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The Wizard's Feast will be the first day Luna has seen her sister in weeks, and they have a lot to talk about.

Edit - I will revise this some time after the contest.

Chapters (1)

Additional tags: F/F crack shipping, Rule 63(Only applies to Fancy Pants.)

Applejack had everything planned:
1)A quick visit to her Aunt and Uncle in Manehattan.(Check)
2)Spend the weekend with them. (Impossible at the moment)
3)Return to Ponyville. (Nope)

This story was written for the July/August contest of Random Romance.
I gender swapped Fancy Pants just because I like F/F and wanted to participate in the contest.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been rising the ranks of Canterlot High's athletics since her first day of school. Now, after years of training and hard work, she has become the captain for the soccer team again this year, and the school cannot wait to cheer her on for the big city wide tournament. With the best support group in the world, Rainbow Dash feels on top of the whole world! To make things even better, Dash now has a good friend on the team!
There's just one friend who isn't as happy.
Fluttershy can't help but feel as if the success of her friend is driving them farther and farther apart from each other. Even after spending all of middle school and high school gathering up her courage to tell Dash how she really feels, she may never get the chance now! Will she finally speak her mind and tell Rainbow Dash what her heart desires?

Now proofread by the awesome Shutup868 for the best reading experience!

Chapters (6)

Spending the holidays with your girlfriend's parents is never easy.

Especially when they think you’re a magical gangster hell-bent on corrupting their daughter.

A Valentine's Day fic... sorta. :raritywink:

Pre-read by Themaskedferret. Thanks to FloydienSlip for help with the title.
Cover art by little-tweenframes.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to This date is going to be perfect!

After asking Twilight Sparkle out, Chrysalis waits patiently for the mare's answer.

This is their night!

Edited and Proofread by Level Dasher, with props to Super Trampoline for a few notes as well.

Chapters (1)

When the three new students arrived and proposed the Battle Of The Bands, they attracted suspicion from Sunset and her friends, but they were prepared to deal with that. What they didn't expect was that their song affected another student more deeply than they could have forseen, and now she's found them. As magical battle erupts around her, Trixie just wants to know if she's rooting for the right side.

And Adagio Dazzle is all too willing to give her the answer she wants to hear...

Chapters (2)

When the Great and Powerful Trixie manages to vanquish an Ursa Minor rampaging through Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle finds herself with a ruined reputation. And as Trixie continues to gain in popularity, Twilight finds herself more and more alone.

Revenge may seem like the only available option, but maybe there are more things going on than it seems...

Addenum: No, this is not in any way a Twilight-bashing story. Please read before you make up your mind.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis expected a few things to come out of her failed invasion. New enemies, cuts, bruises. But she really wasn't expecting to be expecting. Worst yet, the father of her unborn isn't a he, but a she who just so happens to be the Princess of Equestria.

Cover art by Lopoddity here
Nothing to do with her verse and next gen, picture just somewhat fit

Chapters (11)

We all wear a mask called composure, beneath which hides a heart that twists with guilt and hidden feelings. Regal as she is, Princess Celestia is no exception. What might be revealed should circumstances cause this mask to slip - or break?

Set several years after the potential conclusion to the series.

Chapters (7)

After watching another majestic night, Twilight is told to make a wish because wishing on a star always grants wishes. She refuses. After all, it's only an old pony's tale. Climbing into bed, she has a strange dream, yet little does she know, dreams are the desires and wishes of the heart. Upon her waking, she may just find that the stars are rather lenient in their rules and methods.

New installments are on a weekly schedule. Updates most likely to take place on Friday/Saturday CT. Occasionally I may do a surprise Monday update as well. Until then! Ciao and enjoy!

Chapters (25)