• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Mariacheat's non-romantic favorites 367 stories
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Total Words: 5,998,119
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Not everything is as it seems when Dinky visits her mother in the hospital.

Connected to Chengar Qordath's "Saying Goodbye"

Now a dramatic reading! Courtesy of Lisa M.
Part 1
Part 2

Chapters (1)

I am eternal, and death is my steadfast companion. The passing of each generation of my little ponies weighs on me; every one of them is a fleeting, irreplaceable treasure, a snowflake dancing 'round a fire. I want to save all of them; I have the ability to save a few. I have saved none.

Chapters (1)

Sparkler Doo has just started her first summer in Ponyville and already has plans with her family. Why should she have friends?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to From the Mouths of Fillies

As her battle with cancer draws to a close, Ditzy Doo spends her final days with the ponies closest to her. There is so much for her to say to her friends and family--so much in so little time that she might forget to say one of the most important words may go unspoken.


Cover art graciously provided by Meadowshrine.

A side story to From the Mouths of Fillies and Saying Goodbye, and a semi-sequel to What's in a Name.

Chapters (1)

I am not very fond of the episode Spike at Your Service. Really because Spike was turned into a complete idiot. I wanted to write something that was more respectful to his character.

Chapters (2)

Blossomforth is fresh out of college and ready to take on the world. Sure, moving to Ponyville to get a job on the weather team is going to be a bit of an adjustment, but it's nothing she can't handle. Besides, Rainbow Dash seems like a fine boss. Everything is looking good for our favorite watermelon-maned pegasus.

Then she meets a pony named Cloud Kicker.

Part of the Winningverse

Chapters (1)

Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, two musicians who have never met in the canonical universe, and yet have both performed in a similar place: Canterlot. At the same time, the Mane Six is there to enjoy their different styles of music, and find themselves to be strictly in the background. But, what is it they see that keeps them there? Why are they never given lines? Why does Octavia close her eyes, and Vinyl wear her glasses? Why is Vinyl's one instance of exposing her eyes significant?

This is a symbolic/experimental story, meant to try a new medium of writing. There is a storyline, but it is meant to be background; the focus is the thoughts, the imagery, and the connection to colors.

Chapters (1)

Octavia Philharmonica has had an interesting life since becoming the Bearer of the Element of Honesty. Between her music studies, her jam sessions with Vinyl Scratch (the Element of Magic) and the other Ponyville musicians, and her attempts to learn more about friendship, she's got a lot on her plate. Fortunately, she seems to be doing well, and her attempts to integrate into the Ponyville community have been largely successful. She is even invited to go to a magic show by some of her friends, an invitation which she happily accepts.

Unfortunately, during the show, a traveling showmare and a purple-coated scholar get into a fierce argument over which of them is the better mage, and Vinyl's attempts to mediate only make things worse. When Trixie Lulamoon and Twilight Sparkle refuse to back down, they retreat to the Everfree to settle things and accidentally antagonize the dreaded Ursa Minor! Their only hope for rescue is the Element Bearers, who alone have mastered the magic of music and friendship to defeat those that would harm Equestria. Octavia will have to work with Vinyl and the other Elements to save the day once more. To accomplish this, though, she'll have to use all she knows about music... and about friendship as well.

A Cadanceverse story, and the sequel to 'The Music of Ponyville'. However, you don't need to read that one to understand this story.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash has a freak accident while performing a Sonic Rainboom, and awakens to find herself in a strange new world, with strange new abilities.

Avengers and My Little Pony crossover.

Image Credit goes to Alienfirst : Link

Chapters (9)

Everyone has a talent. No matter who you are, there is something you are good at. Something you enjoy doing. But not everyone is comfortable with the attention it may bring, as Rarity realizes when she accidentally reveals Applejack to be a brilliant artist.

Second story I've tried to write.
This one isn't nearly as sad as Sororal Instincts. And hopefully it's better written. If it isn't then clearly I need to fire my editor. But first I must hire one.

Not featured on Equestria Daily cause I never go there cause it weirds me out kinda.
This story features a train! CLICKETY CLACK DOWN THE TRACK.

Chapters (12)