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At 4000 years old, Queen Chrysalis has a lot going for her: she was definitely is a Queen of one of the mightiest changeling hives in all Equestria, she's next in line to be the Queen of Queens, and she is most certainly NOT a virgin. She's had dozens, if not scores, of partners in her life. After all, how could you live that long without losing your virginity? That'd be just weird, and Queen Chrysalis is the least weird changeling you'll find.

(Rated "Teen" for occasional lewd references, and "Sex" for allusions to the horizontal mambo. Nothing explicit, but better safe than sorry, right? Cover image done by the wonderful apricalico/feellikeaplat)

(Also, this was featured on Feb. 20 and 26, 2019! Thank you to all who have read it!)

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Chrysalis's First Royal Meeting

Twilight's attempts to open Chrysalis up to the idea of friendship continues with an even greater challenge: Her own friends. The relationship between her friends and Chrysalis has always been an awkward one, neither side willing to take that step toward each other in the name of friendship. It has gone on for far too long for Twilight, and she finally has concocted a plan that will put an end to their awkwardness and bring all of her friends together in the name of friendship.

Clearly this was going to be the most successful sleepover ever.

Special props to Setokaiva for the proofreading and being a major help.

Sex tag added due to naughty humor and innuendos.

Cover art by Zantyarz. I do not own this picture, but was given permission by the artist.

Chapters (5)

It's been two years since Chrysalis and her hive's reformation, but tensions are high as ponies are still getting used to the idea of working with changelings. Twilight Sparkle, determined to open up Chrysalis to the idea of friendship, convinces her to attend the annual royal meeting. To everypony else, it's simply a mundane meeting to catch up on current events. To Chrysalis, she would be in a room with all those who were once her mortal enemy.

No pressure.

Featured: 8/10/16 - You guys a freaking incredible! Thank you all for reading!

Rated for suggestive, sexy themes.

Special thanks to Setokaiva for proofreading. I do not own the pic, nor know who owns it, but if anyone can point me in the right direction to get permission I would appreciate that.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer of the human world had a chance encounter with Trixie's magic shows. She thought the magician was pretty cute...cue asking her friends about her. Luckily Sunset and the others know her. Not...exactly well, but enough to guide her along.

There are sad bits, but there's lots more fluff than sad.

(Hope you like it!)

A huge thank you to Starwantrix for the cover art! Starwantrix's Deviantart

Chapters (1)

Adagio does not change immediately. It takes Sunset time and understanding to see the wounded girl within.

Written for Oroboro's Changing Seasons contest.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sisterhood

The sirens' apartment is nothing special, but it is home. Ever since their failure at the Battle of the Bands it has been a safe haven for the powerless trio. No one knew where to find them. No one was even looking.

And then Sunset Shimmer moved in across the hall.

Cancellation details

Featured on
Thanks all!

Chapters (20)

With Adagio home sick, Aria and Sonata find themselves competing for a cash prize at the Sisterhood Social. They might have had a chance too, if they had known the event was hosted by one of the girls who ruined their lives.

Chapters (2)

[Now with a parody version!]
Sunset Shimmer: Ex-Queen bee of CHS. Ex-She-deamon. Ex-villain. Overall bad-ass.

However, as the hair 5 are learning, Sunset isn't all she may seem to be. This confident girl may just have a secret or two that she doesn't want out.

((Edited and altered 5/8/15))

Chapters (1)

Traveling back to Equestria for summer vacation seemed like the best idea ever. However Sunset Shimmer's home brings back memories and thoughts that haven't surfaced since her reformation. Forgiveness is never easy especially when it comes to forgiving oneself. That coupled with a deadly changeling plot against Princess Twilight has Sunset running in circles to protect her friends and figure herself out.

Extra Tags: Chrysalis, Changelings, Flash Sentry (I'm so sorry).
This may be subjected to change as the story progresses.

Extra side note: the cover art for this story was done by me :twilightsmile:
Extra Extra side note: To everyone who has faved and liked thank you so much!
Final Side Note: I've edited the spacing and scene transitions so it's less of an eye sore.

MUST READ: So an awesome friend of mine has started working on an animation for this story. He has a rough cut of the first scene in the first chapter. Check it out here and leave some feedback!
Summer Sunset Chapter 1 Animation Test

Proof Read/edited by: 1DATMLP

Chapters (13)

A few weeks after the return from her second visit to Canterlot High, when the Princess of Friendship runs out of royal duties and busy work, she needs to find something to pass the time while her friends go about their busy schedules. Deciding to travel back through the portal to Canterlot High, she meets up with her parallel, human friends. However, when Pinkie decides to host another slumber party at her place, Sunset Shimmer begins acting differently towards the others.
Maybe whatever she is hiding she doesn't fully understand herself.

I almost forgot:
- The artwork belongs to me so don't worry
- and you should all check out this page where you see a very well written look into Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark. It helped inspire the description in this story. (Past Analysis - Tumblr)

Oh dear Luna, Featured: 1/8/15!
It must be a slow day because I am never featured lol
Thanks everyone for the support, you are all Amazing, seriously!

Chapters (1)