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    Created by Tokai
    - October, 2014
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Twilight wakes up alone and scared on an unfamiliar ship with a group of unfamiliar humanoids. Things take a turn for the worst when the group find themselves trapped on a ship overrun with mutated damntations that will stop at nothing to kill the humans and the out of place pony.

Teaming up with fellow survivor Isaac Clarke, Twilight attempts to escape the abominations and find her way back home. But can she really trust Isaac's sanity?

(This is the reboot of I have a Jar of Dirt's popular story. For those of you who dont know, he passed it on to me to complete; which i was more than glad to accept.)

((proofread by Zaponator and Flutterguy_6996))

Chapters (7)

"Sister, look!" Cried Luna, poiting out to the horizon. Celestia looked up, noticing that fireballs were descending from the sky, all over Equestria and beyond. Looking around, she saw that they were falling everywhere. Both in and out of Equestria.

"Oh, Faust. What is happening!" She cried.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot upwards into the sky, originating from the crater in Canterlot Square. The beam of light formed a large square image in the sky.

Looking around, she saw that a familiar projection was over all over the towns and cities in Equestria.

Suddenly, a deafening screech permeated the air, before forming into a rough sentence:


Since it's founding in 2140, peace had reigned in the Interstellar Federation of Systems for 4 centuries. Humanity had long since cured disease, ended poverty, and destroyed inequality. With an empire spanning hundreds of Star systems it was only a matter of time before they found life on other worlds. Sadly, it wasn't a joyful discovery.

Well into the pinnicle of its power, first contact was made. A species known as The Drox made themselves known to Humanity in the most heinous way possible: The destruction of it's capital, Planet Earth. The subsequent war brought many truths to light, and spread death and destruction over the span of 3 decades.

After the evacuation of the planet Sparta, the I.F.S.S. Marx was forced into an altercation with a Drox vessel. This altercation brought about cataclysmic results that brought the Marx to a new universe...

One filled with ponies.

Inspired by:
Machine and Might by Kriegor
From Beyond by Lepking13
Independence Day (Film)
Man Of Steel (Film)

Chapters (4)

"OH! That would be the Elements of Harmony! They're the neatest thing! We each get a jewel necklace--Twilight gets a sparkly tiara--and we used them to defeat Discord and Nightmare Moon with rainbows that go pewpewpew-!"

A clawed glove wrapped over Pinkie Pie's lips, silencing her.

"What does the pink one speak of, pony?" He demanded of Twilight, who sputtered at his question. "Do these 'Elements' hold the power to resurrect humanity?"

"I'm... not sure." She returned, halfheartedly. "They're pretty powerful..."

"Where are they?"

"In Canterlot, the city on the mountains, but-"

He dropped Pinkie and stomped off, leaving her to flop around her stretched-out lips. Twilight saw that he was going out the door and in the direction of the city she had mentioned.

"W-wait! Stop!" She galloped after him.

Chapters (2)

Earth's final downfall is imminent. Celestia and several other ponies watch with bated breath, as the final few acres of tainted land are swallowed. The last remaining humans are cornered in, no way of resisting their conversion.

But, just before Celestia orders the potion to be applied, the humans unite in an act that will haunt Celestia forever.

Warning! This story was written in fifteen minutes, and was not proofread before publish. It is easily my worst story. If you do not enjoy TCB or ACB stories, you will most likely not enjoy this story. Tags are accurate. There is no happy ending here. Viewer discretion is advised.

Chapters (1)

In the dark future of Equestria, a ponykind that has turned its back on the ideals of friendship and love faces the threat of extinction. Their land is corrupted by twisted dark magic, and scarred by countless wars.

But when a mysterious race of aliens armed with amazing technology arrives in Equestria, ponykind is given another chance at survival. Will they take it?

[a reimagining and reversal of Blaze's "The Conversion Bureau".]

Chapters (4)

Lyra Heartstrings is a up-and-coming musician living in the quiet town of Ponyville. Her marefriend Bon Bon owns and operates Canter Candies, the town's specialty sweets shop. They've been together for years, and everypony around knows what a happy couple they are. But any relationship has its ups and downs, and it's hard to ignore every awkward moment.

Like when Lyra's ex arrives in town.
Because she thinks Lyra still has a thing for her.
Because someone's been impersonating her for the past few years.

...Bon Bon might be in trouble here.

Thanks to Einhander for pre-reading and Exuno for editing!

Now with a reading by Goombasa!

Chapters (5)

(This is a Crossover with Halo. If that genre offends you, you need not read any further.)

Cortana has several problems, and very little she can do to solve any of them. Being stranded on half of a ship in deep space, with the clock on her lifespan slowly running out, she gets desperate enough to try almost anything.

She goes so far as to land her half-ship on a strange astronomical anomaly, in the slim hope of finding a method of FTL travel on it. Now, her latest problem consists of understanding the mind-bending physics of this planetary crime against reason, without prematurely going insane.

Chief wakes up on a new planet, and is, as always, presented with aliens he needs to kill in order to accomplish his mission.

Equestria witnesses the arrival of a large object from space, and has to deal with the fallout of it's destructive crash landing. Though the real threat the object poses is not something anypony could have anticipated.

(Knowledge of the Halo games is advised, though not strictly required.)

Rated Teen for gore... rating may be subject to change, we'll see.
I am currently looking for an editor, pre-reader, and/or proofreader, preferably someone who can double check me on the lore when it comes up. Shoot me a PM if interested. I've got a few people who have generously offered their help. Thanks for offering to help make this as good as it can be!
Will update tags as story progresses.
Fair-warning, this story is secondary to my other one and will update less frequently.

Chapters (2)

Alternative Version

Echo 1 is the callsign belonging to a group of armored vehicle operators in Takistan, the battlefield where every warfighter respawns. They're labelled loose cannons after an explosive incident, and are confined to their base as punishment. As the three start to ponder their use, a freak accident results in their arrival to Equestria.

Another day, another area of operations.

Echo 1-1 Actual: "Raptor", Stryker Commander (Sport Shades)
Echo 1-2: "Roar", Stryker Driver (Aviators)
Echo 1-3: "Splash", Stryker Gunner (Striped Shirt)

No gore, projectiles are magical. The level of violence shown is hardly above that depicted/suggested in the show.
A story inspired by my unhealthy ArmA addiction.

Chapters (3)

A newscast on the late 'Conversion Center' phenomenon that happened some six months ago and what would most likely really happen should it occur. Seriously, just because you don't like being human doesn't mean the majority of the world sees it the same way. Set in more of a near-present rather than near-future.

I gave another author ideas! Starman Ghost's TCB: Not Alone is pretty good, go read it. And that has a sequel, Dalek IX's TCB: Conquer the Stars! I feel giddy.

Chapters (1)