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In a world where she sees from a distorted perspective, all Twilight Sparkle can do is cling to the one pony she knows will never let her down: her teacher, the princess... no matter which princess her addled brain tells her that is. Twilight's used to rewriting letters, but when she's the one being rewritten, she finds the sensation to be altogether different.

Many thanks must go to my awesome editors, Varanus, Ebon Mane, shortskirtsandexplosions, Seattle_Lite, and Nick Nack.

Featured on Equestria Daily and The Pony Fiction Vault.
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Chapters (4)

Misunderstandings abound as a simple letter from Princess Celestia to Twilight Sparkle creates chaos.

This story has a prequel.

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Original "Sad Celestia" draft

Chapters (1)

One late night as Celestia and Twilight study together, Twilight discovers Celestia is ticklish. Will she use this knowledge for good or evil?
Evil. Definitely evil.

Chapters (1)

Celestia had always thought she'd reached the pinnacle of fear when she fought against some of Equestria's greatest enemies.

As it turns out, however, nothing compares to explaining to Twilight's parents that she's in a relationship with their daughter.

Chapters (4)

Twilight is a mare of many trades. She prides herself on control, ambition and building solid friendships with those around her. A hero and a princess at the same time. Perhaps one of the greatest mares to ever live.

But when a fleeting crush returns on a certain mare, Twilight finds herself in a difficult emotional position. Especially when said crush is on somepony that she's known all her life but could never truly have. Somepony that's given her everything she could have dreamed of and more. Alas she knows it is not to be.

It would be improper. It would be wrong. It would be...unacceptable.......Or would it?

*Edited by: Grimman007 thanks man.

Art work is not owned by me. The artist is Sokolas on Devianart If the owner perchance comes by and asks me to drop the picture, he only has to say so.

Wrote this after dealing with illness for a few days. My first Twilestia story. Probably one of the more emotional and fun ships I see out there and one of my favourites. My third foray into a romance fic.

Criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle have a private meeting during the Royal Nightmare Night Party.

Chapters (2)

Hello, Equestria. My name is Princess Luna, and my sister is an idiot. The object of her idiocy – her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle – appears to share her stupidity. Luckily, I am here to lend them a helping hoof.

I can't really blame them, though. They're just so adorable when they're completely clueless.


100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

Luna is on her way to visit Celestia, but hears her squealing for someone to 'stop!'

She walks in on Twilight on top of a red-faced Celestia, and the two of them react like guilty teenagers. Just what the buck is going on here?!

Chapters (1)

Twilight always thought that being able to send the Princess her letters instantaneously through Spike's fire breath was the best thing in the world. Instant correspondence with her mentor and secret crush could never be a bad thing, right? Unfortunately, Twilight has a habit of writing her secrets down on flammable materials. Now her secret's out, so what's a panicky unicorn to do? Panic, obviously!

Chapters (1)

Celestia is struggling to come to terms with her true feelings for Twilight.

Unwilling to watch her sister suffer under apathy and indecision, Luna takes it upon herself to help Celestia confront her newfound feelings.

Chapters (6)