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Twilight opens the door to her library on the morning of Hearts and Hooves day to find a surprise waiting for her, but who is it from?

Chapters (2)

After Rainbow drops an offhoof comment about never dating, Pinkie decides to set her up on a date. A blind date.

Edited by: Lambent Dream

Chapters (2)

Twilight knows that Rarity is a hopeless romantic, experienced through countless romance novels.
Twilight knows that Rarity has had some bad experiences with romance and courtship.
Twilight knows that Rarity still dreams of somepony to properly sweep her off her hooves.
Twilight has no idea how Rarity keeps missing the hints she keeps dropping.

Written for Monochromatic's Raritwi contest.

Cover art generously offered to all contestants and provided by the skilled Multiversecruise.

Top of the Feature Box on 05/05/17 and then for 72 hours straight: A huge thanks to everyone who liked or commented on this story.

Chapters (1)

After Pony Magazine declares Twilight Sparkle to be the most eligible bachelorette in all of Equestria, Twilight finds herself buried under a veritable mountain of bouquets and love letters from all corners of the country. Enlisting her friends to separate the chaff from the wheat, each of them try to find a letter from an admirer who might be worthy of Twilight.

But the others are skeptical of Rainbow Dash's choice - a hastily written poem that came with a messy bouquet that somepony hoof-picked and threw together at the last minute. There's no way something like that could have come from a pony worthy of Twilight's love, right?

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

On the first day of Summer, Rarity takes the day off to go help Applejack tidy up her brand new cabin. As the two ponies finish up their work and share a laugh or two, they start to really examine their friendship and how they feel about each other.

Cover art by me:

Chapters (4)

This is a Rarijack fanfiction!

Applejack has been in love with Rarity for god knows how long, but Rainbow Dash had known for just as long too. Using her sneakiness and awesomeness, Rainbow Dash comes up with the right excuse to get them together! Does it work out?

Chapters (1)

"I've thrown some pretty super parties in my time, but this one must be off the charts, cause two of my besties are finally trying to hook up! Wait, no, four of them are! Oh my gosh, they're all trying to hook up! ...Maybe this isn't the best party ever after all."

A fun and entertaining party at the Castle of Friendship takes a turn for the awkward (and strange). Rushed, predictable, and very forward romance ensues.

Chapters (1)

After a pretty animated night, Starlight wakes up and discovers Trixie by her side. It probably was a good night, but it could have been a way better morning.

This story was inspired by an art by Dilarus and that is the cover for the story "An advanced lesson in Friendship".

Rated T for language and evocation of sex.

Many thanks to Onyz and Javarod for their help editing the text.

The original French text is available here.

Chapters (1)

Starlight and Trixie are eating at a local restaurant when the former has a different magical cloud appear from her horn. When Starlight realizes what feeling is bringing this cloud, she knows it is something she must hide. But does she really need to?

Chapters (1)

Lovely cover art courtesy of Dilarus.

Sometimes friendships are simple.

Sometimes they're complicated.

And sometimes a little thing like waking up next to your best friend makes them go from one to the other really, really fast.

Chapters (1)