• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Vinyl and Octavia, despite living together, have never been seen at the same time. Is there a reasonable explanation for this? Or, could there be a deceptive reason?

Thanks to TheArtrix for the cover art.

Inspired by the comic "The same pony" by "TheMaiah"

"Popular Stories" tab. Feature boxed for seven days!
Randomreader-001 (webshoter) did a fanfic reading of this. You can listen to is here.

Chapters (1)

Luna has been home from the moon for six months now. She thought she had most everything figured out, but, when those guards dragged in that large evergreen tree she came to the realization that there is plenty left to learn! Celestia watched as her little sister continued to hide herself with a sigh. Maybe the magic of Hearth warming would help her break through?

Since my normal editor is having some problems I gave him this story off. So thanks to my stand in editors! Adren who did the first half and Spike and Listener who finished it. My thanks and merry Christmas guys!

Chapters (1)

Ever since Tirek had been returned to Tartarus, Celestia has been experiencing a recurring nightmare: Luna was never healed and she was only biding her time. Celestia wakes every morning covered in cold sweat and yet she knows the dream is impossible. Luna is only Luna. So why? Why can she not rid herself of these horrible images? Luna suggests a plan to vanquish the nightmare knowing it would be impossible in the dream realm. The only possible way: An old spell.
Luna and Celestia are willing to do anything for one another. Does that include becoming the other?

100% Approved by Twilight's library!
100% Approved by Luna's library!

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Tainted Love: A Twysalis Prompt Tag Collab

What happens when Queen Chrysalis awakens as a unicorn next to her wife Twilight Sparkle? Nothing good, that's for sure! Join our heroes Twilight Sparkle, and Queen Chrysalis they travel Equestria to put back what once went wrong.
One hundred percent guaranteed to make little to no sense.
A One shot from the same authors that brought you Tainted Love.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo, an orange pegasus filly. A cutie mark crusader and a wiz on her scooter. What else is known about her? Nopony is certain of where she came from and why it seems that she and her mother Clear Skies just vanish sometimes. What if the truth about Scootaloo is even more unbelievable then anypony thought. What if in reality there is no Scootaloo.
What if, what if the flightless pegasus...
Was somepony everypony loved and respected.
How would everypony react if they knew the truth.
About the alicorn in pegasus coating.
The Alicorn named, Celestia

Awesome artwork done by my talented friend!

Chapters (2)

She is just beautiful, so talented, so brilliant. Celestia would give her crown up for a chance to be with a mare like her. But, she can't just ask her out. The timing must be perfect.

Editing done by the brilliant Don't Look At My Name Bro I am seriously lost without you!

Competition fic with The_Weatherbug- Lies of The Pristine

Inspired by Lie

Chapters (1)

With her formal coronation complete, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have invited Princess Twilight Sparkle to the capital to undergo formal instruction how to rule. It is a glorious event, fit to fill history tomes for all time. They would spend their time with long royal court sessions, longer book studies, and all other manners of royal training.

Then Pinkie tagged along.

Special thanks to Admiral Hoofsome, Kitsunehero, and Phaoray for editing this sucker.

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (6)

[Featured on EQD 21/4/2014] [Now on TVTropes]

When Luna gifts Twilight the town of Ponyville and its surrounding countryside as her demesne she's initially confused. Then, after double checking her dictionary, more than a little concerned.

All her friends are, legally, her possessions. The town that took her in is her plaything, if she so wishes. She has been given responsibility.

Can Twilight's vision for a modern renaissance outrun the harsh realities of the shadowy figures pulling strings behind the scenes, nobles jockeying for her attention, and an irritatingly metaphorical love triangle?

Special thanks to the insatiable Blue_Paladin42, the incorrigible Maskedferret, the intuitive Southpaw and the indestructible newbiedoodle for all their hard work, past, present and future.

Chapters (10)

When Princess Luna goes missing, Private Lucky Break knows there's more at work than a simple breach of court protocol.

For most, Hearth's Warming is an occasion to celebrate family and friends, a time for reflection and goodwill to all of Equestria's residents. But for two ponies, their relationship with the holiday is much more complicated.

Lucky, batpony soldier of the Night Guard, is assigned to escort Princess Luna to the grand reopening of her Night Court mere months after her return to Equestria. Everything goes well at first, until a visitor inadvertently offends the princess. Incensed, she cancels court and sends everypony away. However, when Lucky goes to offer comfort to a distraught Luna, she storms out.

Spurred on by an old wound buried deep in his heart, Lucky strives to mend a bond between sisters that feels all too familiar, and find the missing diarch before her grief consumes her.

Updated Author's Notes

Thanks to Auburn Arc for general feedback and editing assistance with this version of the story, and also to WolfVenom for further editing assistance. Credit goes to Magello for the new cover art. And thanks, as always, to the #fimfiction chatters for their endless mockery impatience support as I revised this story.

Original Author's Note

Thanks for help with the first version go to:
Editing: Norm De Plume, Deceased, and CinnamonSwirlTheBreaded
Synopsis assistance: CheeseDeluxe and PegasusMesa
Original cover art by sinsays

Chapters (9)

Three hundred years after the fall of Princess Luna, Equestria teeters on the brink of disaster. Bitter political infighting and power-hungry nobles threaten to tear the country apart in a bloody civil war, while in the south old enemies prepare to reclaim their ancient homeland from the ponies.

As Princess Celestia desperately strives to hold together her splintered nation, she sends a young pony on a quest to the northern lands that border Equestria in order to plead for aid against the threat of Grypha. This unlikely messenger is Rye Strudel, the flightless, magicless, half-breed son of a guard and a baker. Rye must do the impossible and unite the thanes of the north... for if he cannot, there may be no home to come back to.

Chapters (67)