• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's Octascratch Shelf 345 stories
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One would think a short time to practice your instrument wouldn't be such an allusive chore. But Octavia rarely gets much practice time in. Why? Every time she tries, a scratch always interrupts her focus. A Vinyl Scratch. But a friend is a friend; no matter how much they bother--Trouble you...

Chapters (1)

When Octavia gets bitten by a supposed werewolf it opens up a whole new reality to her. She even might gain a couple new friends along the way. (Currently on hiatus due to lack of motivation to complete.)

Chapters (10)

Vinyl and Octavia have been together for a year and are enjoying their life in peace. But on the night of their first anniversary, a figure from Octavia's past resurfaces, disturbing their idilic lifestyle. Octavia will discover that her marefriend has been keeping dark secrets from her. As ghosts from Vinyl's past return, Octavia will learn things about her soulmate that will put her love to the test. And she will have to ask the ultimate question....can you be soulmates with a creature that supposedly has no soul?

I need a new synopses

Chapters (10)

Sequel to "Manhattan Ballad."

Humanized characters.

Vinyl and Octavia are back together, and the Reclamation is finally over, but now they are caught in the middle of a civil war as the Solar Empire tears itself apart. With order collapsing, and the furious Bass Leader hot on their trail, will the two survive?

Chapters (5)

Depressed after only having one pony show up for her Winter Concert, Octavia slumps herself within the holiday season. Not to mention the pony that did show up was her marefriend, Vinyl didn't exactly count as a viewer. Nothing to be merry about, Octavia is likely to spend another Hearth's Warming Eve alone, again. The only problem — Octavia wants to spend it alone. Her stubborn marefriend, Vinyl has other plans in mind as a blizzard hits Canterlot quickly and unexpectedly, sealing both ponies inside her apartment until the weather clears. Hilarity or insanity she doesn't know, but Octavia seems to enjoy spending time with the upstart DJ.

A/N: My first holiday special. Hope you guys take kindly to trying writers! Any criticism is appreciated as long as it's helpful!

Chapters (4)

Vinyl Scratch is a mare with pride in herself. She has her own business, knows what she likes, and keeps everything under control. Octavia is a mare with a cello case full of secrets and trust issues. The two meet one night at a double-booked concert and sparks start to fly.

This is in a more canon verse than the one in Night of Change, Midwife Crisis and anything else designated specifically "AU"

Cover art by RainbowShy1241

Chapters (19)

Octavia Philharmonica has everything she could ever need: A successful career, a loving marefriend, and peace of mind. But what happens when an old nemesis rears its ugly head, seeking to derail her life once again? The old Octavia would have swallowed her anger and moved on. The new Octavia has the influence of Vinyl Scratch, and she wants to kill that mother-bucker.

Chapters (3)

The first time I saw her eyes, they struck a chord within my soul. One that I have never experienced before. It was like I was coming alive for the first time.

But it was only a glimpse, and then she was gone. I am not going to let this go, though. I will discover who she is, why she is here... and why fate almost brought us together.

My name is Octavia, and I will stop at nothing to find her.

[Rejected by Equestria Daily on 12 December 2012. Now featured on Canterlot's Finest.]

Chapters (1)

After long years of playing for royal festivities in Canterlot, Octavia's musical skills start to plummet. She still has the talent, but she has no motivation, or inspiration to move on any further with her career. After meeting another musically inclined pony, Octavia start's to feel her inspiration kicking in, and she starts to fully understand why it has.

On the other hoof, Vinyl Scratch discovers what the power of music can truly do, and how friendship can only go but so far before it turns into something much more.

Chapters (7)

A series of one shots about Vinyl Scratch, Octavia and all their friends and family as they grow up and grow together.

Chapters (1)