• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's non-romantic favorites 367 stories
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Luna has now become her own mare

Cadence has become a beautiful princess in her own right

Twilight has grown up and graduated.

Celestia now begins to wonder about her own life and if she is still needed to be there for the younger generation and if they still need her to guide them.

Chapters (1)

Octavia, a successful mare with a great career, felt like something was missing in her life. Something that should be there wasn't. Seeing that empty chair... It had nothing and yet all of the answers. A physcial metaphor for the emptiness she was feeling inside, but was not facing.

Chapters (1)

After Shining Armor falls in battle, Luna helps Cadence cope with her grief. With his death, Cadence can no longer escape the harsh reality of her immortality and must come to terms with it.

Twilight, also struck by the truth of her situation, seeks out Celestia, who offers her an answer as harsh as the truth she must face.

Despite the sad tag, I can promise that there are heartwarming moments.

Chapters (2)

Vinyl Scratch makes an unexpected friend whilst doing her job of bartending. Stories are shared, drinks are downed, and for once, it won't be a wild night.

(Don't ask how I thought this up!)

Chapters (1)

Octavia has never considered Vinyl Scratch to be an ideal roommate. She's loud and obnoxious, she comes home whenever she dang well pleases, and she rarely (if ever) takes things seriously. So when Octy learns that she has a twin sister named Fiddlesticks who's coming in for a visit, she can't help but feel a sense of dread. Not because she fears that Fiddlesticks will be offended by Vinyl's bombastic attitude, although that in and of itself would be pretty terrible. Rather, she's afraid of Fiddlesticks embracing said attitude and proceeding to drive her insane.

To ease her roommate's worries, Vinyl promises to be on her best behavior. However, such a promise can only go so far, as she's not too keen on the idea of two Octavias running around and telling her what to do. With Tavi trying too hard to be a good host, Vinyl trying to curb her rebellious nature, and Fiddlesticks just trying to have a good time, something's gotta give...

Rated Teen for crude humor and suggestive themes.

Chapters (9)

Octavia's new to Ponyville, and she just bought a used couch. As it turns out, she has to move the heavy thing clear across town on her lonesome. That isn't the problem. The problem is these damn crazy ponies who won't stop pestering her.

Cover Art by faloxx

Chapters (1)

Octavia Philharmonica would like nothing more than to practice her cello and to compose beautiful music all by herself. Unfortunately, her teacher Princess Cadance has other plans! Sent to Ponyville to assist with logistics for the Vernal Equinox Festival, Octavia wants only to get through the ceremony with as little interaction with the local populace as possible, but her plans are derailed by the return of two ancient evils. When the ancient tyrants Burning Sun and Nightmare Moon break free from their prisons and initiate a new era of war and devastation, Octavia finds herself and five other musicians -- Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy, Lyra Heartstrings, Bluenote, and Medley -- caught up in a desperate race to find the Elements of Harmony and stop the alicorns. It will be a difficult journey, but it just might be possible, if Octavia can manage to befriend the other ponies... and if she can learn to truly listen to the music of Ponyville.

First story in the Cadanceverse!

Cover art generously provided by Mimicry.

Special thanks to my betas Blackbelt, Lev the Lurker, and RK_Striker_JK_5

Chapters (17)

Friendship is a song. Love is a song. Death is a song. Grief is a song. Together, they blend with perfect harmony, though they can hurt at times. Losing a loved one is hard, but music can lift the spirits of the saddest.

I will always love you, Octavia.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle decides to share the magic of s'mores and slumber parties with all five of her friends . However, no night can be perfect as Twilight quickly becomes disturbed at the language displayed by her friends. Can she keep her mouth shut, or will she bite off more than she can chew?


Chapters (1)

Octavia takes Vinyl out for a relaxing night at the symphony, but tensions can flare between even the closest of friends. Determined to figure out why things went wrong, Vinyl steps outside to catch some air...

Chapters (1)