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    Created by Tokai
    - October, 2014
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Name's Storm. It's my title, my alias, and my identity.

I've been fighting for centuries now. Thousands of them, in fact. Traveling from dimension to dimension, trying my best to maintain proper balance. Not too much Law, not too much Chaos. Not too much Good, not too much Evil. At the same time, I am different. I have something that's unimaginable. Something that strikes inspiration in allies, fear in enemies, and horror in Gods themselves. A piece of interstellar technology I so aptly named the 'Universal Editor', a device that enables me to 'edit' the Strands of Existence, which then allows me nearly impossible feats.

After a close-encounter and failure to perform my self-imposed duty, I escape with only a flesh wound (or seven). Only to fall right into a realm packed with mythological beings, heavy emphasis on peaceful environments, and colorful technologically-inept equines that constantly try to become closer to me. Let's see how far my remaining sanity will plummet after this...


Rated Teen (Good amount of swearing, minor descriptive gore, and plenty of violence)
Story began: January 26th, 2012 (Posted on the 27th)
Editors: ShadowHorizons (Editor-In-Chief), SovietBacon
Cover Art (using Photoshop) made by: SovietBacon (artist of original picture [found thanks to EdwardJ] is this guy.)

Chapters (14)

Nearly all of humanity has been converted and all that remains is a small, but well armed resistance. They are mounting an assault on Equestria to, one way or another, send Celestia a message.

"We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!"
President Thomas J. Whitmore, Independence Day

Chapters (1)

The bearers of harmony, and a few colorful background characters, work together to raise a small, human child in Equestria. However, when they discover that more of its kind are on the way, can the child grow into the ambassador Equestria needs?

Chapters (0)

A monstrosity the likes the world has never seen devastates ponyville.
Ponies were injured, property damaged, and their sense of security rattled.
The main six has gone through many adventures and learned life changing lessons. Common sense dictates that they should proceed towards unknown situations logically, with caution, and with open-mindedness. However doing so may be a fatal mistake.
It is a human after all.

This AMAZING cover art was a hand drawn commission from one of my favorite artists.
Check her out, Choko Tatsu at skeeterpillar.deviantart.com

Chapters (9)

They called it conversion. The last desperate act to save an entire sapient species from the spread an effect none could have predicted, one that threatened to slowly, painfully wipe every human from the face of the earth.

It was flawed.

A Conversion Bureau reimagining.

Chapters (1)

When the ponies came, they tried to convert humanity with words and kindness, saying that they were misguided beings and the princesses would help them on the path to Harmony. When that failed, the ponies tried the potion, only for it's magic to be countered by humanity's science. Then they tried force and failed completely at that.
Finally they decided to let the Barrier defeat humanity and it seemed to work! Nearly 50% of the planet was covered with humanity doing it's best to find a solution.
Unfortunately, the ponies of Equestria are about to learn a harsh lesson that humanity learnt long ago. The Earth can be paradise for those who tame it, but to others it is hell.

Chapters (1)

Set after Twilight's ascension, the previously considered senseless tribes of humans are holding their own against a powerful Griffin invasion set against their civilized homeland.

The humans, as they are, are little more than savage beast with honed killing instincts. The brutality of these abominations is second to none. They fight amongst each other and sell the defeated males into slavery for things that they couldn't produce on their own.

However, they now seem more organized and united now than ever. Which has Celestia worried about a possible growing threat.

Twilight is sent on a mission to learn as much she can about the humans and their tribal ways, and as she continues her journey she begins to unravel the mysteries of a species that perhaps, should have stayed dead.
Twilight is set as the main character in this adventure and is told through her point of view... more or less.

Not 100% percent sure where I'm going with this story, but that's part of the fun, and I know I'll get there eventually.

The pic was made by a, BLAZ PORENTA, to my knowledge, at blazporenta.blogspot.com

Also, this is my first real story here, so please give me criticism and your opinions on the story.

Considering rewrite
And also I want to say thanks to mikemeiers my editor

Chapters (19)

When Xenolestia transports Equestria to Earth to begin conversion, she runs into a roadblock. A mysterious human confronts her.

This is an ACB, if you don't like, don't read.

If you like or favorite this story, please leave a comment explaining why.
Same if you did like, or disliked the story. Please leave a comment explaining why.

Now with a Rage Review!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Signal

The Signal turned Equestria upside-down.
The Signal made savage murderers out of every unicorn in Equestria.
The Signal lingers still, preventing any hope of curing its influence.

Spike has found the Signal. He knows how to get to its source.

And he will shut it down, whatever it may be.

You might want to read the prequel first; this is not stand-alone.
Mad props to NAME Revoked for the cover image.

Chapters (15)

A disaster at sea strands Caramel on an island with one other survivor: a human immigrant. They agree to work together, but Caramel's new friend may not be as benevolent as he seems.

Parody by Super Trampoline: The Cabbage Way.
Audiobook by Illya Leonov and Neighrator Pony.
Archived in the Pony Fiction Vault.
Louder Yay
The Royal Guard

Chapters (1)