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Rainbow Dash, fast, cool, awesome. These words and more can be used the describe the pegasus mare. But when feeling begin bubbling to the surface, feelings that, if she lets out, could risk that which she holds dear, is she willing to try and get the reward?

Originally written as a short prompt for my other story, "Rainboom and Romance", it became much longer than I originally expected, so I decided to make it it's own story.

(Also, with this story I hit 10 stories released on the site)

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, accidents happen. Sometimes, those accidents reveal something wonderful about us. And sometimes, they bring ponies closer together.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is a frequent character in Twilight's dreams, but even though they may be close in the physical world, their love is set apart by barrier of fear and doubts.

Soon, Twilight will learn that life is not as complicated as it seems.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been keeping a secret from Applejack for a while now. She has had a crush on the farm mare for a long time now and has finally found the courage to attempt to ask her friend out on a date or at the very least admit her feelings toward her. Will Applejack accept her feelings and return them with open arms? Or will she reject the love from one of her closest friends? Whatever she does the path of honesty cannot be lead astray.

However is Twilight the only pony in town who has grown attached to Applejack? Or has someone else seen something inside the mare, something worthy of love?

Hey everyone, this is my first fic, I hope that at the very least it is bearable, I will most likely improve with time and experience, I mean we all have to somewhere I guess, and this is my starting point. (If possible) Enjoy!

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle has been lonely for a long time. Long before she moved to Ponyville she had discovered she was attracted to mares. The day she arrived in her new home, she laid eyes on the most gorgeous mare she had ever seen. A mare she was certain would never feel the same way about her. As time passed she fell deeper in love with Rarity even as she became more certain those feelings would never be requited by her friend.

Twilight x Rarity in case you hadn't guessed.

Chapters (1)

Luna begins to question her understanding of the modern day language when she finds that nopony wants to be gay with her.

Olde meaning
'Light-hearted and carefree.'

Reading by Skijarama / Tone Shift

Chapters (2)

Ever since Rainbow Dash introduced Sunset to the human world’s version of the Daring Do series she has been an active member of the fan community. After spending countless hours in the Daring Do fansite’s Eris server, she’s made many friends, but there is only one that she feels a real connection with. The user who goes by the name “Gr0ss1y Incandescent”. Turns out this same User she’s been crushing happens to be her counterpart.

Punk Rock Prom Queen Presents a tale of self-love taken to its hilariously logical conclusion.

Featured on 2/1/18

My entry into Aragon's Comedy (is serious business) Contest under the prompt we learned something narcissistic.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow develops her winter floof, but it’s bigger and fluffier than ever this year.

Chapters (2)

Twilight has had to deal with quite a few peeved unicorns lately. Haughty magicians, angry teenagers, scorned savants, the list goes on. You'd think she would be used to it by now, but this time she's faced with something far more threatening, and far more unexpected...a drunk Rarity.

Chapters (1)

Rarity helps Pinkie out by kissing her boo-boo. This is totally okay and not awkward.

Warning: Shipping. So much shipping.

Cover image (and inspiration) taken from this comic by bellsPurgebells.
Why not also try This fic's sister-story by Twinkletail, which was inspired by the same reddit thread and posted at the same time?

Chapters (1)