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  • Favourites 548 stories - 1422 unread chapters
    Created by Tokai
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 21,926,580
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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"My name is Sweetie Belle, and I live in a world where night lasts forever."

It all began on the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville, a little more than a year ago. Nightmare Moon, the mare thought to be a mere legend has returned and changed our world. She forbid the sun from rising ever again, she broke our spirits and sowed seeds of distrust and sadness amongst us.

She invaded our dreams, poured nightmares into them to make us live in fear, make us obey. And those who didn't obey, ended up in dreamlocked prisons built of their dreams, wishes and fears, with no hope of returning to the real world.

As for myself... I just want my sister back.

Warning: please refrain yourself from reading the comments before the story, because spoilers!

Chapters (1)

The Earth is still reeling from the effects of the Collision Wars against Xenolestia and her hordes of Newfoals, humanity having emerged victorious but a few million citizens fewer. Then yet another Equestria appears, but this time the humans are quick to cut off the head of the snake, capturing the evil Princess Celestia and imprisoning her. But something seems different about this Celestia...something almost friendly.

Can the Harmony and Friendship that Celestia has treasured all her life heal some of the scars left by her wicked counterpart, or do some wounds just run too deep?

Cover modified with permission from: KP-Shadowsquirrel

Also, because people have been asking for it, the original WW2 poster can be found here

Pre reading done by DJK. So go give him some wuv.

Chapters (57)

Twilight Sparkle, Celestia and Luna are transported into a strange alternate Equestria, the Land of Always Summer, where the day lasts forever and a terrible queen rules with an iron hoof.

Feel free to check out or add to the story's TV Tropes page.

Chapters (19)

Spike takes care of Twilight the best he can. She's sick, but he knows she'll get better and everything will get back to normal. But first, he needs to feed her.

Thanks to my editors Cerulean Voice and Soundslikeponies for all their wonderful help!

Chapters (1)

I've been working on a completely separate My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic story for the past year, and as of this blurb I'm about eighty thousand words into it, but it's not ready for publishing. Early on in the writing of that story (March 2011), I decided to write a quicker spinoff story of The Conversion Bureau, which I saw on the Equestria Daily blog. The initial story seemed to get mixed reactions, but regardless of how people felt about the story itself, folks were having fun writing spinoffs. I thought it'd be fun too, so here's what I came up with.

Contains a smattering of bad language and gun-related violence.

Chapters (1)

My unicorn parents called me a worthless mud pony. They pushed me every day to overcome my lowly status. When I woke up one morning with my cutie mark, I thought they would love me. I couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

It was not destiny or enjoyment that led me to discover the cello and composing. My parents made that decision, deciding before I was born I would continue their family legacy of famous musicians.

They did not realize what that decision would cost them.

Special Thanks and Links:

Cover Art: Dreampaw. The inspiration for the story.
Dramatic reading of Act I-III by Malao567. June 2013
Reading with music by ObabScribbler. June 2014
Song: Hooks and Strings by Reverb Brony. May 2014

Style inspired by H.P. Lovecraft
TypeWriterError: Editor & Rating Board
Gage of Grandiloquence: Editor
The11thWonder: Pre-reader
Nharctic: Pre-reader
Breath of Plagues: My Pinch Editor.
ArgonMatrix: Bad Grammar Exterminator
Daemon of Decay: Advice, also inspired me to write fan fiction. Blame him!

Chapters (3)

It's over. She's been with Celestia for years. She's absolved Luna of her crimes. She's been instrumental in defeating Sombra, and has revealed a Changeling invasion. She's even helped in reforming Discord. And now, her time is over. In the time that she's had, she's tried to do her best. She's tried so hard to live up to what other ponies expect of her.

And they were happy with how she was shaping up.

They wanted her to succeed.

Now all they want is to see her dead.

Story has been pre-read or otherwise edited by these fantastic ponies people:
Blood Lord

Chapters (5)

The creak of metal echoed as a hellish choir in the room. Lyra sobbed, clutching the little communication device to her barrel, as though it were her life itself. "Please..." She whispered. "Anypony, I think-I think it's getting closer." ...A sickly, raspy breathing crested the doorway on the other side of her hiding spot. "Help..."


There is an organization which protects mankind, but remains shrouded entirely in secrecy. It is known as 'The Foundation'. They are unscrupulous and methodical, sacrificing as many lives as need be for the greater good. It can't be helped, the supernatural and meta-physical will always be a threat to humanity.

But not all of their specimen and objects are dangerous. They are varied, some help, some kill. Some are delicious. Some, are deadly.

And some are...well... Cute

Hello everypoooony! I'd like to thank all the awesome bros that helped with this collab, MrPockets as a writer and editor! MerlosTheMad as a writer! And finally Flying Wingnut as our last collaborator and chief editor. Hope you enjoy the beginning of our haunting tale... *ENGAGE SINISTER LAUGHTER*

Chapters (3)

In the last five years humanity has been brought to its knees by the conversion movement and the purification that has followed. Now in its final hour the last survivors of this once great race will make their last stand. Set in the Conversion bureau: Ten Rounds universe.

Chapters (1)

MLP/Terminator Crossover

Since Judgment Day, Humanity has been fighting a costly war against Skynet with millions dying each year. Despite their best chances they continue to lose engagements, and those they win are at a heavy cost.

Parker is a renegade I-950 fighting for the Resistance against the Machines when an operation to destroy a Time Machine sends him to Equestria. But unknown to him, and the ponies that inhabit the peaceful land, he is not the only one from the war who made it through.


Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (11)