• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

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Family is a word Octavia has long linked to emotional pain. And it is that pain that drives her music to the heights it has. For music is both easing balm to soothe, but burning salt that irritates as well, for Octavia has never allowed herself to heal.
Now, a letter from her Mother threatens to reopen barely scabbed wounds... but will her friend Vinyl Scratch be the key to finally bring closure? Or will new wounds open before the old one can mend?
(Cover art thanks to the incredible mod of Ask Lovelace on tumblr)

Chapters (3)

Octavia Philharmonica is an Earth Pony who overcame the handicap of not being born with magic, and has become one of the greatest cellists Equestria has ever seen. When she is invited to the Gala, everything seems to lead to her dreams coming true, but by a cruel twist of fate, her perfect day is ruined. Distraught, Octavia can not stop thinking about the incident, bordering on obsession, but could the worst moment of her entire life be the catalyst that eventually culminates into being her best?

OctaVinyl Shipping. This is my very first fanfic, and I have no doubt It will not be very good, but I want to get into writing and I think this will help me get better at it.

I know I've only done two chapters, but Ive been having a hard time finding time to actually continue. This isn't dead. Just sleeping.

Chapters (2)

Vinyl lives life to the fullest but wants to know what love is. Octavia got her heart broken and never wants to get close to anyone ever again. How will things play out when Vinyl sets her eyes on Octavia? Will she change Octavia's mind or will someone get in the way?

Chapters (2)

~This is my first... Ever! story. So please be nice and if i have made a mistake or contradiction somewhere please leave a comment so i can fix it? thanks :)~
As Octavia returns home from her Grand Galloping Gala audition. She finds herself wanting a drink but all of the bars that she knows of are closed. So Octavia takes it upon herself to venture towards a club of which she has never been to before. It is here where she meets one Vinyl Scratch. As the two spend more time for each other they realise that they are made for each other.

Chapters (1)

The story of how Vinyl Scratch met Octavia, and how their bond grew.

Chapters (3)

Ever since the Brightshine incident, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia had become friends. This bond was inevitably going to grow, but how far?

Will either of them be able to confess their feelings?

The long-awaited sequel to my story Paranoia. I hope you stick around to see what happens and as always, constructive criticism is warmly welcomed.

All credit for the picture goes to Scopetime42. His DeviantArt is located here. I was very stubborn with what I wanted and fussy with what I liked, so I appreciate his co-operation and the effort he put in. Thanks a bunch.


Chapters (3)

Vinyl Scratch liked to party. Octavia liked to enjoy life a bit more quietly. That was until Vinyl took out a loan she couldn't repay. Now she’s on the run from an insane loan shark that has too many spare thugs and a lot of cash to throw away. To put the icing on top, the unicorn has dragged her new, once sheltered friend into the mess with her. Now the DJ and the cellist must try to escape with their lives. Along the way, will they find that they can't stand each other, or will they discover something else about themselves together?

Featured on August 25th, 2013

A special thanks to The Abyss and Tenderheart who edited and advised on parts of this story.

Chapters (9)

Every pony in Equestria knows the names Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch. Every musician in Equestria knows and reveres their talent and most semi-jokingly complain that Octavia and Vinyl's relationship should count as a monopoly on musical talent. Very few know their early story, years ago when Octavia had only just left Canterlot Conservatory and Vinyl was... well, being Vinyl.

Chapters (33)

Vinyl and Octavia meet at a party. With the romance tag and the title, what the hay do you think happens?

Fic reading here!

Chapters (1)

Traditions build bonds and keep them tight. For Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, it's just what they need.

Not in continuity with my other stories

Chapters (1)