• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's non-romantic favorites 367 stories
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Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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You know Vinyl Scratch. Everypony knows Vinyl Scratch: Cocky, sure of herself, parties all night and likes her music loud and the beats louder. And talking about herself in the third person.

What? It's fun.

Okayokayokay... so anyway, you're wondering how I first met my better half, right? (And don't tell her I called her that, 'cause she'll rib me about it me all day.)

Well, the whole thing kinda began somewhere you'd never expect to find me: The opera house.

I kid you not.

Chapters (1)

A month after her coronation, Twilight Sparkle decides to try out a few new spells. When an age spell goes wrong, she ends up stuck as an alicorn filly. While she tries to find a solution to her dilemma, Twilight becomes dependent on Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, who end up as her foalsitters, for better or worse. And the answer to her problems might well lie with one of Ponyville's most eccentric figures...

Note: This story features Alicorn Twilight, Doctor Whooves, age regression, and infantilism material.

Cover art by HopeaHam.

Chapters (18)

After Octavia finishes playing for the Broadhay Theater, her unexpected but fun friend Vinyl Scratch, popularly known as DJ-Pon3, visits and invites her and her friends to a party at a popular dance club, something that the cellist is unfamiliar with. Not wanting to disappoint her friend, Octavia agrees to go to her party, but can she last through the loud music, rowdy party-goers, blinding lights, and stallions constantly flirting with her?

Cover Art belongs to Ziemniax from DeviantART

Part of the Manehattanverse

Chapters (5)

Cover art provided by the amazing Mattatatta.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity are visiting the DELOS resort. It consists of 3 worlds where guests can live out their every fantasy. There's Aviworld; the fast and furious lifestyle of Ancient Pegasopolis. Magicworld; nobility and magic duels of Ye Olde Canterlot. And Dodgeworld; adventures in the Dodge settlements of the Equestrian mid-west. Each world is maintained by reliable cybermagic technology, and run by lifelike robot ponies. The robots are programmed to provide guests with an unforgettable vacation, and the technology is designed to provide all of it in complete safety. Here one can relieve frustrations and satisfy desires; all in a controlled environment. The trio of friends know they'll enjoy their stay at DELOS; the ultimate resort where nothing can possibly go wrong . . . go wrong . . . go wrong . . . gooooo wwwwwrrrrrooooonnnnnggggg.

Ponified adaptation of Michael Crichton's Westworld.

Chapters (12)

Life in Ponyville, outside of the usual events like a parasprite invasion or a revenge-seeking, all powerful megalomaniac kicking out the town librarian, tends to be laid back and typical. Which Applejack doesn't mind. However, after the CMC cause more problems due to influence from a newcomer in town, Applejack gathers the girls to go fix what the CMC did.

But then a mysterious creature ends up attacking Applejack, and while she survives and seems fine, it isn't long before she starts acting strangely. It's up to the usual group of ponies to figure out what's going on before it's too late.

*Approved for Twilight's Library on 3/18/14*

Also has a TVTropes page

Chapters (25)

In a world much like we know, another family has the throne. Applejack, crowned Princess of Equestria, is having a really bad day, and it isn't helped when every single member of the Apple Family happens to be an Alicorn.

An entry for Slippy's Royalty Collab.

Chapters (1)

She is the Element of Magic. She is the Keystone of Harmony. She is Celestia's Personal Student. She... is Applejack.

Story image by laurenmagpie

Chapters (4)


It's great, right? Gets your hooves movin', your heart pumpin', really makes you feel alive. I'd always heard, felt, lived, breathed music every day, every second of my life, and I'd never even thought about it.

At least, not until I agreed to save another dimension while blackout drunk, traveled there with my best friends, almost died (many times), fought horrible monsters, met an actual living god...

And, well, there's more than that, but I'm getting ahead of myself already. For now, perk your ears, listen up, and you'll hear a story that I'll never forget. The story of the Eternal Song.

Featured on EQD.

Cover art by the amazing Turbosolid.

Chapters (10)

Octavia and Vinyl Scratch are renowned for their musical prowess, but when they meet they discover that they share another hidden talent.

Inspired by the wonderful "Once Upon a Time in Canterlot."

Chapters (5)