• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

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This story is a sequel to "I want to be an uncle...THAT'S AN ORDER, PRIVATE!"

With an order from Shining, and no help from Cadance, Flash sets of on his "mission" to go to Twilight's.
Unfortunately, the situation goes in a completely different direction than he thought.

Authors regrets: Here it is. The "Threequil" that I'm sure many (or no one) wanted.
At first, I didn't really want to write this fic, seeing as how this is probably frowned upon, but I knew others wanted to see some conclusion to all of this, and it was kinda fun writing, so here it is. The last of the "I want to be a" Series...hopefully.

Chapters (1)

Ever had one of those days where everything's just gone wrong, one problem after another?

Of course you have.

Ever had one of those days when you wake up to find you've accidentally switched places with your counterpart in a world where you and all your friends are stallions?


Maybe that's just Twilight, then.

But the Princess of Magic isn't going to let a little thing like being in the wrong universe ruin her day. She has a schedule - a checklist! - and it matches up with this Dusk Shine's perfectly. Apart from the names and the genders, everything seems to be a match, and Ponyville has seen much weirder things since she moved here.

Being stallions or mares shouldn't make her friends that different. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (9)

Twilight is an expert when it comes to magic. Everypony knows that.

What they don't know is, that doesn't include knowing how to heal burns, sew tissue back together, reduce swelling, fix broken and/or dislocated bones, deliver babies, hoof out shots, cure cancer, use lab coats, walk around with a cane - you know, doctor stuff.

However, that doesn't stop them from coming in and asking for help.

Featured on October 16th... really?

Short review by Singularity Dream

This fic is a kind-of sort-of parody to the many fics that include curing the many misfortunes/illnesses via Twilight Sparkle.

I am writing this in an attempt to get my inspiration back up at full speed. If this does well, I may do more.

Also, for me to get better development out of this, and because it fit, I'm using unicorn Twilight instead of alicorn

Chapters (5)

You know, there are nights in which you will get eight full hours of restful sleep, and there are nights in which your night's rest will be interrupted by a sentient blue unicorn that's named after a toothpaste company.
What kind of night do you think this story is about?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is dying and Celestia is near a shell of her former self. Her biggest regret is having been unable to say goodbye, so she asked that Luna deliver a message for her. When Luna tries to do so, she finds something much different than what either sister could have ever imagined.

This story is a tribute to DemonFyre who passed away this past week.
The world was not meant for one as beautiful as you. - HudsonHawk.

Though I never knew you and I now never will, know that you hold a special place in my heart. Let sweet oblivion ease your aches and sorrows.
Sleep well, little one. - Swiss Alien Narwhal.

I don't know who you were, but you were clearly a great inspiration. I hope you made your life worth living, and that you know that thanks to stories like this one, there will always be a way for people to remember you. - Leonexus.

Chapters (1)

Once a year, the Night Guards of Canterlot receive a very important shipment, much to the distress of their peers. Flash Sentry has no idea what the fuss is all about.

(Submission for EqD's Friend Off event.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestiphobia

It's only been a day since the treaty was passed, and Stan still hates the ground-walkers and fliers and magicians. So his friend, Carl, decides to cheer him up by making him take part in his favorite activity. Getting drunk.

What a horrible mistake that was, since it gave Stan beer goggles for a certain white alicorn, and has him running around causing mischief at every turn.
Carl can only hope he can survive the night.

Now with deleted scenes!

Author's words with some form of intelligence: Now with 100% more editing by Alticron

Chapters (23)

Everypony knows which princess watches over their dreams. She is the one who they pray to every night, wishing for their rest to bring comfort rather than suffering.

One night, other duties exhaust her ahead of time, and the princess falls asleep on the job. Nopony is there to watch over her.

What does she see?

Dramatic reading by Wandering Pony here: (link)

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo doesn't get to see her mother as often as she would like. So when Celestia announces a contest where the prize is the chance to be a Princess for a Day, Scootaloo sees it as an opportunity to make her mother notice her.

The idea for this fic was originally done by Matt11 (you can read his version Here), I asked if I could try my hand at his premise and he agreed, so here's what I came up with.

Prologue, Chapter 1 and 2 edited by RandomSomepony4357 and Nuki Mouse

Chapter 4 edited by This guy

Chapter 5, 6 and 7 edited by Notapony (Yes I know that this story has a lot of different editors)

Chapter 8 and 9 edited by TheGreatEater (The list keeps growing)

Cover art done by choedan-kal and posted with permission.

Chapters (10)

Scootaloo brings a box of chocolate deliciousness to school.

Unfortuantely, she'll only share under one condition...

Now with readings by TheArchitect and Brony Chronicler. Click here or here to view.

Chapters (1)