• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

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What happens when a cellist and a DJ get totally shitfaced drunk?
no, not sloppy drunken sex. An adventure, that's what.
OctyVinyl humanized.
This is a complete rewrite of 'Unexpected Friends'. That one will most likely stay up in case people want to see the original, but this is going to be completely different in all but the most major of story points. Emjoy!

Chapters (1)

My life was simple. I used to be a cellist, of Canterlot's pride and nobility, and a very happy pony with where I was. I should say I landed myself here; it was nopony's fault I agreed with Vinyl on this ludicrous idea. I will, however, blame Vinyl for the guards outside. And for my doctor. And for Princess Luna.

That's all on her.

So, in the off chance that we don't get out of this room in (literally) one piece, my name is Octavia, beginning log: one.

[Log Note: Click on the "initializing" for the formatted GDocs version, which is highly suggested.]

Chapters (5)

Vinyl Scratch agrees to a bet to seduce a certain Octavia von Cut, helped by her bandmates Lemon Hearts (recently-sick former student at the school for gifted unicorns) and Pepperdance (somber earth pony from a far-off land). It does not go as planned.

(Features gratuitous use of background ponies and HasbrOCs, linked as appropriate.)

Chapters (1)

It seemed so simple. An afternoon out with friends and the ones you love, but life is rarely predictable. It only takes a moment to throw someone's life upside down.

Chapters (13)

Choice. Everypony faces it, most choices are easy and simple to make. But some? Some can change your life forever.

Just a little one shot I wrote to help get me back into writing. Just a little scene between everypony's favorite musical couple as one of them makes a choice. Hit kind of a block there in my other story but I'm still working on it and hope to have the next chapter out for it soon.

Chapters (1)

Twilight only became an RA to get the single and avoid her insane ex-roommate while she figured out which major to declare. The plan sounded simple... on paper.

Her RA partner is crazy, the music majors down the hall are probably going to kill each other, the new astronomy professor is her mentor's estranged younger sister, and one of her residents is flirting with her in an extremely distracting manner.

Meanwhile, Rarity's stuck with a bumpkin cowgirl roommate who embodies all the small town “charm” she's spent her life escaping. College was supposed to be her opportunity to start her socialite fashion career and leave all that behind... right?

Chapters (2)

Ponies are great... But what if they were humans? Just like you and me?
This is an alternate universe story in which the mane six attend a highschool as humans. Hope ya'll like it :D

Coverart by : semehammer DA: http://semehammer.deviantart.com/ ----check her/him out! its AWESOMENESS!

Chapters (4)

Returning to Ponyville was hard on Octavia, she needed to talk to her long lost friend. Vinyl. She can't wait, but at the same time she is afraid. Afraid of being hated.

Chapters (2)

Their world is ending.

In a cyberpunk-esque sort of futuristic world, Vinyl Scratch has reached a high point of her career, becoming the main attraction to the infamous CyberLink club, a fortress made of glass and neon lights. One day, the illusive owner of the club, a man named Bass Leader, calls Vinyl up to his office. He tells her two things: the augments that the majority of people have are causing widespread sterility and that he wants her to watch over his daughter, Octavia, who is pure flesh and blood.

However, when Empress Celestia tasks the fiercely loyal Rainbow Dash with finding the pure humans, is there any place to hide?

Chapters (13)

Five years previously the Canterlot Symphony Hall burned to the ground in mysterious circumstances...

Although the culprit was suspected, no trace of them could be found...

It was assumed they died in the fire. But that was not the case…

(Inspired by the Musical "Love Never Dies")

Chapters (4)