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This story is a sequel to A Good Girl Never…

Roseluck has a wonderful fillyfriend, a great job, and a great life.

She's happy with where she's at, but there is one event in her past that still haunts her. At the urging of her fillyfriend, she sets out to make it right.

Primary Cast: Roseluck
Secondary Cast: Applejack, Torchsong, Apple Family.

A/N: I wasn't certain I was going to make this, but as a lot of people pointed out, there were some glaring issues with A Good Girl Never… that I was not happy with. I hope they are sufficiently addressed and sorted out with this fic.

Chapters (1)

During a sleepover at Twilight’s, Rarity takes the opportunity to talk about boys. The girls press Applejack into opening up a little more around them.

But a good girl never talks about that kind of thing…

Primary Cast: Applejack
Secondary Cast: Mane Six

Edited by Level Dasher

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Chose You

Trust is a funny thing.

Why hadn't she trusted her parents? Her brother? Her sister-in-law?

Why was she so afraid to tell them the truth?

Why couldn't she just tell them that she loved mares? Loved Rainbow Dash?

Fear is a funny thing.

Edited by the incomparable Noble Thought.

Cover art: Entwined by NyuuChanDianePie.

One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (1)

After a full day in Canterlot, Twilight and Rarity decide to explore the palace garden's legendary hedge maze. Their attempts to unravel the mysteries of the labyrinth yield some interesting and unexpected results.

Chapters (1)

This is a story about Rarity's hips.

(All good stories are.)

An entry for the Appledash Contest #5: Second Chances. Edited by MrNumbers.

Chapters (1)

Princess, Professor, friend. What more could a pony ask for?

Ten years have gone since she met her first true friends, and Twilight Sparkle has begun to find the past weighing upon her. She always knew that her friends would begin to drift apart with time; she understood that those endless Ponyville summers must end one day. Still, even though Twilight has accomplished her dreams, something is keeping her rooted in the past.

But the bustling, decadent nights in Canterlot are made for sharing secrets, and tonight, an old friend is waiting for her among the crowds. Could a familiar face and a guiding hoof be enough to lighten the young princess's burden?

Enormous thanks to the amazing Shadowsreached for proofreading and editing. The epic cover painting was created by CosmicUnicorn.

Chapters (2)

During her studies in the Canterlot archives, Twilight Sparkle makes a startling discovery - Star Swirl the Bearded, the most famous unicorn in Equestrian history, had a son! Tracing the family line down the centuries, Twilight is ecstatic to discover a direct descendant of Star Swirl is still living today. She sets out to meet this "Beatrix Lulamoon", who surely is a great and powerful unicorn worthy of her heritage with a wealth of ancestral knowledge to share... isn't she?

Dramatic reading by Goombasa - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bECfAkLDoSM

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo wasn't quite sure what she expected when she found a letter from her "secret admirer" asking to meet her after school, but it wasn't an invitation to the school dance. Nor was it spending Hearts and Hooves Day with Silver Spoon.

Prereading and editing by Formerly Committed, Jondor, and Timaeus.

Special thanks to bats and Formerly Committed for giving me the prompt this came from.

Art originally by Cuppae

Chapters (2)

After being saved one day by Rainbow Dash, Silver Spoon develops a crush on the number one flyer of Ponyville. Needless to say, a certain Pegasus filly isn't too pleased with this.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is a young mare who strives for power and doesn't care about anyone but herself.
Twilight Sparkle is a little filly with more scars than she lets on.
Now both of them have to make do, stuck in a world where their greatest talents are little more than a pretty mark on their clothes.

Cover art commissioned from GPizano, who draws a pretty awesome Sunset Shimmer.

Top of the Feature Box on 15/06/17, and an incredible 91:0 upvotes. Thank you all for your help in making that possible.

Chapters (5)