• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2014


Flygon knows where you sleep, where you eat and where you live. Respect his pairings and he won't have to stalk you at night.

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This story is a sequel to A Sour Sweet Star is Born

In an effort to improve her social skills, Sour Sweet’s therapist, Doctor Chrysalis suggests that she participate in a one-on-one support group session with a fellow client with similar issues. Enter Sour Sweet’s favorite “Horse Girl”: Fluttershy.

Based on the ideas of TheScarletSentinal

(Contains strong language, sexual discussion, and one violent but oh so very satisfying act at the end)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Sour Sweet Gesture

After failing at music videos and ( intentional ) comedy, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle are stuck in a rut to find something interesting to put up online. Their prayers are answered when they witness Sour Sweet throwing a tirade over a twenty cent increase on the price of milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner. The Crusaders recruit her in their quest for internet stardom, however they may just end up gaining something even better: friendship... AND internet stardom!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet, the Christmas Parade Critic

Schizophrenic symptoms include severe mood swings of course, however they also include delusions of persecution, the beliefs of the afflicted that those around them will betray or hurt them.

You and Sour Sweet attend Sunny Flare’s toga party where a drunken Gilda ridicules Sour Sweet for having not “given any” to her boyfriend yet. Afterwards, Sour Sweet begins to believe that you’re going to leave her. Even worse, it will be her friends to take you away. It’s up to you to set her mind straight and perhaps help her begin to open up sexually in the process.

( Contains no actual sex, just discussion, strong language, and the one naughty, titular gesture )

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sour ‘n Sweet ‘n Pretty

You take your girlfriend, Sour Sweet to go see Canterlot City’s Christmas parade. Naturally, she mocks the whole thing.

Also, Derpy seeks the autograph of the parade’s Guest of Honor, Time Turner, star of the Doctor Whooves TV series… and it may only be up to her best friend, Rainbow Dash to make that happen!

( Serves as a follow-up to Riding Into the Future as well, however it's not required reading to enjoy )

Chapters (1)

You’re a shy guy attending Crystal Prep who’s had a deep crush on Sour Sweet for years. One morning, you finally gather the courage to compliment on how pretty she is. There’s only one problem. She doesn’t agree.

Chapters (1)

After the events of the Friendship Games, things with the Shadowbolts didn't just end there... Romance has bloomed between students from Crystal Prep and Canterlot High...

The competitive and athletic Rainbow Blitz finds an unusual competitor that challenges him to a race: Indigo Zap. He takes the challenge from the athletic Shadowbolt, but there's a little more to that...

(Canterlot High students are 63'd, Crystal Prep will be still girls.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight and the gang had just defeated Sunset Shimmer and had their best Fall Formal Dance ever. A month later, stories of Rainbow Dash winning against Twilight Sparkle in a soccer match began to spread. There was one thing she didn't like about the rumor; Twilight scored once against her despite being a beginner and her being the captain of all sports team.

It was then Rainbow Dash decided to find who spread the rumor and make them clear the misunderstanding the school had. Can she find the one responsible?

Want more shorts on EQG? Check out my the other Equestria Girls one shots!

Chapters (1)

During her time-twisting battle with Starlight Glimmer, Twilight finds herself in an Equestria ruled by a tyrant alicorn that calls herself the Queen of Equestria. In this world, Twilight's friends are gone and beyond her aid, and Equestria's citizens live in fear of their ruler's wrath should they anger her.

But no one has ever seen the pony who suffers the most in this world.

Pre-read by MythrilMoth and RT Stephens. Cover art vector by kindkristy99

Chapters (1)

The most recent Friendship Games have just finished, with Crystal Prep's star academic Twilight Sparkle nearly ending the world. Abacus Cinch doesn't care about that; she merely wants Canterlot High School to forfeit the Games, claiming that the use of magic is cheating. Before anything else can be said, a new arrival appears, and Abacus Cinch gets a rude awakening.

Chapters (1)

Spike has a really big announcement to tell all of his friends, and he was proud to say that he became the mascot for a really big company. However, while half of them are happy about his new job, the other half are shocked and appalled.

Of course, that's because they knew something Spike apparently didn't.

Chapters (1)