• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

Finished 917 stories
Found 846 stories in 62ms

Total Words: 8,431,540
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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This story is a sequel to To Love a Goddess

This is Celestia's side of the story from To Love a Goddess, and the decisions she had to make.

Part two of the "To Love" trilogy.
Reading To Love a Goddess before this one is required.

Edited by Darastrix. Pre-read by Azu.

Chapters (1)

Glass Work was born in the north. He's lived there his entire life, used to the cold and the quiet. But when he pushes himself to move past it, and try to make a life down where the sun shines and the cold gives way to summer warmth, his plan is completely ruined.

Preread by Mikesnipe

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (26)

She reaches for the bottle... And wonders what can be changed in an unchanging world.

Rated teen for alcohol use. Consider this my late Nightmare night treat to you!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is trapped in a room, and she can't get out until she writes a letter.

Russian translation by Repitter.

Russian audio reading, also by Repitter.

Proofread by MrNumbers and Octavia Harmony.

Chapters (1)

Twilight couldn't remember ever having seen Princess Celestia get sick. That simply doesn't happen to alicorns. And yet there she lies, on her bed, delirious. If only she knew how to help.

Lengthened version of the tenth-place finisher in the /fic/ mini write-off "One Little Mistake."

Cover art by Mica Halligan

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a reading!

Thanks to Themaskedferret for feedback on the draft.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom has a very important classroom duty, at least according to Miss Cheerilee.

Second place winner in the January Writeoff - All In

Chapters (1)

Humans have been living in Equestria, and while attending school in Manehattan a kid named York makes friend with Babs Seed. Little does he know the mare might want to be more than friends.

Part of Equestrium

Chapters (5)

Through unknown means, Sombra amassed an army and launched an attack against the Crystal Empire and a changeling sub-hive. This forces Celestia and Chrysalis to meet, and agree to a temporary alliance between their kinds. Neither is happy about the situation, but for the lives of the ponies and changelings they lead, they are willing to do what is necessary.

Yet, as weeks and months pass, the pair find working together is not as horrible as they originally believed. Is a lasting peace, and perhaps more, possible between ponies and changelings, between a princess and a queen?

Written for Equestria Daily's Super Happy Hearts and Hooves Lovefest Fanfic Event

Chapters (1)

First there were rumors about Zecora being an evil enchantress, kidnapping and feeding on little foals. Then there was Gabby Gums. It seems that Ponyville loves their rumors and gossip.

How will Ponyville fare after a pony hears the comment that the town's resident human made about the Princess? Will there be utter chaos? Will there be pony on pony violence? Let's find out shall we?

11/01/15 EDIT: Small errors fixed.

(With the upvotes and views, this seems to be my Most Interesting Little Fic)

Chapters (1)

Twilight has a question for Queen Chrysalis.
"Just what does love taste like, anyway?"

Chapters (2)