Favourites 548 stories
  • Favourites 548 stories - 1422 unread chapters
    Created by Tokai
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 21,926,580
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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The Elements have gone missing, and it's up to the mane six to get them back! Trouble is, they've been placed randomly throughout humanities darkest days of warfare. Now Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack must traverse the course of history, our history, and retrieve their respectable element before it's lost forever . . . Over there.

(Title inspired by the song)

Chapters (5)

“Demonstrate to the world, there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine.”
~Gen. James Mattis

Excited for his first deployment, young marine LCpl. Kevin Brooke and his fellow squad mates of Bravo Company 2nd Battalion 1st Marines, begin their journey through the Pacific Ocean with the U.S. Navy carrier fleet. On their second day of voyage, they encounter a large floating crystal, ending in a swift and devastating battle.

After awakening in an unknown world, four ships (‘USS’ Anchorage, Princeton, Spruance & Michael Murphy) must adapt to a land filled with talking ponies while finding their way back home. However, during their stay, Queen Chrysalis rebuilds her army to take on her new enemies, and Brooke slowly unfolds the depths of a forgotten past.

*Edited/Proofread by Dumbgamer999, totallynotabrony, & Groggari
*Rated for graphic violence, language, and gore
*Additional Tags: Random (occurs a few times in the story), Comedy, Dark, Thriller
*All characters (humans) in this story are fictional and are not affiliated with the U.S. military and other international militaries
*This story takes place several months after S03E02
*My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro Studios & Lauren Faust

-November 24, 2014 -- Wow... I have no words what to say about this. Thanks so much for this achievement.

Chapters (22)

After attempting suicide, Jason Wright finds himself far more alive than he'd hoped. His ordeal in Equestria it seems, isn't over just yet. And he learns that friendship can come after all, but from the most unlikely place. With Ponyville itself in the firing line of the persecuted survivor, the stage is set for a titanic clash of power, and it may take more than magic to stop him.

After the End, who will be left standing?

This charming little tale is an alternate sequel to Ending by the remarkably cheerful Mister Blonde.
I now recommend reading that first. T'is very short, and an engaging read. If you have, it means you've might've read the "canon" sequel - Never Really the End. Will this be as uplifting as that? Eeeenope!

Chapters 1 through 4 pre-read by Confusion_
After Hours Pts. 1 and 2 pre-read by Mimic Kairatta, Feo Takahari and Mister Blonde himself!
By the grace granted by the magic of mysterious data coding, this story was Featured on a warm September evening.

Chapters (7)

The wind rustles these newly-planted petunias.

I was tending to them today, when the most peculiar creature popped into my garden. We were both quite shocked.

Part of the Petunia Cycle

1. Romance
2. Tragedy
3. Sad
4. Dark
5. Comedy
6. Random
7. Crossover
8. Adventure
9. Slice of Life
10. Alternate Universe
11. Human
12. Anthro

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are leading together a combined Army of several different equestrian Races against an supposedly terrifying and unfeeling Enemy.

What kind of Threat are our beloved Princesses are really going to face?

A Warhammer 40K/MLP:FIM Crossover.

Special Thanks goes to ARchy4288, Tyrannosaurus_Tux and AlicornPriest for Editing, Proofreading and otherwise helping.
I can only recommend those guys.

Chapters (1)

As I sit on this branch, looking at the town through the mangled, black branches, I began thinking about why I came here. About everything I left behind on Earth.

I wish I'd never have come here...

Consider joining the Ending-verse if you liked it!

This story has been redone. Also, A brilliant lad called Vlad decided to write a sequel. I seriously recommend reading that and following him.

Also, there's a prequel in the works!

Chapters (1)

What's it been? 1000 years?
That's funny. It feels like much longer than that.

Let me tell you, being trapped in stone that long can do crazy things to a guy.
And when you were a little off your rocker in the first place...
But now I'm free. The leaders of this disgusting place trapped me here, and now they're going to pay.
I'm going to show them the real definition of insanity.

Chapters (8)

One Shot - Celestia and the ponies of Equestria are posed to start opening conversion bureas on Earth, however they didn't count on the horror that is government workers with paperwork.

Join a low-level government inspector as he travels across universes to deliver a fine to Princess Celestia.

Will he manage to bring the right forms?
Will he avoid being gored by angry unicorn-pegasi with their sharp, shiny horns?
Will he use his brain and think outside of the box?

Probably not, he is government after all.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes from a coma after being cursed by a stallion she doesn't remember ever meeting. Princess Celestia and Spike have been taking care of her while she was sleeping. But something is wrong, and Twilight’s memories don’t match up with anypony else's.

This is an AU story of my own twisted imagination. Set after “Games Ponies Play” but before “Magical Mystery Cure” timeline wise (sort of, you'll see). So no Alicorn Twilight here. Tagged Twilight and Celestia as they are the main characters, but other characters do appear in the story.

Descriptions are hard. Big thanks to my Pre-Readers Nakrab and Dumbgamer99!

-- Soft Story

Chapters (22)

Okay, it goes like this.

I was supposed to get married today, but fate had different plans. Those plans included me inexplicably appearing on an alien world of sapient horses who speak an entirely different language. Not only am I totally screwed with my wedding, but these sparkling horses are apparently hostile.

Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but I'm not the kind of guy who can make up something like this.

Chapters (15)