• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Nightmare Moon is back for a third time, but instead of the Main 6 sending her back to the moon, they keep her around and invite her to partake in Thanksgiving.

What could go wrong?

Chapters (1)

This story takes place after Mwah Mwah Mwah! and its prequels, but knowledge of them is not necessary to enjoy this one.

While buying groceries with your wife, Pinkie Pie, something catches both her eye and her heart. She really, really wants one.

You have to remind her that you have plenty at home already.

Chapters (1)

Twilight expresses her complicated, messy feelings about Rainbow Dash and their relationship through poetry.

Chapters (8)

Some months have passed since the destruction of the Memory Stone. Wallflower Blush has entered a new school year, her last at CHS, and so far, things have been looking up. Talking to people is getting easier, and she even has a few friends to her name.

But dealing with social repercussions is still a thing that Wallflower has struggled with all her life. Making a few connections is all well and good, but what about deeper connections? What about one-on-one bonding? What about dating? With the shield of the Memory Stone gone, how can Wallflower find a safe way to experience consequences?

Luckily, her first date with Moondancer is certain to give her some much-needed education on the subject. Even if it takes a few more first dates than normal.

Winner of the Best Story By New Author award in Science Fiction Contest III (other entries here). Also an entry in the May Pairings 2024 contest (other entries here). Pre-read by Dewdrops on the Grass and The Sleepless Beholder. Sex tag applied for crude references only.

Featured 13-15 May 2024!

Chapters (1)

In a flash of green light, five college students from Earth are transported to Equestria and transformed into changelings. Will they be able to find a way home?

My loving alternate take on Don't Bug Me, by Starscribe.

Chapters (4)

Everyone Rainbow Dash knows is dead.

She is now 60 years of age and lives with Scootaloo, who is 49 years old and her only friend in this new age.

She no longer is the fastest flyer, still fast, but not nearly as fast as she once was.

She lives as a legend in a world that forgets her, and as of now, she tires of it. She hopes to forget her troubles by letting the sky guide her like it did so many times before.

Even though it is technically after, I apologize if some of the events at the end of the show are not taken into consideration as I have not finished the show. Everything about this is a parallel universe.

You could think of this story as having an old man Logan-style gimmick, with one of the main characters living in an unfavorable future.
Thanks for the love story got on the not mature featured list yay! :rainbowdetermined2::scootangel:

No art is mine unless stated otherwise.

Thank you to these beautiful people for editing and or proof reading this story:



Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is no spring chicken, that much is for sure. Her best days are a long, long way behind her. Content to live in the human world without settling into any sordid romances, she set her scientific mind to good use, and pursued a career that left the world in a better state than it was when she first arrived. A lifetime ago. But nobody, not even an equine-turned-human, is immune to the passage of time. And as an elderly Sunset settles down to enjoy a quiet evening on the porch of her small cottage, an old friend pays one last visit.

Chapters (1)

Going into volleyball season, everybody expected Sunset and Kerfuffle to shine—an unstoppable combo at the net, they proved their talent in the first game, crushing rival Crystal Prep.

Then Kerfuffle lost her leg.

And it's all Sunset's fault.

Written for Rewan Demontay for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (10)

Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia have a strenuous relationship. Sunset wants to go to war, Celestia knows war, she doesn't let her. Sunset still goes.
Sunset now knows war and she comes back.

Chapters (7)

Nightmare Moon returned one hundred years earlier than predicted. Without the Elements of Harmony, Celestia managed to save Luna from the darkness. Two years later, they navigate a new world of possibilities.

Celestia and Luna spent centuries apart. One day will bring them closer together than they ever thought. Closer together than they ever dreamed.

Chapters (4)