonBon didn't know she had for Lyra.

After 6 months, BonBon's feelings have only grown, and knowing Lyra didn't feel the same way broke her heart. To help with these feelings and that sadness that they brought with them, BonBon sees a therapist, which is where the story starts off.

Author's notes:
*Artwork by: http://kunaike.deviantart.com

*This story takes place before any of my other stories, none of which are required to read this one.

Chapters (7)

You think you know this story. You don't. One night at Berry Punch's bar, two jilted ponies strike up a conversation over some hard cider. The rest is drunken history.

Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

When Bon-Bon has to leave Ponyville for a while to deal with a family crisis in Manehattan, Lyra writes her a letter every day. And every day, she gets a letter back. What could possibly be wrong with such loving devotion?

So why is everyone growing steadily more worried about her?

Written for the 2014 Friend-Off on EQD. Based on this picture.

Reviewed by Singularity Dream here.

Chapters (1)