• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's non-romantic favorites 367 stories
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Total Words: 5,998,119
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Octavia's big performance catches the attention of a certain DJ/Producer who was looking for inspiration. Will Octavia agree to work for this pony, and if so, where will it lead her career. Will the members of her ensemble support her as they always have?

Chapters (3)

Vinyl Scratch is the supervillain DJ P0N-3, committing all sorts of crimes by day. Octavia is the superhero Symphonia, stopping all kinds of crimes by day.
Now, what’ll happen when the two meet?

Proofread by Syvvak.

This fic has been cancelled.

Chapters (2)

Behind Spitfire's office door, Soarin is rolling his "wings" in his hooves. The pin signifies his position as a member of the Wonderbolts, and he has to give it up.

Any feedback or criticisms are encouraged.
Or, you could just leave a down-vote without an explanation. That works too.

Chapters (1)

Co-written with my totally awesome sister, a-Phoenix-in-Avalon and theseventhdoctor, with some additional (yet vital) help from TheInvincibleIronBrony

Set in the same universe as my other stories Iron Mare and Flutterhulk but you don't have to have read those to read this.

The powerful but arrogant warrior Rainbow Dash is cast out of the fantastic realm of Asgard and sent to live amongst mortal ponies in Equestria, where she soon becomes one of their finest defenders.

Please note that the "Other" tag is to cover my bases, since this story has a lot of side characters (i.e. The Warriors Three and such) and I ran out of tags. And yes, even though this is a superhero story, most of the time is spent without kicking butt. This character driven more then action driven. I might add the tag as I see fit.

Rated Teen for Action Violence, Brief Language, and mentions of adult themes.

Cover art by Siansaar

Chapters (20)

Long ago, Celestia created the Spanish Inquisition and put three strange stallions in charge for unknown reasons. While Twilight goes to question her mentor about this, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, and Granny Smith all have encounters with these three zealots. They didn't expect them at all, and they are all very confused.

Ponified Version of Monty Python's Flying Circus Sketch "The Spanish Inquisition." If you've never seen it, shame on you, and here's a link: Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition
Hope you all enjoy. If not, I blame it on being my first story.

Chapters (4)

A one-shot of Cloud Kicker's first wing-blade lesson with her mother.
My contribution to Cloud Kicker month, hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are going on a camping holiday together! But when everything goes wrong due to Vinyl's terrible judgment and foresight, Octavia must learn how to have a good time anyway.

A comedy of errors starring our dynamic duo, and is also absolutely shipping-free.

Chapters (1)

Five ponies, a gazebo, and a rain shower: There should be a joke here, but instead it's just five mare friends having to take shelter somewhere in the middle of an afternoon shower, and trying to make the best of it.

Chapters (1)

A monster. A freak.
A weapon. A failure.

Fluttershy is all of these and none of these. She simply wants to be left alone. But turning into a giant green monster more often then not prevents that.

This is her story.

In the same universe as Iron Mare and Soar, but you don't have to have read those to read this...

Rated Teen for Action Violence and dark themes (such as depression/mental illness and such)

Proofread by Dave Man 1000, Spideremblembrony and CluelessBrony.

Chapters (20)

Not everything is as it seems when Dinky visits her mother in the hospital.

Connected to Chengar Qordath's "Saying Goodbye"

Now a dramatic reading! Courtesy of Lisa M.
Part 1
Part 2

Chapters (1)