• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

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Octavia's cutie mark is a treble clef, but that is only her destiny. Her parents had a different plan for her life. Neither her parents nor her destiny asked what she thought. At the bottom of her heart, all this little pony ever wanted was to know that she was not alone against the world, and to play beautiful music.

Now with a follow-up story, Render Unto Them Wubs.

=#= Written for the Octavia Fans One Year Anniversary Contest. Root idea stemmed from a backstory for everyone's favorite grey cellist that has been rolling around in the back of my head for a while.

Chapters (1)

Applejack must bury her lifelong friend, Winona.
This story is dedicated to my beautiful dog, Lily, who passed away yesterday.

Chapters (1)

Trixie appears once more in Ponyville, but something is...off...about her. She isn't speaking in third person. She is convinced that she is supposed to be the Element of Magic, that Celestia is supposed to be the Tyrant Sun, that Luna is supposed to rule as Equestria's monarch - and that Twilight is supposed to be a wanted criminal. Has she gone insane? Or is something bigger beginning - with consequences that Trixie, Twilight, and two entire worlds, can only guess at?

The long-awaited Crisis on Two Equestrias begins at last!

While reading the stories of The Lunaverse can only enhance your reading experience, it is not necessary for this story! It is being written as completely, 100% stand-alone, with no prior knowledge necessary!

Chapters (16)

Vinyl Scratch is worried when she receives some negative publicity. But when the local newspaper wants to do an interview, she decides it's time to clear up a few rumors. But will it lead to more than she expected?

A sequel to ''Two Ponies and a Plushie''

Chapters (1)

"My name is Octavia, or 'Tavi' if you are my insufferable friend. I was recently fired from the worst job in my life and had nowhere left to turn. So as the saying goes, 'Those who cannot, teach.' Now my life consists ofteaching fillies and colts to appreciate music like I did when I was young. Of course, it was hopeless. That was until I met a very special filly who taught me that there is more to music than just the notes, and there is more to life than just living. This is her story."

Chapters (1)

One normal day in the city of Canterlot an ambitious pony and his friend start a educational project in Ponyville. Applejack signs in to be a teacher after being told by Rarity she doesn't meet the standards of such a fine institution, but what Applejack didn't sign for is the academic and cultural plan that will change the face of Equestria from its delicate base. The children.

Chapters (6)

Twilight has bought a new board game and the ponies have decided to try it out. But things never go as planned...

Chapters (1)

As Rainbow Dash attempts to break new barriers of speed, she finds herself transported to a mysterious world, inhabited by creatures with unbelievable powers. While her friends in Equestria search for a way to return her home, she is forced to search for her own way home with the aid of her new friends, a trio of humans named Ash, Cilan, and Iris.

Chapters (15)

Octavia is a successful Cellist and popular Classical musician. However, there is a little fact she generally hides from everypony: which is her extreme paranoia. One day after a particularly successful concert, Octavia swears she is being followed home... What could this mean? Who, or what, could this be?

Or is she just being too paranoid?

****************** My Second Fic ********************
Tell me if you like the idea of it. If you don't, send a quick message about how and why. Thanks for the feedback!

Chapters (5)

As she enters her golden years, Applejack begins receiving some unique Visitors every Birthday. Voices from the past, telling her it's just about time. But she can't go just yet....

Cover art by the wonderful Nikki-Nicole-P on deviantART.

Chapters (1)