• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

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Vinyl was going to be a prodigy. Everyone said so. Her teachers continually bumped her up through different music classes, and her peers were envious of her skills on the piano. Her feel and comprehension of jazz were beyond compare. But of course, the daughter of such a famous musician can only be expected to outperform her father.

However, when Vinyl's family is broken apart, she begins to make some decisions that could cause her to take her childhood dream as a casualty. Heartbroken and defeated, Vinyl was consigned to her fate until she discovered a classical prodigy who shows her the dream she could have chased. Octavia represents everything Vinyl ever wanted for herself, and so much more; she gives Vinyl a new sense of courage, of hope, and a new inspiration to dream about. But can Vinyl escape her fractured past to pursue her dream?

Chapters (3)

Lyra and Bon Bon are gonna try at least. And maybe they'll succeed. But not if Vinyl Scratch and Octavia have anything to say about it.

Will they derail a locomotive? Why are they doing it? Is it a villainous plan? Are they just pawns? Maybe it's for insurance fraud? Am I just blowing smoke to make this look better than it is?


Chapters (1)

I've always loved living in Canterlot. It was never particularly "bad". Everypony was classy and kind. Just like me. Or so I thought. Sometimes, a mare needs a change of scenery. To get away from the evils of discrimination. I guess that's why I moved to Ponyville. To get away from the sight of discrimination against Ponyvillians. I never guessed that the decision to move to Ponyville, would be the thing that would lead me to the mare of my dreams. My name is Octavia. I am a violinist, and former cellist and resident of Canterlot. I am going to tell you the story of how I met the greatest pony in the world, the mare of my dreams and how my feelings for her grew as I lived with her. The story of the greatest decision of my life.

Chapters (3)

We always were kinda an unlikely couple, but I don't think I would've had it any other way. We loved each other and that was always good enough for me. And now, after she's gone, I visit her every week, bringing with me a flower and a song.

Written for a one hour Hearts and Hooves day writing challenge.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch is invincible. But what hurts her the most?

Inspired by What Hurts the Most - Nightcore Remix

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia? Polar opposites. So what happens when you put them in an enclosed space with unlimited time?

A whole lot of strife.

(May contain some strong language, just barely peppered in)

Chapters (2)

The Mane Six go to the movies together, along with some friends.
Follow Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, The Cutie Mark Crusaders Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Scootaloo, The Just a Scratch gang CD, Skylark, Red, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia as we venture into three different story lines in this prologue to a much bigger tale filled humor, romance, and possible randomness.

Chapters (1)

Octavia is glad to get home. Its been one bad audition after another. So when she finally thinks she can have a rest and try to get things back on track her world starts to crumble. LITERALLY. Can octavia get her life back on track? Can she rebuild what was broken? and most importantly can the pony who knocked her down build her back up?

Chapters (1)

When Vinyl Scratch splits up with her long time partner, Green Star, can anything or anypony make her happy again? She is told by her friend to return to ponyville to get some rest, so she does, but somepony has their heart set on her. (rated teen for older content in later chapters)

P.S. I made the cover image my self so love and tolerate :P

Chapters (13)

When Vinyl and Octavia first meet on the streets of Manehattan it seems that they have little in common. Octavia is a part of a prestigious String Quartet and a graduate of Canterlot's most acclaimed music school. Vinyl, on the other hand, is a young street musician, playing and living on the dirty streets of the low-end part of the city, trying to survive harsh winters without shelter. But there is a one thing they share that binds them together in spite of everything: music. And thus their story unfolds. But with all of the struggles they face and the secrets they keep, can two ponies who are so different ever find peace with each other and, more importantly, with themselves?

Chapters (10)