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Starlight Glimmer trips, is thrust into indentured servitude, and falls for a madmare... in that order.

Rated T for some dark humor and stuff. Coverart is by probablyfakeblonde, but edited by me.Contribute to the TVTropes page! Now has a fantastic full-cast audio reading by Obabscribbler that you can enjoy right here! Recommended in this spoiler-y review by PresentPerfect!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle accidentally leaves her class with the wrong backpack. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, except that the backpack belongs to the one girl she's had the biggest crush on since moving to Canterlot High.

Chapters (2)

Hearts and Hooves Day fast approaches. For Twilight, her friends are shocked to learn she's never had a date. For Celestia, Luna reminds her that she's not had a date in, well, a time period she would rather not get in to. Luna conspires to push the two princesses together. Will a so-called "practice date" turn into something more?

Now with a sneaky little interquel in the form of Celestia Wants To Do Naughty Things To Twilight Sparkle. A mature treat for those who like that!

Took second place in the Fifth Bimonthly Twilestia Contest.

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle keeps writing letters to Celestia, but she never sends them.  When Rainbow Dash swipes one of them, Twilight is desperate to get it back.  Will she succeed, or will Celestia read one of her letters at last?

A bit of TwiLestia with a dash of comedy on the side.

Editing by the excellent Jordanis.

Cover art by sailortrekkie92.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has seen how Applejack looks at her sometimes. One day, she eventually decides to ask her about why she does it so much. Afterall, asking for someone's orientation is a simple, straight-forward question, is it not?


Rated 'Teen' to be safe and for topic.

Written/edited by: FireRain

FEATURED 26/11/17! Thanks so much, peeps!


I mean, really, I'm sure the majority of us got some of the same vibes and impression during that episode featuring Countess Coloratura and Applejack. From childhood to the present, they seemed to be rather close. Looking at Applejack interact with Rara is what has always gotten me thinking about where they stand.

To me, it's like they have something a little more than friendship, and I wrote this to inquire upon those curious thoughts.

Chapters (1)

This story is a direct sequel to Trixie's Return.

It's been two weeks since the party, but neither Twilight nor Trixie have the courage to talk about the kiss. As they begin thinking of each other in a new light, things only seem to be getting more awkward between them. Will they come to terms with their feelings for each other, or does this threaten to decimate their still-young friendship?

Chapters (8)

After nearly a year, Trixie returns to Ponyville, but for what? Why did she put herself in harm's way to return there of all places? Does she have yet another scheme in store for the Ponyvillians?

This story has a comic!

It's being done by one of my readers, Crelyous!

Here's his devianart page. Crelyous

He's really, really good at what he does, and to prove it, here's the brand spankin' new first page of the Trixie's Return comic series! Go give him some love, guys. <3

Chapters (6)

Trixie is finding it hard to be around Twilight Sparkle. She is thinking of the unicorn night and day. It's too much to much to bear, What will happen when she can't be discreet any longer? Will everything fall apart?

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie returns to Ponyville a year after her prior visit to offer magic lessons to Twilight Sparkle. Does the brash unicorn have something to teach Twilight or will Trixie simply find more humiliation?

This story was written quite a bit of time ago and I haven't gone to change anything based on continuity in the past 6 months or so. Not that anything happened in the show that would affect the sense-make of this (moreso than it being fanfiction, anyway). Besides that, I didn't feel the need to shoehorn in references to season two. Besides this version of the story, I'll be making a non-shipping version as well, so if you're not a fan of Twixie, just *puts on sunglasses* hold your horses.

Chapters (6)