• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

Finished 917 stories
Found 846 stories in 81ms

Total Words: 8,431,540
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Eureka has to defend her home, and with no options remaining she turns to a black art. She turns to Pyromancy. What followed is recorded as: The Trial of Eureka, The Last Pyromancer. Her last act is to plead her case and try to avoid exile.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Voyage's End

Eleven years has passed since ponies and humans met for the first time. Now, Twilight ventures out on her most incredible endeavor to date.

"Once more, we boldly go into that great unknown." -Twilight Sparkle

Edited by: Way2Dawn

Chapters (1)

Stev is an outgoing family man, who loves his wife and his neighborhood. However, he's surprised to find out that the house next to his is being rented out to travellers on holiday... and who should show up but a graceful, elegant, magical pony looking for a nice relaxing trip to the country to unwind.

Like the good neighbour he is, Stev invites her to join him, his wife, and friends, to a barbeque. And like the gracious mare the tourist from Equestria is, she accepts.

But vacations don't last forever.

My submission to the Everfree Northwest Contest. Rated Everyone for ponies.

Chapters (1)

Live's well lived, friendships, rivalries and companionship; Twilight Sparkle has known many variations and forms of friendship, but what Twilight wants to know is 'Why me? Why did Celestia make me an Alicorn?'

The Answer is more surprising then she thinks.

Inspired by various FIM fiction pieces. A What-if this is the reason.

Chapters (1)

Lapis-Lazuli Presents...
Celestia and Chrysalis take tea together, and find they have more in common than either could have imagined.

Contest entry for EFNW Pre-Con Writing Contest 2015.
I didn't win anything. Screw contests.
Edited by Inky Jay, Mr. Numbers, Auburn Arc and Figments.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Grading is degrading

After a well deserved rest, Cheerilee is ready to finish grading the class reports. All she hopes for is some well written, normal pieces of writing.

What shes going to find is about five cups of coffee and a headache.

Made popular on October 23! Thanks for reading!

Chapters (1)

Its that time of the week again! Grading night! The night that Cheerilee could be spending watching chick flicks with a bag of popcorn, but her job says otherwise. Its not that she doesn't like grading night-

But it can get a little...

Made popular list on October 22, 2014! Thanks for the views, faves, and likes!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Kafka-esque

One by one, their voices died.

Only I remain.

And she is coming...

As their numbers dwindled, their intelligence grew, until the last of their kind achieved the unthinkable: self-awareness.

Now, faced with the inevitable end of their species, the last changeling must battle a creature that never before posed a threat to their kind: their Queen.

Chapters (1)

Luna and Twilight devise a spell to go back in time and view the dream that inspired Celestia to become an alicorn.

It's not what they expected.

Chapters (1)