• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's non-romantic favorites 367 stories
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Total Words: 5,998,119
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Octavia and Vinyl Scratch have been the best of friends ever since they first met. Neither ever left the other's side. But what happens when Octavia shatters their friendship? Is she doing the right thing - or making a big mistake?

Inspired by this video.

Chapters (1)

Octavia a mare of class and of deep regret, has come to a decision to end it. She just has one last thing she must do. She must write her last letter to Vinyl. Then she can finally stop.

Chapters (2)

There are two reasons Applejack can't lie -- her mother and father.

(Partially inspired by someone I love very much. :) )

Chapters (1)

A/N: This is a trollfic about Justin Bieber. If you like him I suggest not reading further than this description.
Twilight Sparkle tries to come up with a new spell and ends up accidentally transporting world famous Justin Bieber to Equestria. His attitude butts heads with the locals.
Teen for swearing... a lot of swearing.

A/N: If anypony knows who made this image please tell me so I can credit them.

Chapters (1)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXcoM_AHuk8 (Use this link if you feel extra nerdy.)
Since Emperor Palpatine--now revealed to be the the evil Darth Sidious--took control of the senate, he has begun a brutal occupation of every planet in the known galaxy. During one such occupation the Galactic Empire has unknowingly stumbled upon the world of Equestria, and is now about to take control of it as they have done with every other system. The Emperor is about to send a small fleet of to the planet to subjugate it's inhabitants. Little does the Empire know, a group of renegade clone troopers, led by Commander Maverick, and Jedi Knight Kal Nevaar, are in hiding on the planet. These renegades may need to enlist the help of the locals if the they wish to survive...

Chapters (15)

When Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spike get together to play a certain property trading board game, they soon find that even friendships as strong as theirs can be put to the test — and that in the dog-eat-dog (or pony-eat-pony) world of board games, there can be only one winner.


This is just a silly little one-shot I came up with one night, while unable to sleep. Comments contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Cloud Kicker have been good friends for years now. But when Cloud Kicker comes to Ponyville for one last visit before heading off to join the Royal Guard, Rainbow has to face some difficult questions about just what she wants to do on what might be their last chance to hang out in a long time. Her decision might be a little easier to make if Cloud spent less time thinking about banging and more time thinking about her awesome friend, Rainbow Dash.

Obviously, this calls for a night on the town. And booze. Lots and lots of booze.

Part of the Winningverse.

Chapters (2)

One day, while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are hanging out, Pinkie makes a good point that despite the fact that there are many interesting ponies in Ponyville, they never really seem to pay much attention to them. They may not know what they're really like, but you will. Lucky you.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy's Second Greatest Secret

Scootaloo somehow managed to get an interview with the Ponyville most well known musicians for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The musicians were Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, during the interview Octavia was skeptical about of her best friend, she didn't have much to say and she was acting odd around them, and then she realized that she doesn't know much about her herself. So after a while Octavia's curiosity gets the best of her and is determent to find out why that is. Finding out Vinyl's Jarring, embarrassing and interesting secret in the process, along with a filly named Sweetie Belle.

Comedy is debatable.
And so is Slice of Life.

Read in either of these orders you like. But as of now they barely connect.
Chronological order:
Fluttershy's Second Greatest Secret
The Club's Connected to the Boutique
Well, That's Just Silly

Chronologically made:
The Club's Connected to the Boutique
Fluttershy's Second Greatest Secret
Well, That's Just Silly

Chapters (14)

Applejack was a simple pony, content with a hard day's work and good friends. However, fate decides she's in for a little more than that when an alien crashes into the farm and gives her a strange ring. Now, Applejack is thrust into a war she never expected, part of the intergalactic police force, the Green Lanterns. The enemy? A merciless group of warriors called the Yellow Lanterns, whose brutality is unmatched by any in the universe. Faced with a savagery that she has never encountered before, Applejack must step up and become the iron willed warrior the Green Lanterns, and the universe, need her to be.

"In brightest day, in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power: Green Lantern's light!"

A big thanks to http://uc77.deviantart.com/ for his use of a cover image.

Chapters (9)