• Member Since 11th May, 2013


The Barcast Podcast Host. I also go by the name Milk. I like to read, I proof read and edit, and I drink. A lot.

Finished 917 stories
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Total Words: 8,431,540
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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Frothy Brew is the barista in the Canterlot café owned by himself, his wife, and his daughter. Years of hard work had made the café a successful and modestly popular place to stop and get a drink or a snack. Nothing prepared him though for it to become a hub of interaction with the undisguised changelings that were being seen more often in the streets of Canterlot. Can he put aside his feelings for the species though after witnessing the most horrifying aspect of the invasion years ago?

This story runs concurrently with the latter part of my Change of Life story. While reading that and Prelude To Change is not necessary, they do give valuable background that is glossed over in "Conversations". Cover art and story illustrations are all done by Foxenawolf.

Chapters (13)

In the wake of the interrupted wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, the Royal Guard went on a changeling hunt, fanning out throughout Equestria to find any changelings living amongst ponykind. The captured changelings have been confined to a guard barracks in Canterlot.

Meanwhile Princess Celestia is finding herself swamped with petitions from ponies across Equestria asking for amnesty for their changeling friends, colleagues, and lovers. Princess Luna, who has been itching to regain some responsibility since her return, offers to take on the petitioners... and the changelings.

(sex tag for off-screen births and hinted baby-making)

Chapters (27)

When Maud Pie officially endorses the latest party game to hit Equestria, Pinkie can't wait to share it with her friends.

For all the wrong reasons, it's a game they won't soon forget.

The trendsetter so controversial, 60% of FimFic's mods ruthlessly crushed the subsequent bandwagon!

Stuff said about CAE:
"I never knew I wanted this until now!" - Xomniac
"Despite your vileness, I can't stop laughing at this fic!" - Professor Tactitus
"Illuminati confirmed." - AlesFlamas
"So weird, I reviewed it twice!" - John Perry

Rated Teen, but brace yourselves for some rather 'near-the-knuckle' humour and strong-ish sexual references. Oh my.

Edited by Kolth

Chapters (3)

One Shot story. For real this time.

An AC-130 appears and unleashes hell on some changelings, varying from 25mm to 105mm! What else did you expect? A rainbow beam would wipe them out? HA. Sit back, shut up, and read it.

It's damn AC-130, why would you not?

The Re-Made chapter takes a more serious tone to the situation. Whether you think it was an improvement to the first is upon you to decide.

Chapters (2)

In the warmth of her cloud home, Rainbow Dash is about to turn in for the night when she hears Scootaloo crying outside in the middle of a vicious blizzard. Plucking the freezing filly from the snow, Rainbow hopes to provide some much-needed comfort for the otherwise tough young pegasus, but she uncovers a disturbing reality that she knows she cannot handle alone.

Knowing only one pony that could really help her out, Rainbow enlists Twilight’s help, determined to set things straight for Scootaloo. But what Rainbow doesn’t know is that in her efforts to provide a better life for the filly, her friendship with Twilight will develop into something more.

Edited by Alcatraz, Rated Ponystar, Rocinante, Ponysopher, Marshal Twilight, Knight of Cerebus, ShimmeringStallion, and Jake The Army Guy

Proofread by Neko Majin C

Chapters (23)

One day Celestia finds herself being asked out on a date by TD, a human famous for punching her in the face.

You know what to expect.
Or not.

Set in a Universe where TD did not go on his Journey.
Intended to be a non-canon side story.

If you want to understand this story better, you'll want to read No, I'm Not A Brony. GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!!.

Big shout outs to BronyWriter who wrote the original story and is the editer of this one.

Chapters (20)

Spike asks Rarity a question she is 100% unprepared to answer.

Takes place several years into the future. Established Spike/Rarity. Could be considered a oneshot follow-up to either “Of Age” or “How to Woo Your Lady in 9 Easy Steps”, but requires no background knowledge of my previous fics.

Chapters (1)

A demon of a long-forgotten time, trapped in the barriers of an ancient prison; forever cursed with loneliness... until one day, she meets a human.

"What a queer looking creature..."

Heavily inspired by Juniper's Knot a visual novel by Dischan Media. Reading it is not required.

Thanks to DVAN56, bocaj518 and Mr101 for their help!

Chapters (1)

What is friendship?

Is it a term or something so much more?

And can you be a friend to something so different but so similar to you?

Something that I'm sure has been done to death but, since reading East of Eden, I wanted to do something a little more thought provoking. I got the idea while I was alone in my house, with just the sound of a clock ticking to keep me company.

Art done by murphylaw4me

Chapters (1)

Ditzy is only lacking one thing in her life—aside from good balance, eternal wealth, princess-hood, etc. But since she can't do anything about the other items on the list, she is going to set her goals on something much more achievable.

She is going to get a coltfriend.

Author's Note:
Hump day. Hooray!

Chapters (1)