• Member Since 5th Mar, 2014

Dream Seeker

Well, I just figured out how to do a short bio! So, yeah.

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A rainy night at a bar really brings out stories from within ponies. During a game of poker, Equestria's rogue list, including Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, Discord, and Sombra, plus another, the baddies start sharing stories. The similarity; the telling of how they almost won their most famous defeats.

Loosely based on the episode, "Almost Got 'Em" from Batman the Animated Series

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestiphobia

It's only been a day since the treaty was passed, and Stan still hates the ground-walkers and fliers and magicians. So his friend, Carl, decides to cheer him up by making him take part in his favorite activity. Getting drunk.

What a horrible mistake that was, since it gave Stan beer goggles for a certain white alicorn, and has him running around causing mischief at every turn.
Carl can only hope he can survive the night.

Now with deleted scenes!

Author's words with some form of intelligence: Now with 100% more editing by Alticron

Chapters (23)

When David volunteered to be part of a cryogenic experiment he thought he'd be at the forefront of human technology, spearheading research and development.

Unfortunately politics doesn't work that way.

Lucky for him, the science was solid... For ten thousand years.

AN: Don't take this seriously. Seriously don't. I don't.

Special thanks to my editor: Thornwing!

A-d-d-ditional Tags: Science Fiction, Parody, Waking Up In the Future, Equestria used to be Earth, Parity Bits, Things That Could Be Considered Irrelevant To The Premise And Is Only Used As Humour, Twi-bright, Kangaroos, Towels and Brawndo.

Rated teen for inappropriate scenarios. Well, lots of inappropriate scenarios. Now with 20% more Dark!

List of Side Stories:

The Story of the Equinos and Celestia
Twilight's Report
A Butterfly Bash
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Unpublished Stories now available here.

I'll also keep the former list I made here:

The Story of the Gorlians and Equestria
Human Manual I
Equine Manual I
Why Emergencies Should Be Handled Calmly
Why Emergencies Should Be Handled Calmly II
Blue Pill
David's Nightmares
Robot Manticore Attack
The First Law
A Dated Journal Entry
McQuestria II
To Touch The Stars

Chapters (17)

After an argument with Luna, Celestia realizes that she is the only creature in Equestria who cannot sleep in. She enlists Twilight to help, and the two of them come up with a spell that will allow her to spend the night on a different world. Unfortunately, all their research failed to reveal that the world they sought was populated. Now, the Princess must decide whether to continue with contact, or destroy the only non-Equestrian witness to their existence.

Cover art is called "Sleeping Celestia" by Briskby

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Wolf In Pony's Clothing

Manehattan's Spring Fashion Show, second only to Fashion Week in the fall. And this spring, Carousel Boutique of Ponyville will be there for the first time, with three in-house models on the runway: A pegasus supermodel who disappeared two years ago, a farmpony who can fake being a Manehattanite -- and a Changeling Queen working undercover for Princess Celestia.

Add the lead mare and stallion of Canterlot's Smart Set and two griffins -- one a jealous supermodel, the other a Bridleway star with a secret -- and what could possibly go wrong?

A sequel to Wolf in Pony's Clothing, taking place two to three months after the events of that story.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the magical land of Equestria and its equine inhabitants (c) Hasbro, Inc, Hub Network, and Studio DHX.
Created by Lauren Faust.

"Picture Perfect Pony" by MandoPony.

"Art of the Dress (stressed reprise)" by Daniel Ingram and Charlotte Fullerton.

Chapters (11)

One thousand years ago, Nightmare Moon overpowered Celestia and banished her to the sun. As dictator of Equestria she's come to a slow eventual conclusion. She needs someone in charge of relations. And, like any good dictator would do with a undesirable job, she outsourced it.

Chapters (15)

Families are a wonderful thing. The goodnight kisses from your mother you received as a foal. The ball games you played with your father as a teenager. The warmth, love and compassion that they will always give you.
Twilight loves her family with all her heart, but she isn't so sure she should take Flash Sentry home to meet them just yet. But it's what all the books say she should do, so it's what she should do.
Unfortunately for Twilight, families are also great at embarrassing you. This is a story of family, love, and blazing infernos.

Editing by the incredible Bad_Seed_72! Go read her stuff!

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia, tired of the constant pressure that ruling a nation puts on her, decides to take a day off and let Luna take her responsibilities for a day, something the younger alicorn is more than happy to do. She disguises herself as a pink maned pegasus pony named Sunny Skies and decides to go walking around Canterlot without any supervision. Unfortunately for her, not all parts of Canterlot are as safe as the palace, and she finds herself at the wrong end of a gang of muggers, who decide to kidnap her for a ransom when they see how much money she has on her.

Luna freaks out.

Celestia thinks it's hilarious.

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Featured on Equestria Daily 8/15/13

Go here for the French translation!


Edited wonderfully by sqarishoctagon and Cloud Hop

Updated cover art by Dominatore

Chapters (9)

-Two pairs of siblings were shattered too soon.
-One split by stone, the other by moon.
-In grief of loss the brother ran.
-Now he's come back to help all he can.

-Brother of Discord, back from the waste.
-Two thousand years, add chaos for taste.
-Meets with the elements only to find,
-His brother demented, both body and mind.

-Chaos, Confusion, and Entropy's friend.
-Discord's antics, what he's come to mend.
-Hilarity, Joy, and Jokes to spare,
-The little known brother of chaos' heir.

Picture is 'Chaos Mage' © *Sergon (I edited the hue a bit.)

Chapters (13)

Dead Quiet is a necromancer, not a take over the world necromancer. Not a destroy all ponies and have zombies as the master race necromancer. And certainly not bring dead heros back to life and use them as undead knights to over throw everything. No, Dead Quiet is just another pony trying to live her uneventful life. But destiny has a way of making lives very eventful.

Intended as a short 1 chapter story but I kinda got in a relationship with it while proof-reading it.

Chapters (8)